
Vocabulary (Review)

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Dylan: Hola, hola a todos, habla Dylan, ¿cómo están?
Carlos: What’s going on pod101 world? My name is Carlos, “Your Spanish Can Get You Everything You Want Right Now.”
Dylan: In this lesson, you will learn about the irregular verb “querer” in the present tense.
Carlos: This conversation takes place in a home.
Dylan: This conversation is between Fernanda and Sebastián.
Carlos: The speakers are friends, so they are speaking informally. Let’s listen to the conversation.
Fernanda: Amor, ¿vamos al supermercado?
Sebastián: ¡Si quiere!
Fernanda: Vamos a comprar todos los ingredientes para los chiles rellenos de mi abuela.
Sebastián: ¿Qué más necesita?
Fernanda: Ya tengo los chiles, la cebolla, el tomate…
Sebastián: Y yo tengo las pasas y los huevos.
Fernanda: En casa tenemos aceite. Sólo nos falta la carne.
Fernanda: Love, wanna go to the supermarket?
Sebastián: If you want!
Fernanda: We’re gonna buy all the ingredients for my Grandma’s chile rellenos.
Sebastián: What else do we need?
Fernanda: I already have the peppers, the onion, the tomato…
Sebastián: And I have the raisins and the eggs.
Fernanda: We have oil at home. All we’re missing is the meat.
Dylan: I love La Feria.
Carlos: I know, I know you do but like I really went and my pocket is full of change and I came back. When I went to New York, I bought one of those big, big bags like the canvas bags when I bought like 5 kilos of fruits back to my house. It’s like 10 pounds, for those you don’t know.
Dylan: Yeah and only with the change in your pocket.
Carlos: Only with the change in my pocket.
Dylan: Awesome.
Carlos: Seems like a waste because I don’t think I am going to eat it all, but you can start compost food waste and then we can, you know, use it.
Dylan: I already have compost. Bring it over, Carlos. We will eat it.
Carlos: I will take that in mind. I will fill up a bucket and bring it over. Okay guys, let’s take a closer look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Dylan: “Amor”.
Carlos: “Love.”
Dylan: “A-mor”, “amor”. “Comprar”.
Carlos: “To buy.”
Dylan: “Com-prar”, “comprar”. “Todo, toda”.
Carlos: “All”, “every”, “everyone”, “completely”, “whole.”
Dylan: “To-do, to-da”, “todo, toda”. “Relleno”.
Carlos: “Stuffed”, “stuffing.”
Dylan: “Re-lle-no”, “relleno”. “Sólo”.
Carlos: “Only”, “just.”
Dylan: “Só-lo”, “sólo”. “Falta”
Carlos: “Fault”, “lack”, “mistake.”
Dylan: “Fal-ta”, “falta”.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Dylan: The first word we will look at is “amor”.
Carlos: “Amor”. Let’s talk about love.
Dylan: Always an uplifting subject.
Carlos: One of the most uplifting.
Dylan: Now I know you’ve gotten used to the overwhelming use of the pet names here in Latin America.
Carlos: I have to my friend’s amusement.
Dylan: You mean your friends in the States?
Carlos: Yeah, you know when they visited, they heard me talking to my girlfriend and every sentence began with
Dylan: “Mi amor”, right?
Carlos: Yep. Just like in the conversation today when we heard Fernanda talk to Sebastian and say, “¿vamos al supermercado?”
Dylan: “Love, wan to go to the supermarket?”
Carlos: So she is finally getting the ingredients she needs to the stuffed pepper but there is something funny I think that I am forced to bring up.
Dylan: What’s that?
Carlos: I speak Spanish the most with my girlfriend.
Dylan: Considering she doesn’t speak English, yeah I assume that.
Carlos: But we use the “mi amor” blah, blah, blah, blah so much, that if I am speaking Spanish to anyone, that one like slipped out.
Dylan: Has it?
Carlos: It has and I am sorry they catch it.
Dylan: That leads to some awkward situations, doesn’t it.
Carlos: You better believe it, talking bla bla bla “mi amor”, oh wait!
Dylan: But it is a necessary risk, Carlos.
Carlos: It’s like your mental processing is going to put it altogether but no definitely, “el amor es necesario para la vida”.
Dylan: “Love is necessary for life.” You sound like a hippie.
Carlos: Man! Costa Rica is rubbing off on me.
Dylan: It only took a year-and-a-half. So let me ask you this.
Carlos: What?
Dylan: Are you versed in the other pet names?
Carlos: Shoot! “Mi amor, mi vida, mi corazón, mi alma...” although I heard this one is just for “novelas”, “cariño…” but it’s like Peru or somewhere else also but…
Dylan: “Mi amorcito”.
Carlos: “Amor…”, if you want to go diminutive of another affectionate names, we are going to go through a level of things, “chichi…”
Dylan: What!? “¡Cosita!”
Carlos: “Ay, ¡cosita!” That’s a pet name? I thought it was just like a cute thing you did. Okay this is getting a bit too mushy. Let’s move on.
Dylan: Moving. The verb “comprar”.
Carlos: “To buy.”
Dylan: “Vamos a comprar todos los ingredientes para los chiles rellenos de mi abuela”.
Carlos: “We are going to buy all the ingredients from my grandmas stuffed peppers.” Do you know they have quite the list?
Dylan: Yes, they do.
Carlos: Now where do you prefer to do your shopping, Dylan?
Dylan: La Feria, of course.
Carlos: As we’ve stated of course.
Dylan: I mean at the Farmer’s market, you literally get things for a fraction of the price than they would be in any supermarket.
