
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natalia: Hola, soy Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? My name is Carlos.
Natalia: “Steering your food after lunch.”
Carlos: What’s going on pod101world and welcome to beginner series season two at spanishpod101.com where we study modern Spanish in a fun, educational and just overall great format.
Natalia: So brush up on the Spanish that you started learning long ago or start learning it today.
Carlos: And I got to say, thank you for being here with us today for this lesson. Naty, what are we looking at today?
Natalia: This is going to be a super amazing incredible unbelievable stupendous lesson. We are going to study a specific type of adjective.
Carlos: What kind?
Natalia: Demonstrative adjectives.
Carlos: My favorite kind.
Natalia: I’m sure Claudia and Alejandro appreciate that.
Carlos: They should.
Natalia: How is her Spanish coming along?
Carlos: It’s coming, but it’s a relaxing dinner at his house so it’s informal.
Natalia: Good hearing people learn can be funny sometimes, you just never make fun of the person.
Carlos: Which she does all the time.
Natalia: As if I do, Carlos.
Carlos: Now, before we listen to the conversation...
Natalia: We want to ask...
Carlos: Okay, let’s get into the conversation.
ALEJANDRO: ¡Qué rico estuvo el almuerzo! Gracias, Gaby.
GABRIELA: No, no hay de qué. ¿Te sirvo una infusión de menta?
ALEJANDRO: ¿Una infusión de menta? ¿Para qué tomas eso?
GABRIELA: Es bueno para dirigir la comida después del almuerzo.
ALEJANDRO: ¿¡Dirigir, o digerir…jejeje…!?
GABRIELA: ¡Oye, cállate la boca! ¿Te das cuenta que para nosotros los extranjeros estas palabras suenan muy parecidas?
ALEJANDRO: Lunch was so delicious! Thank you, Gabriela.
GABRIELA: No, there is nothing to it. Can I serve you some mint tea?
ALEJANDRO: Mint tea? What do you drink that for?
GABRIELA: It is good to steer your meal after lunch.
ALEJANDRO: To steer! or, to digest... hehehe...!?
GABRIELA: Hey, shut your mouth! Do you realize that for us foreigners these words sound very similar?
Carlos: Naty, steering indigestion could be understood.
Natalia: Well, maybe in English but not in Spanish.
Carlos: Okay, I see your point.
Natalia: Yes, you would think like, okay you are kind of shaking it around or something weird.
Carlos: Rock back and forth, I ate too much “gallo pinto” and I need to dodge steer it in the right way.
Natalia: To the right, slow down Carlos, come on, be serious.
Carlos: Okay, with this conversation under our belt let’s turn to the vocabulary page of our pdf lesson guide. Here we are going to break these words down and give you some key points to help you remember them. We’ll start off with a feminine noun.
Natalia: “Infusión”.
Carlos: “Tea”, “infusion.”
Natalia: “In-fu-sión”, “infusión”.
Carlos: Como por ejemplo...
Natalia: “La infusión de apio promueve la digestión”.
Carlos: “Celery tea promotes digestion” Ahora tenemos el sustantivo femenino.
Natalia: “Menta”.
Carlos: “Mint”.
Natalia: “Men-ta”, “menta”.
Carlos: Which we hear in the example...
Natalia: “La menta es una hierba refrescante”.
Carlos: “Mint is a refreshing herb.” And now a verb.
Natalia: “Dirigir”.
Carlos: “To direct”, “to steer”, “to address.”
Natalia: “Di-ri-gir”, “dirigir”.
Carlos: And to put this in context we have the example...
Natalia: “El piloto dirigió el avión hacia la pista de aterrizaje”.
Carlos: “The pilot steered the plane towards the landing strip.” Prosigamos con otro verbo.
Natalia: “Digerir”.
Carlos: “To digest.”
Natalia: “Di-ge-rir”, “digerir”.
Carlos: Como por ejemplo...
Natalia: “Es difícil digerir tanta carne. Quiero comer verduras”.
Carlos: “It’s hard to digest so much meat. I want to eat vegetables.” And this time we have a verbal phrase.
Natalia: “Darse cuenta”.
Carlos: “To realize.”
Natalia: “Dar-se cuen-ta”, “darse cuenta”.
Carlos: And the sample sentence is...
Natalia: “Espero que te des cuenta de lo que hiciste”.
