
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dylan: Hola, hola a todos. Es Dylan, ¿cómo están?
Carlos: What’s going on Pod101 world? My name is Carlos. Do you know what your face has gotten written all over it?
Dylan: Carlos, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Carlos: Well, in this lesson you will learn about the phenomenal of “vos”.
Dylan: Just “vos”?
Carlos: Well, specifically, irregular verbs in the present on the indicative mood with “vos”.
Dylan: Ah, ok. That does make a difference.
Carlos: The conversation is between Javier and Mateo.
Dylan: And what’s going on?
Carlos: Mateo is lost and now Javier is giving him directions.
Dylan: Man, that boy just cannot find his way.
Carlos: Let’s listen to today’s conversation.
JAVIER: ¡Oiga, muchacho! ¿Usted sabe de qué tiene cara?
MATEO: ¿De qué?
JAVIER: ¡De perdido!
MATEO: Tiene razón, tengo una hora de estar dando vueltas.
JAVIER: ¿Adónde va? lo vi cruzar unas diez veces.
MATEO: Barrio Amón, a buscar un amigo.
JAVIER: Es fácil... usted se vas por esta misma calle, dos cuadras ¡nada más!
MATEO: ¿Eso es todo? ¡gracias, amigo!
JAVIER: Hey, little man! Do you know what you're face has written all over it?
MATEO: What?
MATEO: You're right! I've been going around in circles for an hour.
JAVIER: Where are you going? I saw you cross here like ten times.
MATEO: Barrio Amon…to look for a friend.
JAVIER: It's easy...you go down this same street, just two blocks!
MATEO: That's it? Thanks buddy!
Dylan: We want to ask…
Carlos: Do you read the lesson notes while you listen?
Dylan: We received an email about the study tip.
Carlos: So we’re wondering if you’ve tried it and so…
Dylan: What do you think of it?
Carlos: You can leave feedback in the comment section of this lesson, alright? Let’s listen to today’s conversation. You know, I still don’t think he’s going to make it there Dylan.
Dylan: He will eventually. Maybe he just needs to get into a cab, even if it’s for one block.
Carlos: You know what the cabs won’t do that. If you are get lost they wouldn’t take kindness on the poor lost soul and help you there, in my experience anyway.
Dylan: You look like a gringo.
Carlos: I do not.
Dylan: Ok, come on.
Carlos: Alright, let’s take a closer look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Dylan: “Perdido, perdida”.
Carlos: “Lost.”
Dylan: “Per-di-do, per-di-da”, “perdido, perdida”. “Razón”.
Carlos: “Reason.”
Dylan: “Ra-zón”, “razón”. “Vuelta”.
Carlos: “Turn”, “return”, “walk.”
Dylan: “Vuel-ta”, “vuelta”. ”Mismo, misma”.
Carlos: “Same”, “very”, “right.”
Dylan: “Mis-mo, mis-ma”, “mismo, misma”. ”A dónde”
Carlos: “Where.”
Dylan: “A dón-de”, “a dónde”. ”Cara”
Carlos: “Face.”
Dylan: “Ca-ra”, “cara”.
Carlos: Ok. Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of words and phrases from this lesson.
Dylan: The first word we’ll look at is “perdido”.
Carlos: “Perdido”, “lost.”
Dylan: Don’t get lost with this adjective.
Carlos: I will try my best not to.
Dylan: Well, let’s find our way, let’s hear how “perdido” was used in the conversation.
Carlos: Well, when Javier says “de perdido”.
Dylan: Lost. It’s dangerous to look so lost.
Carlos: Especially if you are a tourist.
Dylan: Can you think of any other time you’ve seen or hear the adjective “perdido”?
Carlos: Actually, now that you’ve mentioned it, I did see a sign that said “mi perrito está perdido”.
Dylan: “My dog is lost.” Was there a reward?
Carlos: Yep. And it was a cute dog too from at least from where I saw the picture that is.
Dylan: “La perdida”.
Carlos: Would that be a noun that means “lost”?
Dylan: That would be correct.
Carlos: I had good reasons to guess that.
