
Vocabulary (Review)

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Fernando: “Which Job Are you Applying For?” Welcome everyone! I am Fernando and we are here with JP. JP, what’s going on now?
JP: Not much, Fernando. Another great lesson today. Fernando, you better tell us what we are going to hear in this lesson.
Fernando: I will. In this lesson, you will learn about the verb “venir.” The conversation takes place in an office lobby and the conversation is between Claudio and a stranger. The speakers will be using the familiar register.
JP: All right, let’s listen to this dialogue.
Claudio: Hola. ¿Vienes también a solicitar empleo?
Desconocido: Sí. ¿Para qué puesto solicitas?
Claudio: Busco trabajar en ventas.
Desconocido: Pues mucha suerte.
Claudio: Hi. Are you also coming to apply for a job?
Stranger: Yes. Which job are you applying for?
Claudio: I'm looking to work in sales.
Stranger: Well, good luck.
Fernando: Right.
JP: They were waiting for an appointment.
Fernando: Yeah, I think they both are applying for a job.
JP: Okay. So Claudio says “Hi, are you applying for job also?”
Fernando: “Hola. ¿Vienes también a solicitar empleo?”
JP: Okay. “¿Vienes también?”, “Are you coming also?”, “a solicitar empleo”, “to apply for work.”
Fernando: Sí. “¿Vienes también a solicitar empleo?” I think they both are in a interview.
JP: Oh okay, so it’s that nervous energy in the lobby?
Fernando: Yeah. They both are looking at each other’s applications or something.
JP: All right. So how did the stranger reply?
Fernando: Yes. “Sí. ¿Para qué puesto solicitas?”
JP: “¿Para qué puesto solicitas?” Now there is that verb “solicitar” again, “to apply.” So what post or what job are you applying for.
Fernando: Right. “¿Para qué puesto solicitas?”
JP: And then Claudio says, “I am looking to work in sales.”
Fernando: “Busco trabajar en ventas”.
JP: Okay and that’s pretty much an exact translation. “Ventas” is “sales”, “trabajar en ventas”, “to work in sales” and then “busco trabajar en ventas”, that “busco” is the verb “buscar” which means “to look for.”
Fernando: I am looking for – I am searching for a job in sales.
JP: Okay.
Fernando: And well JP, the stranger wishes him good luck.
JP: Okay, how do you say that in Spanish?
Fernando: “Mucha suerte”.
JP: “Mucha suerte”. That’s how you say “good luck” to somebody.
Fernando: In this case, the stranger says “Pues mucha suerte”.
JP: “Well, good luck.”
Fernando: Yeah.
JP: That’s nice. That’s very civilized of them. Should we take a look at the vocabulary?
Fernando: Yes. “También”.
JP: “Also”, “as well”, “too.”
Fernando: “Tam-bién”, “también”. “Solicitar”.
JP: “To request”, “to solicit”, “to apply for.”
Fernando: “So-li-ci-tar”, “solicitar”. “El puesto”.
JP: “Job”, “post.”
Fernando: “El pues-to”, “el puesto”. “La venta”.
JP: “Sale.”
Fernando: “La ven-ta”, “la venta”. “Mucha suerte”.
JP: “Good luck.”
Fernando: “Mu-cha suer-te”, “mucha suerte”.
JP: Okay. Now that we’ve heard these words in isolation and got their pronunciations, let’s take a closer look at their meaning. Now how did we start?
Fernando: Let’s start with “también”.
JP: “También”. Okay, this means “also” or “as well.” Now Claudio asks, “are you also coming to apply for a job?”
Fernando: “¿Vienes también a solicitar empleo?”
JP: Okay, “¿vienes también?”, “are you coming also?”
Fernando: Exactly. “Solicitar”, which is our next word.
JP: Okay. “Solicitar”, we said was “to request” or “to apply for.” Now it looks and sounds a lot like the English word “solicit.”
Fernando: Right.
JP: Which means “to ask for something.”
Fernando: “To ask for something”, which you see those signs in many stores. “No soliciting.”
JP: Yes. Now in Spanish, you use this verb “solicitar” to apply for a job, right?
Fernando: Exactly, yes.
JP: Now Fernando, sometimes I talk to Latinos and they do say “aplicar” for a job.
Fernando: Right. It’s standard amongst them but it’s not the proper way to…
JP: Right. It’s not terrible.
Fernando: Yeah, it’s not terrible. I mean it’s not like “oh my god, what did he say!”
JP: Right, but definitely “solicitar” is the safe way to go.
Fernando: It’s the safe way. It’s the proper way to go. “El puesto”.
JP: “El puesto”. Literally this is “the post” and in this case, it means “the job.” So the stranger asks Claudio, “what job are you applying for?”
Fernando: “¿Para qué puesto solicitas?”
JP: Okay, “¿Para qué puesto solicitas?” Okay, “puesto” is “a job.”
Fernando: Next word, “la venta”.
JP: “La venta”. Okay, “la venta” would be “the sale” and it’s sale, “s-a-l-e”.
Fernando: Yes.
JP: Not like in a boat.
Fernando: Not like in a boat.
JP: No, but “sale” referring to the act of “selling” or also an individual sales transaction. So you just made a sale, right? Now in the dialogue, we heard it in the plural, right? We had “ventas”, “en ventas”.
Fernando: “En ventas”. “Busco algo en ventas”.
JP: Okay. “I am looking for something in sales.” So just like in English, we heard “en ventas”, “in sales”, we heard in the plural.
Fernando: Exactly. Last one, “mucha suerte”.
JP: “Mucha suerte”. This is a whole sentence really, it’s a whole phrase, right?
Fernando: “Good luck.”
JP: It’s an expression, “good luck”, right? “Mucha suerte”.
Fernando: “Mucha suerte”.
JP: Okay. I have also heard “buena suerte”. Am I right?
Fernando: “Buena suerte”, “buena suerte”. Yeah, “buena suerte” is definitely used.
JP: And then “mucha suerte” is just as good. Okay, sweet. Shall we move on to the grammar section?
Fernando: Yes.

