
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dylan: Hola, hola a todos. Habla Dylan, ¿cómo están?
Carlos: What’s going on pod101 world? My name is Carlos, “This Meaty Spanish Lesson is Really Easier than You Think.” In this lesson, you will learn about comparisons of equality.
Dylan: This conversation takes place at the butchers.
Carlos: The conversation is between Fernanda, Sebastián and the butcher.
Dylan: The speakers are friends and are speaking informally.
Carlos: Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Fernanda: ¡Esteeee! Ehhh, bueno,mmm, señor necesitooo, molida mixta.
Carnicero: Muy bien señorita, perooo mixtas…. ¿De cuáles carnes?
Fernanda: Mmm, ¡pollo connnn res!
Carnicero: Con gusto, ya se la preparo.
Sebastián: ¡Ajajaja! No sabes cuál tipo de carne necesitas, ¿verdad?
Fernanda: Sí, lo sé, la de cerdo porque es más grasosa que la de res, y la de pollo porque es más suave que la de res. Además, la de pollo es tan buena como la de cerdo, porque las dos son carnes blancas.
Sebastián: Está bien, está bien, no necesito una explicación científica.
Fernanda: Ummmm! Umm, well, mmm, sir, I need mixed ground.
Butcher: Very well miss; but…mixed…of what meats?
Fernanda: Mmm, chicken with…beef!
Butcher: I’ll be glad to; I’ll prepare it right now.
Sebastián: Hahaha! You don’t know what kind of meat you need, right?
Fernanda: Yes, I know! The pork because it’s greasier than the beef, and the chicken because it’s softer than the beef. Also, the chicken is as good as the pork, because they’re both white meat.
Sebastián: Okay, okay, I don’t need a scientific explanation.
Dylan: Super, duper, uper quality for cheap, no. You have to go to like top of the line butcher if you want like a big, juicy piece of stake.
Carlos: That will be delicious.
Dylan: Yes, but for like the regular “bistec encebollado” you can go anywhere.
Carlos: Well, that’s great. You know, I am trying to learn about like the you know, little meats I can get for kind of cheap because I don’t have a lot of money.
Dylan: Well, get some chicken.
Carlos: So, chicken always works. Do you know my new house? They actually have a turkey running around fatting enough up for November?
Dylan: So you live next to an American family?
Carlos: No, they are Ticos but they live in New York and there is a Turkey in my front yard.
Dylan: Gobble, gobble, gobble, it’s going to disappear.
Carlos: No, I am not even joking gobble, gobble, gobble like my Thanksgiving dinner is running around my front yard.
Dylan: That is too funny.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s have a closer look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Dylan: “Con gusto”.
Carlos: “I will be glad to”, “with pleasure.”
Dylan: “Con gus-to”, “con gusto”. “Preparar”.
Carlos: “To prepare.”
Dylan: “Pre-pa-rar”, “preparar”. “Grasosa”.
Carlos: “Fatty”, “greasy.”
Dylan: “Gra-so-sa”, “grasosa”. “Además”.
Carlos: “Also”, “moreover” and “yet.”
Dylan: “A-de-más”, “además”. “Bueno, buena”.
Carlos: “Good.”
Dylan: “Bue-no, bue-na”, “bueno, buena”. “Científica”.
Carlos: “Scientific.”
Dylan: “Cien-tí-fi-ca”, “científica”.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Dylan: And the first phrase we will look at is “con gusto”.
Carlos: “I will be glad to” or “with pleasure.”
Dylan: This is very common in Costa Rica.
Carlos: Right. I hear it all the time and did I tell you about the time I had a waiter in New Jersey and he responded to my “gracias”...
Dylan: With “con mucho gusto”?
Carlos: Exactamente.
Dylan: Oh, I am sorry, “con mucho gusto”.
Carlos: Well, that is even more pleasure. You know I grew up saying “de nada”.
Dylan: Well this is the common way to say you are welcome in Costa Rica. The expression “con gusto” is being used in a completely different way here.
Carlos: Right. Fernanda talks about mixing the meat with beef and chicken and the butcher says...
Dylan: “Con gusto”, “I will be glad to” or...
Carlos: “With pleasure.”
Dylan: Next up we have a verb, “preparar”.
Carlos: “To prepare”, easy enough.
Dylan: In our conversation today, we heard “preparar” being conjugated in the first person singular.
Carlos: “Ya se lo preparo”.
Dylan: “I will prepare right now.”
Carlos: So this is a regular “ar” first conjugation verb, correct?
Dylan: Yes, no variations, this is as regular as they come.
Carlos: “Yo preparo café todas las mañanas”.
Dylan: I know you prepare coffee every morning.
Carlos: Every afternoon too.
Dylan: And how big are your cups again?
Carlos: Well, they aren’t exactly cups, more like mugs.
Dylan: So you are probably preparing 4 or 5 cups.
Carlos: I wouldn’t be surprised.
Dylan: Uh, which verb can we link with “preparar”, “to prepare”?
Carlos: “Hacer”, “to make” or “to build”?
Dylan: Correct.
Carlos: Spanish knowledge is growing daily.
Dylan: Next up is a word that just sounds greasy.
Carlos: Supplemented with fat, right?
Dylan: Exactly. “Grasosa”, an adjective which means...
Carlos: Well, literally “greasier.”
Dylan: “La de cerdo, porque es más grasosa que la de res”.
Carlos: “The pork one because it’s greasier than the beef.”
Dylan: So I guess she needs more grease.
Carlos: Come on Dylan, you can never have enough grease.
Dylan: “A mi no me gusta la comida grasosa”.
Carlos: I don’t usually like greasy food either but sometimes, well, it does the trick.
Dylan: Well, next time just think of “la grasa”.
Carlos: “The fat”, no thank you.
Dylan: “Además…”
Carlos: Okay, you convinced me, no greasy food.
Dylan: No, no, no our next word is “además”, an adverb.
Carlos: Also. Sorry, I thought you are continuing your argument.
Dylan: Nope, just moving on. “Además, la de pollo es tan buena como la de cerdo”.
Carlos: “Also the chicken is as good as the pork.” You know, I don’t know if I agree with that.
Dylan: What?
Carlos: That the chicken is as good as the pork.
Dylan: I know they are both white meat.
Carlos: True, but so what?
Dylan: Well, have you forgotten that they are making “carne molida” on ground?
Carlos: Right. I wouldn’t have thought that they could be like interchangeable like that.
Dylan: Well, maybe they are. You know more about cooking than I do.
Carlos: True, hey maybe I will try it someone.
Dylan: But we can use “además” in other examples.
Carlos: That’s right.
Dylan: “María limpió la casa y además fue al supermercado”.
Carlos: “Maria cleaned the house and also went to the supermarket.”
Dylan: Busy woman.
Carlos: Hey, I want to get started.
Dylan: How else can we express the same idea?
Carlos: “También”. Also means “also.”
Dylan: Yeah.
Carlos: “Also”, “también”, is one of my favorite words and I cannot tell you why.
Dylan: Whatever helps.
Carlos: It does.
Dylan: Well, next up an adjective, “bueno, buena”.
Carlos: I always mix that up with “bien”.
Dylan: Listen to the way it’s being used in the conversation.
Carlos: Okay. “Además la de pollo es tan buena como la de cerdo”.
Dylan: “Also the chicken one is as good as the pork.” See it’s describing the chicken as good.
Carlos: Ah, okay.
Dylan: One more listen. “Luis es un buen hombre, siempre ayuda a todos”.
Carlos: “Luis is a good man, always helps everyone.”
Dylan: Now you asked about “bien”.
Carlos: Yeah.
Dylan: “Bien” is an adverb and “bueno, buena” is...
Carlos: An adjective.
Dylan: Speaking of adjectives, last but not least we have our last word, an adjective.
Carlos: Which?
Dylan: “Científica”.
Carlos: “Scientific.”
Dylan: “No necesito una explicación científica”.
Carlos: “I don’t need a scientific explanation.” Nice, the regular adjective placement.
Dylan: One and the same. “Ayer mi hijo presentó su proyecto en la feria científica”.
Carlos: They have science fest for 4-year olds?
Dylan: These are bit advanced.
Carlos: A bit?
Dylan: Well, we can easily associate a noun with this word.
Carlos: Exactly, “la ciencia”.
Dylan: “Science” and now on the science of grammar.