Dylan: Good, because our next word is a noun. “razón”, “reason.”
Carlos: Ah right, when Mateo says “tienes razón, tengo una hora de estar dando vueltas”.
Dylan: You’re right. “I’ve been going around in circles for an hour.”
Carlos: Wait, I thought you said “razón” means “reason”.
Dylan: Well, think about it. You have “reason”, you’re right. Remember, think about the context, not the direct translation.
Carlos: Oh, I’m getting there.
Dylan: Like… what am I saying if I say “tú quieres tener la razón siempre”?
Carlos: “You want to be right always”?
Dylan: Right. And think of the verb “razonar”.
Carlos: Ah, to “reason”. You know also, Dylan, I’ve also been called “razonable”.
Dylan: An adjective that means …
Carlos: “Reasonable.”
Dylan: I would agree with that characteristic, Carlos.
Carlos: Why thank you, Dylan.
Dylan: Ok, next stop “vuelta”.
Carlos: “Vuelta” , a feminine noun, “corner”. And I only know that because I started driving.
Dylan: And there are no shortage of corners in this country.
Carlos: That’s the truth.
Dylan: So when Mateo says “tenga una hora de estar dando vueltas”.
Carlos: “I’ve been going around in circles for an hour.”
Dylan: Or if someone tells you “da la vuelta en la esquina”.
Carlos: They are saying, “take a turn at the corner.”
Dylan: Can you think of a verb that might relate to this?
Carlos: Yeah, “volver”, “to turn” and “to return”.
Dylan: I knew you’d get on it.
Carlos: Well, you do enough of these lessons and you are bound to pick up a thing or two.
Dylan: I don’t know how I would feel if you didn’t.
Carlos: Well, Dylan, I don’t know how I would feel about myself either. So let’s move on
Dylan: An adverb “a dónde”.
Carlos: “Where?”
Dylan: Yes, “¿a dónde?”, “where”?
Carlos: Ah ok, like, “¿a dónde vas?”, “Where are you going?” Which is good, you need to know what “a dónde” means so that you can answer that question if you’re lost.
Dylan: Exactly or “¿a dónde vamos hoy?”
Carlos: “Where are we going today?”
Dylan: This is one of those basic words, an adverb that needs to be learned.
Carlos: Ok, what’s next?
Dylan: “Mismo, misma”.
Carlos: “Mismo, misma”. An adjective, “same, very”, right?
Dylan: “Vos te vas por esta misma calle”.
Carlos: “You go down the same street.” So that’s how it was used in the conversation today. So here “mismo” was being used as the same, which I think to me is the most common way that I hear it’s been used.
Dylan: Right, you can also say “siempre usa la misma excusa”.
Carlos: You know, I’ve heard that before. “You always use the same excuse.”
Dylan: Well can you think of a related word?
Carlos: Definitely, “Igual” an adjective that means…
Dylan: “Equal.”
Carlos: Dylan, can these used interchangeably?
Dylan: Yes and no, we would have to go through each sentence.
Carlos: Ok, just to be sure guys, we cannot use “igual” and “mismo, misma” interchangeably like that, they don’t just transfer.
Dylan: Alright, well, let’s go with another one. Ones you definitely heard before. “Cara”.
Carlos: A feminine noun, right? Ok, like in the conversation “vos sabés de que tenés cara”.
Dylan: Do you know what you have written all over your face?
Carlos: I know that one Spanish line did not say all that. Ok, wait, hold on… I know, context.
Dylan: Exactly. Focus on the meaning. The meaning matches but we do have to make an equivalent phrase in Spanish for “written all over your face”.
Carlos: Ok, so you don’t really have a equivalent for that in Spanish?
Dylan: Well can you think of a compliment you would give a pretty woman in Spanish using the feminine noun “cara”?
Carlos: “Tiene una cara bonita”. “You have a pretty face.” But I would never say that, it’s too simple… kind of original.
Dylan: Yeah, I’m not so sure.
Carlos: You know there is another word for “face” but I can’t seem to remember it.
Dylan: You thinking of the masculine noun “rostro”.