Carlos: “I hope that you realize what you did”, and finally we look at an adjective that’s also a masculine noun.
Natalia: “Parecido, parecida”.
Carlos: “Similar”, “likeness.”
Natalia: “Pa-re-ci-do, pa-re-ci-da”, “parecido, parecida”.
Carlos: Y el ejemplo final es...
Natalia: “Ustedes son muy parecidos, hasta parecen hermanos”.
Carlos: “You guys are really similar. You even seem like brothers.”
Natalia: Alright Carlos, let’s see if you will make the same mistake that Gabriela made in today’s conversation. Repeat after me, “dirigir”.
Carlos: “Dirigir”.
Natalia: “Digerir”.
Carlos: “Digerir”.
Natalia: “Dirigir”, “digerir”, “dirigir”, “digerir”.
Carlos: “Digerir”, “digerir”, “digerir”, “digerir”.
Natalia: You said the same thing four times!
Carlos: No, I didn’t.
Natalia: Yes, you did! “Dirigir”, “digerir”, “dirigir”, “digerir”.
Carlos: It just sounded like that.
Natalia: Carlos, “dirigir”, “digerir”, “dirigir”, “digerir”.
Carlos: “Dirigir”, “digerir”, “dirigir”, “digerir”.
Natalia: Faster. “Dirigir”, “digerir”, “dirigir”, “digerir”.
Carlos: “Dirigir”, “digerir”, “dirigir”, “digerir”. Whatever.
Natalia: “Dirigir”.
Carlos: Enough of that. Let’s take a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Natalia: The first word phrase we’ll look at is...
Carlos: The suspense is killing me, Naty. Come on!
Natalia: Carlos, Carlos. “Dirigir”, “digerir”, “dirigir”, “digerir”.
Carlos: Stop it.
Natalia: “Infusión”.
Carlos: That’s a cool one, I like it. How was it used in today’s conversation?
Natalia: En la conversación de hoy escuchamos la palabra “infusión”. Así, “¿Te sirvo una infusión de menta?”
Carlos: “Can I serve you some mint tea?”
Natalia: The word “infusión” is a feminine noun. Carlos, what word do you notice in the heart of it, similar to an English word?
Carlos: “Fusión”, “infusión”, is at the heart of it.
Natalia: We translated as “tea.”
Carlos: Isn’t that “té”?
Natalia: We don’t mean black tea to refer to this. We could say “té”.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Next up, “dirigir”.
Carlos: “Dirigir”.
Natalia: This verb means “to direct”, “to address” but also “to steer.”
Carlos: Many meanings, I like that.
Natalia: El verbo “dirigir” fue usado de la siguiente manera, cuando Gabriela dice “Es bueno para dirigir la comida después del almuerzo”.
Carlos: “It’s good to steer your meal after lunch.” Are there any related words that we can learn along with this one?
Natalia: How about “dirección”? Which means both direction and address.
Carlos: Don’t even start me on the addresses in Costa Rica.
Natalia: Don’t even. Carlos, “digerir”.
Carlos: “Digerir”.
Natalia: This one means “to digest.” You can see how “dirigir” and “digerir” can be easy to mix up since they sound so much alike.
Carlos: You know I really was about to ask you about that.
Natalia: Okay. Hoy escuchamos “digerir” cuando Alejandro le pregunta a Gabriela si es bueno para “dirigir” la comida o para “digerirla”.
Carlos: Now are there any related words that we can learn along with this one?
Natalia: Claro, “la digestión” is “digestion”, when we drink “una infusión digestiva” we are drinking “a digestive tea.”
Carlos: Sounds good.
Natalia: “Darse cuenta”. This verbal phrase means “to realize”, “to recognize” or “to become aware”.
Carlos: Okay and in the conversation...
Natalia: Ok. Así escuchamos esta frase en la conversación de hoy, ”¿Te das cuenta que para nosotros los extranjeros estas palabras suenan muy parecidas?”
Carlos: “Do you realize that for us foreigners these words sound very similar?”
Natalia: ¡Pobre gringo!, le cuesta distinguir las palabras.
Carlos: What a pity...
Natalia: Hey, let’s do it like that “digerir”, “dirigir”, “distinguir”.
Carlos: “Dirigir”, “digerir”, “dirigir”, “digerir”...
Natalia: Now do it several times.
Carlos: I can’t do it several times.
