
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Hey everyone, I am Jessi.
Karen: And I’m Karen. “Get Yourself Some Delicious Latin American Food.” Jessi, ¿cómo te va?
Jessi: Excelente, Karen. ¿Y tú?
Karen: Muy bien, gracias.
Jessi: So Karen, this is actually the last lesson of this Beginner Season 5 series.
Karen: That’s right. How sad that it has come to an end.
Jessi: It is. All right, well let’s end this series with a bang. Please tell us, what are we going to be learning in this lesson?
Karen: In this lesson, listeners are going to learn about the verb “antojarse” and the noun “antojo.”
Jessi: Yes and the conversation takes place at home and it’s between Nick and Felipe. So now let’s listen to the dialogue.
Karen: Sí, escuchemos.
Nick: Voy a hacer de comer. ¿Qué se te antoja?
Felipe: Una sopa de verduras. Después una ensalada de mariscos, y para finalizar una milanesa acompañada de papas.
Nick: Tienes muy buen antojo. ¿Y para el postre?
Felipe: Eso te lo dejo a ti.
Nick: Menos mal. Yo me voy a hacer unas quesadillas. Suerte con tu comida.
Nick: I'm going to make something to eat. What do you feel like having?
Felipe: Vegetable soup. Then a seafood salad, and to finish, a breaded fried steak with potatoes.
Nick: You have quite an appetite! And for dessert?
Felipe: I'll leave that up to you.
Nick: Thank goodness. I'm going to eat some "quesadillas". Good luck with your meal.
Jessi: Umm okay, so I’ve got food on the brain after listening to that dialogue.
Karen: I know. It’s been a really good dinner.
Jessi: Very. They mentioned “milanesa” and “quesadillas”. Karen, can you tell us a little bit about each of those dishes?
Karen: Claro que sí. First let’s talk about “milanesa”. “Milanesa” is a dish that is very common in a lot of Latin American countries. In English, it would be “breaded meat.” That meat is usually chicken or beef.
Jessi: Got it. Do you know how to make it by the way?
Karen: Yes. Well, it might differ from country to country but basically it consists of a thin slice of meat seasoned with salt and pepper. Some people like to add garlic and cumin. After the meat is seasoned, then it’s dipped into beaten eggs and after that dipped into breadcrumbs. You then cook it in oil and that’s it.
Jessi: Wow, it doesn’t sound that hard at all. I should try and make that at home.
Karen: You should. It’s easy and delicious.
Jessi: And what about “quesadillas”? These are a bit more well known I think.
Karen: I think so too. “Quesadillas” originated in Mexico and now they are popular in many parts of the world. They consist of having a flour “tortilla” filled with cheese and other ingredients like meat and vegetables. Then it’s cooked in a pan until the cheese is melted and you are done.
Jessi: “Quesadillas” sound really good. I really like them. Now I’ve made those at home before. They are not that hard.
Karen: Yes, I really like them too and they are easy to make.
Jessi: Listeners, have you tried “milanesa” or “quesadillas” before? If so, let us know what you think of them and what varieties you’ve tried. Leave us a comment in the comments section of this lesson.
Karen: Yes, please do. It would be great to hear from you.
Jessi: All right. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is
Karen: “Antojarse”.
Jessi: “To seem appetizing to.”
Karen: “An-to-jar-se”, “antojarse”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Antojo”.
Jessi: “Craving”, “whim”, “appetite.”
Karen: “An-to-jo”, “antojo”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Finalizar”.
Jessi: “To finish.”
Karen: “Fi-na-li-zar”, “finalizar”.
Jessi: Next we have...
Karen: “Menos mal”.
Jessi: “Thankfully.”
Karen: “Me-nos mal”, “menos mal”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Suerte”.
Jessi: “Luck”, “good luck”, “sort.”
Karen: “Suer-te”, “suerte”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Ensalada”.
Jessi: “Salad.”
Karen: “En-sa-la-da”, “ensalada”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Sopa”.
Jessi: “Soup.”
Karen: “So-pa”, “sopa”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Acompañar”.
Jessi: “To accompany”, “to come, go or be with.”
Karen: “A-com-pa-ñar”, “acompañar”.
Jessi: Next we have...
Karen: “Postre”.
Jessi: “Dessert.”
Karen: “Pos-tre”, “postre”.
Jessi: And last we have...
Karen: “Comida”.
Jessi: “Lunch”, “food”, “meal.”
Karen: “Co-mi-da”, “comida”.
Jessi: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we will look at is...
Karen: “Antojo”.
Jessi: “Craving”, “whim” or “appetite.”
Karen: This word is mostly used when talking about food. For example, “tengo antojo de pizza”.
Jessi: “I have a craving for pizza” or “I am really craving pizza.”
Karen: Exacto.
Jessi: And actually we are going to go into this word and its counterpart, the verb “antojarse”, much more in the grammar section later. So for more on those two words, stay tuned.
Karen: Yes.
Jessi: Okay, let’s look at the next word.
Karen: “Finalizar”.
Jessi: “To finish” or “to end.”
Karen: This transitive verb is used a lot when talking about finishing something.
Jessi: Right. For example, in the dialogue, Felipe says...
Karen: “Después una ensalada de mariscos, y para finalizar una milanesa acompañada de papas”.
Jessi: “Then a seafood salad and to finish, a breaded fried steak with potatoes.” And the next expression...
Karen: “Menos mal”.
Jessi: “Thankfully” or “thank goodness.”
Karen: This interjection is used to express relief. A lot of times, you will see it translated as “thank God.”
Jessi: Can you give us an example?
Karen: Sure. “Menos mal que no te pasó nada”.
Jessi: “Thank God, nothing happened to you.”
Karen: So it shows that you feel relieved about something.
Jessi: All right. And the last word?
Karen: “Suerte”.
Jessi: “Luck” or “fate.”
Karen: The real meaning of “suerte” is “luck” but depending on the context, it can also be translated as “fate” as well.
Jessi: Let’s see an example.
Karen: “Hay personas que siempre tienen suerte”.
Jessi: “There are people who are always lucky.” I know. There are people like that who always seem to have the best luck.
Karen: Yeah, that’s true. Also “suerte” can be used as an exclamation.
Jessi: Just by itself? Like “¡suerte!”
Karen: Yes. If you just say “¡suerte!” it means “good luck!”
Jessi: Great. All right, let’s move on to the grammar point. In this lesson, we will look at the verb “antojarse” and its noun counterpart, “antojo”.