Carlos: Now it’s true. I usually go to Feria like I said with my change from the week.
Dylan: And how much food do you usually come home with?
Carlos: Seriously too much produce to eat. I feel wasteful.
Dylan: But now that we have this upside down tomato thing, Carlos.
Carlos: True. I can’t wait to try those out. I really can’t…
Dylan: Let’s not get sidetrack.
Carlos: Wait! Wait! Wait! The verb “comprar”, wait, we just heard the example.
Dylan: Yes we did. “Vamos a comprar todos los ingredientes para los chiles rellenos de mi abuela”.
Carlos: “We are getting by all the ingredients from my grandmas stuffed peppers.”
Dylan: That’s a pretty basic verb.
Carlos: Yeah, you know, I can use it in a sentence “Rosa compra frutas frescas en el mercado todos los días”.
Dylan: “Rosa buys fresh food at the market every day.”
Carlos: But I must say I cannot easily compound a related word, Dylan.
Dylan: Not hard really. Have you ever heard the noun “la compra”?
Carlos: No.
Dylan: But what do you think it means?
Carlos: “The buy.”
Dylan: Actually it’s “the purchase” but that’s close enough.
Carlos: So close.
Dylan: Well, now you know.
Carlos: And so do you, audience.
Dylan: Have we gone over “todo” or “toda” before?
Carlos: The indefinite pronoun “todo” and “toda”. No, you know what, it doesn’t come to mind and I really don’t think that we’ve gone over that. It’s such a necessary word to understand. I am shocked.
Dylan: What does “todo”, “todos”, mean?
Carlos: “Everything all.”
Dylan: So when Fernanda says “vamos a comprar todos”.
Carlos: “We are going to buy all.” We know they are going to buy everything that is needed.
Dylan: Right, but let’s apply that to people.
Carlos: Claro. “Todos los invitados vinieron a la fiesta”.
Dylan: “Everybody invited came to the party.”
Carlos: Now what would be the opposite of “todo” or “toda”.
Dylan: “Nada”, “nothing”, “nadie”, “no one.”
Carlos: That would have been a boring party.
Dylan: Yeah, it would have been.
Carlos: But they are serving “chiles rellenos” and I think any party like that would be full.
Dylan: Good thing you brought that up. Our next word is “relleno” which doesn’t get a lot of attention.
Carlos: Right, you know the only time I hear it being used is when I hear it with “chile relleno”.
Dylan: Or “relleno” itself can be a noun or an adjective.
Carlos: I did not know that.
Dylan: Yep. I mean you can infer its meaning from knowing the dish.
Carlos: So I am assuming it means “stuffing.”
Dylan: As a noun, yes and as an adjective, it is used as “stuffed.”
Carlos: Hah now I see “chiles rellenos”, “stuffed peppers.”
Dylan: A pepper stuffed with stuffing. Yes, that went right over your head. Didn’t it?
Carlos: No, I am not going to lie at it.
Dylan: It’s okay. It happens for the best of us.
Carlos: So it’s not specific and I can ask you for whatever stuff I mean I like, right?
Dylan: Well, yeah I mean you could say “quiero comer chiles rellenos de queso, no de carne”.
Carlos: “I want to eat stuffed peppers with cheese and no meat.” And once again, I can’t say I agree. I would have to have meat.
Dylan: Or Carlos, we could use it for something that has nothing at all to do with chilies.
Carlos: You lie.
Dylan: No, I am serious, like if you go to a bakery, you would see that “el queque está relleno de frutas”.
Carlos: “The cake is stuffed with fruit.” Sounds delicious.
Dylan: So then let’s take the leap and think of a verb to go with this adjective.
Carlos: “Rellenar”, “to stuff”?
Dylan: Exactly.
Carlos: Perfecto.
Dylan: Next we have an adverb, “sólo”.
Carlos: “Sólo”, “alone.” You know that word has a sad feeling about it.
Dylan: Well, it’s not being used in that sense in the conversation. In the conversation, we heard Fernanda get to the bottom of her list and come to realize that “sólo nos falta la carne”.
Carlos: “All we are missing is the meat.” Yeah, you know, I wouldn’t want a stuffed pepper without the meat.
Dylan: You’ve already mentioned that, Carlos.
Carlos: But it deserves you mention it again. Audience, if we are going to try a stuffed pepper and aren’t a vegetarian, I implore you to try one with meat.
Dylan: Thank you for that public service announcement.
Carlos: Well, let’s apply “sólo”, “sóla”, to people.
Dylan: “De todos los invitados, sólo vino Marcela”.
Carlos: “Out of everyone invited, only Marcela came.”
Dylan: Ohh, ¿sólamente?
Carlos: Sí, sólamente, ¡qué pena!
Dylan: That is the perfect lead into our last word of the day.
Carlos: And what’s that?
Dylan: “Falta”.
Carlos: “Falta”, from the verb “faltar”, “to be lacking.”
Dylan: “Sólo nos falta la carne”.
Carlos: “All we are missing is the meat”, and you know what I hate?
Dylan: What do you hate?
Carlos: When I order coffee and realize that “a mi café le falta azúcar”.
Dylan: So then just push sugar in it.
Carlos: Not the point. I am using an example.
Dylan: Nitpicky. How else do we use “faltar”?
Carlos: Well, when we miss someone, we could say “me haces falta”.
Dylan: Literally translated as “you make me lack.”
Carlos: But we understand it in English as “I miss you.” You know, I never got that connection before as you are saying I miss you means I am missing or lacking you.
Dylan: Learn something new every day, Carlos.
Carlos: So then what grammar point am I learning today?