Lesson focus

Carlos: What part of the system are we focusing on today?
Dylan: Comparisons of equality as interesting as...
Carlos: Right. In English, we use an adjective or an adverb and the word “as” to make such comparisons.
Dylan: For example, “this lesson is as interesting as the last one.” In Spanish, there is a simple formula that we use to construct the same kinds of comparisons of equality.
Carlos: Good. I like simple formulas.
Dylan: “Tan” plus adjective or adverb plus “como”.
Carlos: Okay, okay hold on. “Tan” plus adjective or adverb plus “como”. Sounds simple enough?
Dylan: You have no idea. Let’s listen to some examples.
Carlos: Sure.
Dylan: First understand that we are doing positive comparisons of equality.
Carlos: Positive, understood.
Dylan: “Manejas tan lento como mi abuela”.
Carlos: “You drive as slowly as my grandma does.”
Dylan: “La comida aquí es tan rica como la comida que mi madre prepara”.
Carlos: “The food here is as delicious as the food that my mother prepares.”
Dylan: “Habla tan rápido como un perico”.
Carlos: “He speaks as fast as a parrot.”
Dylan: “Su carro es tan nuevo como el carro de mi tío”.
Carlos: “His car is as new as my uncle’s car.”
Dylan: Did you know rest of formulas execution?
Carlos: “Tan” plus adjective or adverb plus “como”, yep.
Dylan: Now negative. “Esta película no es tan interesante como la que vimos anoche”.
Carlos: “This movie isn’t as interesting as the one we saw last night.”
Dylan: “La tarea de hoy no es tan difícil como la de ayer”.
Carlos: Today’s homework is not as difficult as yesterday’s.
Dylan: “Ángela no es tan alta como María”.
Carlos: Angela is not as tall as Maria.
Dylan: And what about our example from today’s conversation. Is it positive or negative?
Carlos: “La de pollo es tan buena como la de cerdo”. “The chicken one is as good as the pork.” That will be positive.
Dylan: Correct. We can make positive statements that indicate the equality between two or more things. However, we can also use the same structure while adding the word “no” to show that one thing is not equal to another.
Carlos: Does this affect construction?
Dylan: No. In either case, the construction “tan” plus adjective or adverb plus “como” remains intact.


Carlos: Okay guys, you know what, that just about does it for today.
Dylan: ¡Chao!
Carlos: ¡Nos vemos!


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