Lesson focus

JP: Okay, for the grammar today, I want to talk about the verb “venir”. Now once again, we heard Claudio ask the stranger, “are you coming to look for a job?”
Fernando: “¿Vienes también a solicitar empleo?”
JP: Now that’s the verb “venir” in the second person singular. So “you come”, “vienes”, all right? Now let’s review that whole conversation because I think when I say “vienes” you can hear that there is a diphthong, right? There is “vienes”. There is like “ie” sound in it whereas in the infinitive, the dictionary form, you heard “venir” which is a pure “E” sound, right? So in the second person singular, in the “tú” form, you hear “vienes”, right? How about “él”, “ella”?
Fernando: “Él viene”, “ella viene”.
JP: Okay, “he comes”, “she comes.”
Fernando: Right.
JP: “Viene”, right? How about “they come”?
Fernando: “Ellos vienen”.
JP: “Ellos vienen”, right? Now you heard that “ie” again. So in the two-third person forms and also in the second person singular, you are going to hear that “ie”, “vienes”, “viene”, “vienen”, right? Now in the other forms like for example in the “nosotros” form, “we come”...
Fernando: “Nosotros venimos”.
JP: “Venimos”, right? You hear the pure “E”, “venimos”, and also if you are talking to your friends in Spain, you will hear it also in the “vosotros” form.
Fernando: “Vosotros venís”.
JP: “Vosotros venís”.
Fernando: Sí.
JP: Okay, I always have to put on that extra European thing.
Fernando: Right.
JP: Just to hear that one. So in the infinitive and in “vosotros” and “nosotros” form, it’s the pure “E” sound, “venir”, “venimos”, “venís”. In the other forms, it’s that diphthong, right? “Vienes”, “viene”, “vienen”. Now the “yo” form is special, right? “I come”...
Fernando: “Yo vengo”.
JP: “Yo vengo”. Okay, it’s got the “g”, “yo vengo”.
Fernando: “Vengo”.
JP: All right. Now I skipped around. So let’s put it all in order just because I know some of you are like oh don’t skip around. So let’s put them all in order. “I come”...
Fernando: “Yo vengo”.
JP: “You come”...
Fernando: “Tú vienes”.
JP: “He/she/it comes”...
Fernando: “Él/ella viene”.
JP: Okay, how about “we come”?
Fernando: “Nosotros venimos”.
JP: “Nosotros venimos”. And “they come”...
Fernando: “Ellos vienen”.
JP: Okay. Now if you happen to have European Spanish friends, you are going to tell them, “you all come.”
Fernando: “Vosotros venís”.
JP: “Vosotros venís”. Okay. So that covers them all. Okay and also “ustedes vienen”, right?
Fernando: “Ustedes vienen.”
JP: Okay, cool, “venir”.


JP: For now, it’s time for us to go. So, ¡hasta luego!
Fernando: Adiós.


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