Lesson focus

Dylan: Today we are taking another look at the verb “querer” in the present tense.
Carlos: Oh, a nice irregular verb. I always had problems with those.
Dylan: I am sure you are not the only one by any means.
Carlos: I doubt that as well.
Dylan: So what does “querer” mean?
Carlos: Well, the verb “querer” means “to want.”
Dylan: And we just mentioned, it’s an irregular “ER” verb in Spanish and it is an extremely common verb. It’s often times used as an auxiliary verb placed before main verb in the infinitive.
Carlos: Right like “quiero comer”, “I want to eat.”
Dylan: Let’s have a look at the forms of “querer” in the present tense of the indicative mood.
Carlos: So then let’s conjugate that in the present tense...
Dylan: “Yo quiero”.
Carlos: “I want.”
Dylan: “Tú quieres”.
Carlos: “You want”, informal.
Dylan: “Él/ella/usted quiere”.
Carlos: “He/she/you want”, formal.
Dylan: “Nosotros queremos”.
Carlos: “We want.”
Dylan: “Vosotros queréis”.
Carlos: “You all want”, informal.
Dylan: “Ellos/ellas/ustedes quieren”.
Carlos: “They want”, masculine, “they want”, feminine, “you all want”, formal.
Dylan: Good work, Carlos. Very clear conjugations.
Carlos: Thank you, Dylan. With your help, it was easy. Even with the regular verbs, it’s all about the patterns.
Dylan: Here are some example sentences to help us along.
Carlos: Good. Let’s see them or hear them.
Dylan: “Quiero una bebida”.
Carlos: “I want a beverage.”
Dylan: “¿Quieres dar una vuelta?”
Carlos: “Do you want to go for a walk?”
Dylan: “Miguel quiere bailar esta noche”.
Carlos: “Miguel wants to dance tonight.”
Dylan: “Ella no quiere acompañarnos”.
Carlos: “She doesn’t want to come with us.”
Dylan: “Queremos cocinar algo rico este domingo”.
Carlos: “We want to cook something delicious this Sunday.”
Dylan: “¿Qué queréis beber?”
Carlos: “What do you all want to drink?”
Dylan: “Martín y Javier quieren salir”.
Carlos: “Martín and Javier want to go out.”
Dylan: “Susana y Beatriz quieren una gaseosa”.
Carlos: “Susana and Beatriz want a soda.”
Dylan: “Ustedes siempre quieren lo mismo”.
Carlos: “You all always want the same thing.”
Dylan: Or the example from our conversation, “si quieres”.
Carlos: “If you want.”
Dylan: Notice that a number of words in English share the Latin root with the Spanish word “querer”.
Carlos: I was just thinking of that but you beat me to it.
Dylan: Well, then what are the others?
Carlos: Okay, better.
Dylan: Thought so…Among them are acquire, require, query and enquire. If we remember that the Latin word means “to try”, “to obtain”, it may be easier to remember that the Spanish word “querer” means “to want.”
Carlos: Okay, but also how about some related expressions.
Dylan: The verb “querer” can also mean “to love” as in the example “te quiero”, “I love you.”
Carlos: Right and to say that is common but this must be distinguished from the deeper and more serious kind of love which is expressed by the verb “amar” as in the example “te amo”, “I love you.”
Dylan: In the course of a relationship, if you are falling for your significant other, you would tell him or her “te quiero” before you go on to say “te amo”.
Carlos: Do not confuse these levels. You might freak them out.
Dylan: One way to make the distinction is to look at the past participles of these verbs when they are used as nouns.
Carlos: What do you mean?
Dylan: For example, “querido” means “dear.” This word is often used before someone’s name in a letter “querida Ángela”, “dear Angela”, or on the other hand, “amado” and “amada” mean “beloved.”


Carlos: True. Something else to keep in mind. You know what guys, that just about does it for today. Entonces, ¡nos vemos!
Dylan: ¡Chao!


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