Carlos: “Rostro”. Is there a difference in usage?
Dylan: No, it’s about the same.
Carlos: Ok...
Dylan: You can interchange those.
Carlos: So it’s a synonym for “cara”.
Dylan: You can say instead of “tiene una cara bonita”, “tiene un rostro bonito”.
Carlos: Ah, perfect. Ok, cool.

Lesson focus

Dylan: Now there is a form in Latin America that we should touch up on again.
Carlos: And what’s that?
Dylan: The phenomenal of “vos”.
Carlos: You know, I am hearing that more and more, now that I have heard about it.
Dylan: It makes sense being that we are in Costa Rica.
Carlos: Why’s that?
Dylan: Because Costa Rica is one of the few Latin American countries where the phenomenal of “vos” is present.
Carlos: Now can you remind me of which country it’s in use again?
Dylan: Other than Costa Rica, “vos” is present in Argentina, parts of Bolivia, El Salvador Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Carlos: So if I learn “vos” and the “voseo” I could use it in any of these countries?
Dylan: Yes. It should be noted though, that when to use “vos” and when to use “tú” changes from one country to the next.
Carlos: So how can we explain “vos” exactly?
Dylan: Well, in those countries they use “vos” as the second person singular personal pronoun.
Carlos: Right so instead of “tú”.
Dylan: Exactly. They mean the same thing really. But when we use “vos” the endings of some of the verb forms change. Here, our focus is on the irregular forms for “vos” in the present tense of the indicative mood.
Carlos: I’m ready when you are, Dylan.
Dylan: Ok, for all the irregular AR verbs, the “vos” form is created by dropping the infinitive endings and adding ‘as’ to the stem.
Carlos: So, Dylan, how about a AR verb that is irregular in the use of “vos”?
Dylan: Well, how about “mostrar”?
Carlos: “Mostrar”. And how will that be used for “vos”? “Mostrar” will become…
Dylan: “Vos muestras”.
Carlos: “Vos muestras”. Ok, cause “mostrar” is an O to U stem changing verb.
Dylan: The same goes for all irregular ER verbs. The “vos” form is created by dropping the infinitive endings and adding ES, E-S, to the stem, try “volver”.
Carlos: Right from “volver” we get “tú vuelves” and “vos volvés”?
Dylan: Good work. Again, notice that the verb “volver” is a O to UE stem changing verb.
Carlos: You know, I did notice that.
Dylan: Now for all regular and irregular IR verbs, the “vos” form always follows the “vosotros” form.
Carlos: Ok, well, that is something to point out.
Dylan: So for “salir”, “tú sales”, but “vos salís”, “exigir”, “tú exiges”, “vos exigís” and so on.
Carlos: You know, Dylan, there must be exceptions.
Dylan: I was just about to bring that up. The verb “ser” and “ir” are exceptions to this list. But we’ll cover that at another time.
Carlos: Ok, let’s try some sample sentences.
Dylan: “¿Vos tenés el nuevo libro de Paulo Coelho?”
Carlos: “Do you have Paulo Coelho newest book?”
Dylan: “Amor, ¿querés comer ya o más tarde?”
Carlos: “Baby, do you want to eat now or later?”
Dylan: “Vos hablás muy rápido, no te entiendo”.
Carlos: “You speak very fast, I do not understand you.”
Dylan: Notice that for irregular verbs in the present tense of the indicative mood, we see the presence of the infinitive stems for verb whose subject is “vos”.
Carlos: Right, “contar”, “cont-”, “contás”. “Querer”, “quer-”, “querés”. “Transferir”, “transfer-”, “transferís”.
Dylan: Also it’s very important to recognize how the forms for “tú” and “vos” are related to each other
Carlos: How so?
Dylan: It’s not as if someone who tends to use “vos” and the corresponding verb form won’t understand “tú” and its corresponding forms. So if you are going to learn one you might as well learn both.


Carlos: I would rather know the not to tell you the truth. Alright, you know what, that just about does it for today.
Dylan: ¡Nos vemos!
Carlos: ¡Chao!


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