Lesson focus

Karen: That’s right. The verb is “antojarse” and it means “to crave”, “to feel like”, “to want.”
Jessi: Yep. I think “to crave” is probably the best translation for this word. Let’s take a look at how it works.
Karen: “Antojarse” is what’s known as a pronominal verb.
Jessi: It looks like a reflexive verb since it has “se” at the end which we learned that all reflexive verbs do but this verb is a little bit different. We have to conjugate “antojarse” with an indirect pronoun, “me”, “te”, “le”, “nos”, “os” or “les”, plus “se” before it. The verb is conjugated to agree with the object that comes after it. Let’s look at some examples. Karen, how would you say “I crave blank.” What’s the sentence structure?
Karen: You can say “se me antoja” blank.
Jessi: You have to be careful with the conjugation here. It might help to think of the translation not so much as “I crave something” but “something is giving me a craving.”
Karen: Here is an example, “se me antoja una torta de chocolate”.
Jessi: “I am craving a chocolate cake.” So we have “se” which comes from “antojarse”, an indirect object pronoun “me” to show that it’s giving me a craving, and then the verb “antoja”. Note how “antojar” conjugates to match the object after it, “una torta”. “Se me antoja una torta”.
Karen: Yes, kind of like when we use the verb “gustar”. It conjugates according to the item being talked about.
Jessi: Good comparison. Karen, you can also use “antojarse” when talking about actions, right? Like saying that you feel like doing something.
Karen: Sure. As an example of that, you could say “se me antoja ir a la playa”.
Jessi: “I feel like going to the beach.” Okay and by the way, how is this verb used in the dialogue?
Karen: Nick says that he is going to have something to eat and he asks Felipe what he feels like eating or what he is craving. “¿Qué se te antoja?”
Jessi: “What do you feel like eating?”
Karen: That’s exactly it.
Jessi: Okay. And guess what? We have another word related to “antojarse”, the noun form, which is... Karen?
Karen: “Antojo”.
Jessi: That’s right, “antojo”. This is a noun meaning “craving” or “whim.”
Karen: This is used a lot as well. As we can see, “antojo” can also mean many things, but just like “antojarse” the most common meaning is “craving.”
Jessi: So we can say “tengo antojo de una torta de chocolate”?
Karen: That’s exactly right.
Jessi: And that will mean “I have a craving for a chocolate cake.”
Karen: Exacto.


Jessi: Okay. Well, that’s going to end our lesson for today.
Karen: Before we go, I have an assignment for the listeners.
Jessi: Oh, what’s that?
Karen: We talked a lot about “antojos” in this lesson. Let’s have the listeners make sentences and tell us what they are craving.
Jessi: Umm, nice idea. So listeners, you all know how to leave a comment on this lesson, right? Practice using “antojarse” and “antojo” in the comments and we will check them for you.
Karen: Yes.
Jessi: Okay, well that’s going to conclude this lesson as well as the series. Can you believe it?
Karen: Oh, the end of Beginner Season 5.
Jessi: That’s right. Well, we all hope you learned a lot with us.
Karen: Thanks for listening everyone, muchas gracias.
Jessi: Until next time everyone!
Karen: ¡Adiós!

