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Natalia: Buenos días, me llamo Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? My name is Carlos.
Natalia: “She likes her tamales hot!”
Carlos: What’s going on pod101 world? Welcome back to spanishpod101.com the fastest, easiest and pretty much best all-around way to learn Spanish. I’m joined in the studio today by…
Natalia: Natalia. Hi everyone.
Carlos: Naty, remember those tamales we ate the other day?
Natalia: How could I forget, Carlos? So delicious.
Carlos: Looks like Diana and Ligia have gotten a couple for breakfast.
Natalia: Lucky them!
Carlos: So we answered one question.
Natalia: Not necessarily, sisters could speak formally.
Carlos: They could but these aren’t. I don’t know how things go in your family.
Natalia: Well, we talk very, very proper, you know. I’ll ignore that and let’s just tell our audience that today we are studying indirect object pronouns.
Carlos: Let’s just listen to today’s conversation.
DIANA: Hermanita, ¡mira lo que traje!
LIGIA: ¡Tamales! A tiempo para el desayuno.
DIANA: Prepara tú el café, yo los voy sirviendo.
LIGIA: Recuerda ponerle chile al de mamá.
DIANA: Cierto, ¡que a ella le gustan los tamales picantes!
DIANA: Look at what I brought.
LIGIA: Tamales, just in time for breakfast!
DIANA: You make the coffee, I will get to serving.
LIGIA: Remember to put chili on mom's tamale.
DIANA: True, she likes her tamales hot!
Carlos: Well, let’s look at the vocabulary for this lesson. Empezamos con un sustantivo masculino.
Natalia: “Tamal”.
Carlos: “Tamal”.
Natalia: “Ta-mal”, “tamal”.
Carlos: Como por ejemplo...
Natalia: “Los tamales me gustan en el desayuno”.
Carlos: “I like tamales at breakfast.” La próxima palabra is actually an adverbial phrase.
Natalia: “A tiempo”.
Carlos: “On time.”
Natalia: “A tiem-po”, “a tiempo”.
Carlos: Y un ejemplo sería...
Natalia: “Lo que más me importa es que lleguemos a tiempo”.
Carlos: “What matters to me most is that we arrive on time.”Y ahora estudiaremos un verbo.
Natalia: “Recordar”.
Carlos: “To remember.”
Natalia: “Re-cor-dar”, “recordar”.
Carlos: A ver un ejemplo...
Natalia: “Recuerda poner un ventilador cuando salgas del baño”.
Carlos: “Remember to put on the fan when you come out of the bathroom.” La próxima palabra es un sustantivo masculino.
Natalia: “Chile”.
Carlos: “Chili.”
Natalia: “Chi-le”, “chile”.
Carlos: Como por ejemplo...
Natalia: “¿A vos te gusta el chile o no comés picante?”
Carlos: “Do you like chili or don’t you eat spicy foods?” Y la próxima palabra es un adjetivo.
Natalia: “Picante”.
Carlos: “Spicy.”
Natalia: “Pi-can-te”, “picante”.
Carlos: A ver otro ejemplillo, Naty.
Natalia: “Para mí la salsa es demasiado picante”.
Carlos: “The sauce is too spicy for me.” Y la última palabra es un adjetivo, adverbio o interjección.
Natalia: “Cierto, cierta”.
Carlos: “Certain”, “sure.”
Natalia: “Cier-to, cier-ta”, “cierto, cierta”.
Carlos: Y el ejemplo sería...
Natalia: “¿Es cierto? ¿No querés acompañarnos?”
Carlos: “Are you sure? Don’t you want to come with us?” Okay, let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Natalia: The first word we’ll look at is...
Carlos: “Tamal”.
Natalia: “Tamal”.
Carlos: “Tamal”, delicious. Do you have a Spanish definition, Naty?
Natalia: Sí. “Es una especie de empanada, de masa de harina de maíz, envuelta en hojas de plátano o de la mazorca del maíz y cocida al vapor o en el horno. Las hay de diversas clases según el manjar que se pone en su interior y los ingredientes que se les agreguen”.
Carlos: And that’s right, this masculine noun is very diverse. Diverse and scrumptious.
Natalia: Or as we see from the conversation “¡Tamales! A tiempo para el desayuno”. “It can be had for breakfast!”
Carlos: Or any time for that matter, I know we had some the other night randomly. I eat too.
Natalia: Well, try learning this in twos. Remember that the singular is “tamal” and not “tamalei” as you hear most gringos say. Not you, of course Carlitos.
Carlos: Of course. Next up.
Natalia: “A tiempo”.
Carlos: “A tiempo”, “just in time.” And we see that it’s an adverbial phrase, in today’s conversation, how did it sound?
Natalia: “¡Tamales! A tiempo para el desayuno”.
Carlos: Hmmm excited, no?
Natalia: I’m always excited when it comes to tamales, Carlos. Can you think of any related words or phrases that are related to “tiempo”?
Carlos: Well, one does come to mind.
Natalia: Which?
Carlos: “En punto”.
Natalia: Which means?
Carlos: “On the dot.”
Natalia: Let me give you an example sentence. “Hay que llegar a las cuatro en punto”. I think that our audience can figure out the next one.
Carlos: Which? Chile?
Natalia: Yes, no “chile”, “chili”. “Pimiento”.
Carlos: Ah right. That chili.
Natalia: Yes, that chili. This masculine noun provides the spice in many Latin American recipes.
Carlos: And how was it used in today’s conversation?
Natalia: “Recuerda ponerle chile al de mamá”.
Carlos: “Remember to put chili on our mum’s tamale.” Mum’s like it spicy.
Natalia: Carlos don’t be disgusting!
Carlos: How is that disgusting?
Natalia: Well if… well anyways, do you know the word “ají”?
Carlos: I’ve heard it.
Natalia: Well, “ají” and “chile” are both pre-Hispanic.
Carlos: Even indigenous people liked it spicy.
Natalia: Your innuendos, Carlos. Well, now that you mentioned spicy, perhaps that needs to be our next word.
Carlos: Well, “picante”.
Natalia: Exactly.
Carlos: Well, I know what it means in English but how would you define that in Spanish?
Natalia: “Se aplica a lo dicho con cierta acrimonia o mordacidad que por tener en el modo alguna gracia se suele escuchar con gusto”.
Carlos: So we will be describing something as spicy.
Natalia: Right so, what word class would it be?
Carlos: That would make it an adjective miss [inaudible 06:33]
Natalia: Right and in today’s conversation “Cierto, ¡que a ella le gustan los tamales picantes!”
Carlos: “True, she likes her tamales hot!” Well, do you have any other words that you think we could use with this one?
Natalia: Well, the verb “picar”, “to be spicy.”
Carlos: Sample sentence with “picante”, Naty. “Eres muy muy picante”.
Natalia: Carlos, I don’t think that’s appropriate.
Carlos: What? I am talking about your ever changing moods.
Natalia: Hmmmm bueno, “cierto, cierta”. “Certain”, “sure.” “Conocido como verdadero, seguro, indubitable”.
Carlos: Man, “cierto” has a lot of functions.
Natalia: Yes, it could be an adjective, an adverb, an interjection.
Carlos: But how was it used in today’s conversation?
Natalia: “Cierto, ¡que a ella le gustan los tamales picantes!”
Carlos: Okay so we already heard this one, true this example. “True, she likes her tamales hot!”
Natalia: There are some words to learn with this one.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: “Certeza”, “incertitud”, “incertidumbre”.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Bueno Carlos, are you ready for the grammar for today?

