
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Natalia: Buenos días, soy Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? My name is Carlos.
Natalia: “You are going to get me pregnant.”
Carlos: What’s going on pod101world and welcome to beginner series two at spanishpod101.com where we study modern Spanish in a fun and educational format.
Natalia: So brush up on the Spanish that you started learning long ago or start learning it today.
Carlos: And I have got to say thank you for being here with us for this lesson.
Natalia: Entonces, Carlos. ¿Qué es lo que vamos a estudiar?”
Carlos: In this lesson we are going to learn about “perífrasis”.
Natalia: Bien, ¿pero quién habla en la conversación?
Carlos: Alejandro and Gabriela and I think Gabriela is still learning Spanish.
Natalia: ¿Y por qué?
Carlos: Well, because she makes an entertaining blunder when speaking.
Natalia: So are they speaking formally?
Carlos: Well, they start off and then things change.
Natalia: Hummm, me parece interesante. Okay.
Carlos: Ya llegó el momento super esperado.
Natalia: ¡Escuchemos la conversación!
ALEJANDRO: Buenas noches, señora.
GABRIELA: ¿¡Qué!? ¿señora? Usted me hace sentir vieja. Me va a embarazar.
ALEJANDRO: ¿Embarazar? ¡…tanto no había pensado! ¿Qué tal si primero guardo su abrigo?
GABRIELA: ¡Qué verguenza! Quise decir que usted me iba a avergonzar, no embarazar.
ALEJANDRO: No se preocupe, esto siempre sucede con los anglohablantes.
ALEJANDRO: Good evening, Madam.
GABRIELA: What!? Madam? You make me feel old. You are going to get me pregnant.
ALEJANDRO: Get you pregnant? Hehe... I had not thought of so much! How about if I first take your coat?
GABRIELA: How embarrassing! I meant to say that you were going to embarrass me, not get me pregnant.
ALEJANDRO: Don't worry, this always happens with English-speakers.
Natalia: Carlos.
Carlos: Yes?
Natalia: What kind of blunders have you made?
Carlos: Let me think. Uh, okay, I know a blunder I made one time I was at a bar and I ordered a pea shell and he was like what?
Natalia: A pea shell.
Carlos: Yes, yes that’s right.
Natalia: “Un pea shell de cerveza, por favor”.
Carlos: Then he tells me “pichel” and I was like okay “pichel” alright it’s a little harder like this, it sounds like something in English but I can’t really say it because this is kind of rated “G’ you know.
Natalia: Okay.
Carlos: But I was like can I have a “pichel” of beer, please?
Natalia: That’s funny.
Carlos: With the conversation under our belt. Let’s turn to the vocabulary page of the pdf lesson guide. Here we are going to break these words down and give some key points to help you remember them.
Natalia: We’ll start off with an adjective. “Viejo, vieja”.
Carlos: “Old.”
Natalia: “Vie-jo, vieja”, “viejo, vieja”.
Carlos: Como por ejemplo...
Natalia: “Siempre me pongo esta casaca vieja”.
Carlos: “I always wear this old jacket.” Next up we have the verb...
Natalia: “Embarazar”.
Carlos: “To impregnate.”
Natalia: “Em-ba-ra-zar”, “embarazar”.
Carlos: And this we see in the example...
Natalia: “Si quieres tener un bebé, deberías embarazarte pronto”.
Carlos: “If you want to have a baby, you should get pregnant soon.”
Natalia: A continuación estudiaremos otro verbo, “avergonzar”.
Carlos: “To embarrass.”
Natalia: “A-ver-gon-zar”, “avergonzar”.
Carlos: And this we see in the example...
Natalia: “Me avergonzé después de decir esa tontería”.
Carlos: “I got embarrassed after I said that stupid thing.” Next we have a periphrastic verb phrase.
Natalia: “Querer decir”.
Carlos: “To mean.”
Natalia: “Que-rer de-cir”, “querer decir”.
Carlos: Which we hear in the same sentence.
Natalia: “Eso quiere decir que ya podemos salir”. La penúltima palabra de hoy es el verbo “suceder”.
Carlos: “To happen”, “to occur”, “to follow.”
Natalia: “Su-ce-der”, “suceder”.
Carlos: Como por ejemplo...
Natalia: “Esperamos que estas cosas no sucedan a menudo”.
Carlos: “We hope that these things don’t happen frequently.”
Natalia: And the last word for today is a masculine and feminine noun, “anglohablante”.
Carlos: “English speaker.”