Natalia: Okay, so you know what else you like?
Carlos: What else do I like?
Natalia: Well, grammar Carlos, because it’s next.

Lesson focus

Carlos: Okay Naty, so what grammar goodness do you have for us today?
Natalia: Demonstrative adjectives.
Carlos: Cool. Demonstrate!
Natalia: Okay Carlos, don’t be dumb.
Carlos: So what is a demonstrative adjective?
Natalia: Okay, an adjective that modifies the meaning of a noun.
Carlos: Right, got that.
Natalia: For example, “the glass table”, here “glass” tells us the characteristics of the table in a descriptive way.
Carlos: Yes and notice how the demonstrative adjective demonstrates the location of this thing being referred to in relation to the speaker and the person spoken to.
Natalia: But look Carlos, let’s not forget that the verb “mostrar” which means “to show” is at the heart of the word “demostrativo”, “demonstrative.”
Carlos: I hadn’t noticed. But couldn’t we easily mistake demonstrative pronouns with demonstrative adjectives?
Natalia: Yes, a visit to the grammar bank would be a good idea to make sure both are clear. For example, “no puedo aceptar eso”, “I can’t accept that.” Here the word “eso” is actually taking the place of what I cannot accept.
Carlos: I see so if it were “un regalo”, “a gift”, “no puedo aceptar eso” would be the prenominal form of “no puedo aceptar el regalo”.
Natalia: “No puedo aceptar eso”, “no puedo aceptar el regalo”, exactly.
Carlos: Naty, what makes a demonstrative adjective different from a regular adjective?
Natalia: Isn’t it the same in English?
Carlos: So?
Natalia: You were the English teacher!
Carlos: Okay, okay. The difference is that it indicates precisely which person, place or thing is being referred to. But you give the examples.
Natalia: Okay, for example instead of describing the table’s glassiness we can refer to it with reference to the person being spoken to. We can say “this table” which is near both, “that table”, which is only near you but not me or “the table over there” which is far from both of us.
Carlos: Right, referring to something near the speaker and the person being spoken to.
Natalia: Masculine singular.
Carlos: Examples.
Natalia: “Hace dos años que vivo en este departamento”.
Carlos: “I’ve lived in this apartment for two years.”
Natalia: “En este momento no me siento bien”.
Carlos: “At this moment I don’t feel well.”
Natalia: Okay, referring to something near the person being spoken to. Masculine singular.
Carlos: Do I even need to ask?
Natalia: “¿De quién es esa mochila?”
Carlos: “Whose backpack is that?”
Natalia: And referring to something distant from the speaker and the person being spoken to a masculine singular.
Carlos: If you’d be so kind.
Natalia: “En aquella época, las cosas eran diferentes”.
Carlos: “Back then things were different.”
Natalia: “Me encontraré contigo en aquel café donde te vi la semana pasada”.
Carlos: “I’ll meet you in that café where I saw you last week.” That was a lot of information, Naty.
Natalia: The beauty of this learning format, they can play it as many times as they want. Over and over and over and over again in slow motion. Stop it and rewind it and play it.
Carlos: You have got to love technology.
Natalia: You know what else you’ve got to love?
Carlos: What?
Natalia: “Tarea”, Carlos, homework time. In today’s grammar point we studied demonstrative adjectives and learned how they refer to objects that are either: one, near the speaker, the person being spoken to, two, near the person being spoken to or three distant from both the speaker and the person being spoken to. Now we are going to give you five sentences each of which will contain the demonstrative pronoun. What you have to do is translate the sentences and figure out the location of the thing being referred to by the speaker. Ready? Número uno, “¿te acuerdas de aquella panadería que siempre queríamos visitar?”. Número dos, “alcánzame ese vaso”. Número tres, “estas llaves son tuyas, ¿pero dónde están las mías?”. Número cuatro, “esta vez te invito, pero tú me vas a invitar dos veces seguidas”. Número cinco, “en aquella época vendían leche en botellas de vidrio”.
Carlos: And remember super friends you can pick up the questions. Answers and comments on the answers for today’s assignment by downloading the premium audio track titled “tarea”, the homework.


Natalia: Okay, hasta luego.
Natalia: Hasta... what?
Carlos: Luego.
Natalia: ¡Hasta luego!
Carlos: ¡Hasta luego!


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