Lesson focus

Carlos: Most definitely, I think our audience is as well.
Natalia: Remember what we were studying today?
Carlos: From the intro? Of course. Indirect object pronouns.
Natalia: Well, let’s start with the indirect objects.
Carlos: As you wish.
Natalia: Well, then I wish for a definition and a “cajeta”.
Carlos: The definition I have, the “cajeta” not with me.
Natalia: We are done. I’ll settle, I’ll settle. Give me the definition.
Carlos: An indirect object tell to or for whom something is done.
Natalia: So to whom or for whom the action of the verb is carried out.
Carlos: Exactly, wait. Didn’t I just say that?
Natalia: Yes, but I just that we should be a little bit more specific you know. But now that this has been established how do we know when we have an indirect object pronoun?
Carlos: Well, when the noun that’s acting as an indirect object is replaced by a pronoun well then it’s called an indirect object pronoun.
Natalia: Do we know what they are in English?
Carlos: I know what they are.
Natalia: Okay then, what are they?
Carlos: “Me”, “you”, “him”, “her”, “us” and “them.” Now your turn Naty, how does this translate into Spanish?
Natalia: Okay, here we go. We can agree that an indirect object pronoun receives verbal action indirectly.
Carlos: That would make sense.
Natalia: So they don’t tell us what happened but rather for whom it happened and to what it happened.
Carlos: I’m with you.
Natalia: The thing is in Spanish this subject can be a little bit tricky.
Carlos: Why is that?
Natalia: So in Spanish, indirect object pronouns do not require a preposition.
Carlos: And that would present difficulty.
Natalia: Escucha. Depending on the placement of one of these words, this indirect object pronoun and the context in general we will understand the prepositional meaning, implicit in the pronominal phrase.
Carlos: Oh well, that clears it up.
Natalia: Carlos! After we look at the formation, it will make a lot more sense.
Carlos: So let’s see.
Natalia: Let’s start with the singular as always “me” and what does this mean?
Carlos: “To or for me.”
Natalia: Okay, so here’s a sample sentence of the preposition “me”...
Carlos: Okay, what is it?
Natalia: “Ella me dijo que vendría esta noche”. “She told me that she would come tonight.”
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Now are you getting it?
Carlos: Somewhat let’s keep going.
Natalia: Okay, so next up on our list we have “te”.
Carlos: “To, for you” informal.
Natalia: “Te daré todo lo que tengo.”
Carlos: “I will give all that I have to you.”
Natalia: And the next object pronoun we have is “le”...
Carlos: “To for him.” “To for her.” “To for you”, formal.
Natalia: “A Mariana la universidad le mandó su diploma”.
Carlos: “The University sent to Marianna her diploma.”
Natalia: But listen, the above sample sentences show the indirect object with the preposition in English but many times there is no preposition.
Carlos: What do you mean?
Natalia: For example, “me dijo que vendría esta noche”, where “me” is the indirect object even though it might look like the direct.
Carlos: I see, well how can I figure out the indirect object?
Natalia: Easy, you can figure out the indirect object by asking to, for whom, what, something is done.
Carlos: Always?
Natalia: Always.
Carlos: Alright then you know what, if it’s always, that just about does it for today. Okay.
Natalia: ¡Hasta luego!
Carlos: Adiós pod101world.


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