Natalia: “An-glo-ha-blan-te”, “anglohablante”.
Carlos: And the last sample sentence is...
Natalia: “Los anglohablantes suelen confundir ciertas palabras castellanas”.
Carlos: “English speakers tend to confuse certain Spanish words.” Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Natalia: The first word phrase we’ll look at is...
Carlos: “Viejo, vieja”.
Natalia: Se dice de la edad de la persona, cosa o animal. This adjective means “old.”
Carlos: And Naty, how was “viejo” used in the conversation?
Natalia: En la conversación de hoy escuchamos esta palabra en el siguiente ejemplo, ”Me haces sentir vieja”. “You make me feel old.”
Carlos: Hey Naty are the other words related to this?
Natalia: We can use “viejos” in the plural to refer to our parents, “mis viejos”, and the feminine noun “vejez” means “old age.”
Carlos: Okay, next up.
Natalia: “Embarazar”.
Carlos: “Embarazar”, dejar encinta a una mujer.
Natalia: So this “ar” verb means “to impregnate” or if it’s used with a pronoun, “to get pregnant.”
Carlos: And how was it used in today’s conversation?
Natalia: En la conversación de hoy escuchamos esta palabra en el siguiente ejemplo, “Me vas a embarazar”.
Carlos: “You are going to get me pregnant.” ¿Hay otras palabras relacionadas a esta?
Natalia: Well, there’s the adjective “embarazada” also the verb “impregnar” which means “to impregnate” in the figurative sense.
Carlos: Figurative sense? What do you mean?
Natalia: Carlos, “las ideas democráticas impregnaron su visión política”:
Carlos: I see, “democratic ideas impregnated his political vision.”
Natalia: If you want to be very proper anyways. Next up, “avergonzar”, causar vergüenza.
Carlos: What’s “vergüenza” mean?
Natalia: Turbación del ánimo que suele encender el color del rostro, ocasionado por alguna falta cometida o por alguna acción deshonrosa y humillante propia o ajena.
Carlos: And how was it used in today’s conversation?
Natalia: En la conversación de hoy escuchamos esta palabra en el siguiente ejemplo, ”Quise decir que me iba a avergonzar, no embarazar”.
Carlos: “I meant to say that you were going to embarrass me. Not get me pregnant.”
Natalia: Next we have two verbs we are using together, “querer decir”.
Carlos: And when we use two verbs together, the meaning is synonymous with “significar”.
Natalia: Which means?
Carlos: “To signify”, “to mean.”
Natalia: Right, when we use these two verbs “querer decir” we are talking about intention.
Carlos: Oh, like in a conversation?
Natalia: Exactly. En la conversación de hoy escuchamos esta palabra en el siguiente ejemplo, “Quise decir que me iba a avergonzar, no embarazar”.
Carlos: “I meant to say that you were going to embarrass me not get me pregnant.”
Natalia: We’ll look at this more closely in a second.
Carlos: Okay, so the next word is interesting.
Natalia: “Anglohablante”.
Carlos: “Anglohablante”.
Natalia: Se refiere a la persona que tiene el inglés como lengua materna o propia. En la conversación de hoy escuchamos esta palabra en el siguiente ejemplo, “No se preocupe, esto siempre sucede con los anglohablantes”.
Carlos: “Don’t worry, this always happens with English speakers and don’t I know it.” Like with this next phrase. Naty, ¿hay otras palabras relacionadas a este?
Natalia: How about the other side of the coin, “hispanohablante”, “Spanish speaker.”

Lesson focus

Carlos: Okay you know, I see the link. Stick around for today’s grammar point. Okay Naty, what gem of grammar do you have for us today?
Natalia: Today we study how to express future actions using “la perífrasis”.
Carlos: Okay so what is “perífrasis”?
Natalia: “Perífrasis”, say it.
Carlos: “Perífrasis”.
Natalia: It’s a unit made off of one verb in the personal form and another in the impersonal form.
Carlos: Ah well, thank you for making it clear.
Natalia: Do I detect sarcasm?
Carlos: Me? Never.
Natalia: Carlos, that’s the thing, man. Your sarcasms are just automatically detected. You should try harder, so it’s one verb in a personal form and another in an impersonal form.
Carlos: Got it.
Natalia: This way of speaking often takes place in the absolute future. Here we conjugate the personal verb “ir”, “to go”, and then we add the preposition “a” and the infinitive of the future action to be carried out.
Carlos: Okay, so is “perífrasis”, got it.
Natalia: “Perífrasis”.
Carlos: Is “perífrasis” used in the absolute future tense?
Natalia: No, the absolute future.
Carlos: Okay Naty, now you lost me I’m confused.
Natalia: Carlos, what does the absolute future tense express?
Carlos: Oh the future tense, that expresses a definitive statement that we will do something. Definitely.
Natalia: Right, but in the absolute future we are expressing “el futuro de intención”, “the future of intention”, which shows our intention to carry out an action with less absolute certainty. So in order to build this structure we need to know the conjugation of the verb “ir”, “to go”, in both the imperfect past tense and the present tense.
Carlos: Okay, we can do that.
Natalia: “Ir” personal verb plus “a” plus infinitive impersonal verb. So Carlos, conjugate the present tense.
Carlos: “Yo voy a…”, “tú vas a…”, “él va a…”, “ella va a…”, “usted va a…”, “nosotros vamos a…”, “vosotros vais a…”, “ellos/ellas van a…”, “ustedes van a…”.
Natalia: Good, now the imperfect past tense.
Carlos: “Yo iba a…”, “tú ibas a…”, “él iba a…”, “ella iba a…”, “usted iba a…”, “nosotros íbamos a…”, “vosotros ibais a…”, “ellos/ellas iban a…”, “ustedes iban a…”
Natalia: Perfect Carlos, perfect..
Carlos: Now, how about some example sentences since I did such a good job conjugating.
Natalia: The man’s not sleeping tonight. Anyways, "Voy a caminar en el parque".
Carlos: “I’m going to walk in the park.”
Natalia: "Vas a hacer tu tarea".
Carlos: “You are going to do your homework.” But wait, wait, wait. Those are all present tense.
Natalia: You know that but why don’t you use those same examples and put it in the absolute future.
Carlos: Okay, I’m thinking back to my conjugations.
Natalia: Take your time. Not really though we have an audience you know.
Carlos: Okay, okay. “Voy a caminar en el parque” would become "Iré a caminar en el parque", “I will go to the park.”
Natalia: Right and the next one?
Carlos: “Vas a hacer tu tarea” would become "harás tu tarea", “you will do your homework.”
Natalia: Do you see the difference?
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: I think we should give more examples comparing the present tense with the imperfect past tense with the verb “ir”.
Carlos: I agree. You give me the present and I will give you the imperfect.
Natalia: Okay.
Carlos: I will give you the imperfect perfectly.
Natalia: Okay "Yo voy a trabajar", “I’m going to work.”
Carlos: "Yo iba a trabajar", “I was going to work.”
Natalia: "Tú vas a venir", “you are going to come.”
Carlos: "Tú ibas a venir", “you were going to come.”
Natalia: "Ella va a dormir", “she’s going to sleep.”
Carlos: "Ella iba a dormir", “she was going to sleep.”
Natalia: "Nosotros vamos a jugar", “we are going to play.”
Carlos: "Nosotros íbamos a jugar", “we were going to play.”
Natalia: "Vosotros vais a comer algo", “you are all going to eat something.”
Carlos: "Vosotros ibais a comer algo", “you all were going to eat something.”
Natalia: "Ellos van a correr", “they are going to run.”
Carlos: "Ellos iban a correr", “they were going to run.”
Natalia: Carlos.
Carlos: Yes?
Natalia: Do you see what happens when you get the pattern?
Carlos: Yes and once different conjugations are done, it makes life a lot easier.
Natalia: And you didn’t believe me sometimes the first explanation sounds absolutely awful but as soon as you put the examples you see how it’s done.
Carlos: Never doubted you for a second.
Natalia: Okay, now what else do you count on me for?
Carlos: What’s that?
Natalia: Kicking your body to shape so you start speaking more Spanish. Carlos it’s time for your “tarea”. In today’s grammar point we learned how to create sentences with the periphrastic phrase “ir a” plus an infinitive verb. Now we are going to give you five sentences and what you have to do is substitute the periphrastic form of which verb appears in the sentence. So for example if the question is “llegaron ayer”, “they arrived yesterday”, the answer will be “iban a llegar ayer”, “they were going to arrive yesterday.” Are you ready? Here we go. Número uno, “mañana alquilaré un carro”. Números dos, “¿qué me decías?”. Número tres, “me llamaste a las seis”. Número cuatro, “¿cómo me dices eso?”. Número cinco, “te compro un nuevo abrigo”.


Carlos: And remember party people, you can pick up the questions answers and comments on the answers to today’s assignment by downloading the premium track titled “tarea”. The homework. Okay this about does it for today.


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