
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Lizzie: Buenos días, me llamo Lizzie.
Allan: Allan here. Beginner Series lesson number 9 - Will you play the song again? Last lesson we had our first look at the future tense.
Lizzie: Today, we’re going to pick up where we left off and look at the future in greater depth.
Allan: Looking at the future. Lizzie, I didn’t know you had that skill. Ah, but tell us, where does today’s conversation takes place?
Lizzie: Well, today’s conversation takes place in Ponce, Puerto Rico, where Carlos and Racquel enjoy some music. Allan, what kind of Latin music do you like?
Allan: Pretty eclectic Lizzie, I guess I like what I am doing.
Lizzie: Ah, like me.
Allan: Yeah, if I am going out dancing I really like salsa and merengue. If I’m working, probably put on some Latin jazz and maybe some Latin chill.
Lizzie: And reggaeton. Hey, hey…
Allan: Reggaeton too, maybe the end of the night. Sure I like it all. It’s all good, it’s all good.
Lizzie: Well, this lesson should be a good one.
Allan: No doubt. Now, remember to keep your eyes open for the regional lessons that reference this lesson. We’ve got the Iberian, the Perivian and Costa Rican series, all bringing the Spanish speaking world right to you. And don’t think that just because you are in the early stages of language learning the regional series is beyond you. Quite the contrary my friends, every form of Spanish is a regional form. So stick with us and learn how one form is distinguished from the next.
Lizzie: Alright, onto the conversation.
Allan: Here we go, let’s listen.
RAQUEL: ¡Me encanta la música!
CARLOS: Esta canción es única ¿no?
RAQUEL: ¿Tocarás la canción de nuevo?
CARLOS: ¡Claro! Me gusta la canción.
RAQUEL: ¿Quién es el compositor?
CARLOS: El compositor es Manuel Licea.
RAQUEL: I love the music!
CARLOS: This song is one of a kind, right?
RAQUEL: Will ya' play the song again?
CARLOS: Of course! I like the song.
RAQUEL: Who's the composer?
CARLOS: The composer is Manuel Licea.
Allan: So, Lizzie, this conversation is right up your alley. What’s one of your favourite songs?
Lizzie: Es una del mexicano Marco Antonio Solís que se llama Si no te hubieras ido.
Allan: “If you hadn’t gone away.” Can we get you to sing just a little bit for us? Come on.
Lizzie: Bueno a ver, a ver si me sale. A ver dice: No hay nada más difícil que vivir sin ti. Sufriendo en la espera de verte llegar. Si no te hubieras ido seria tan feliz.
Allan: Excellent. Alright, guys. Nice break, Lizzie. Ok, but ahora...
Lizzie: Vamos pues.
Allan: So let’s begin with…
Lizzie: Encantar.
Allan: To love, to enchant.
Lizzie: Encantar, encantar.
Allan: Next we’ll look at…
Lizzie: canción
Allan: Song.
Lizzie: canción, canción
Allan: Now we have…
Lizzie: único, única
Allan: Unique, one of a kind, the only one.
Lizzie: único, únicoa. único, única
Allan: And then...
Lizzie: tocar
Allan: To play.
Lizzie: tocar, tocar
Allan: Now we’ll hear…
Lizzie: de nuevo
Allan: Again, once again.
Lizzie: de nuevo, de nuevo
Allan: And finally…
Lizzie: compositor, compositora
Allan: Composer.
Lizzie: compositor, compositora
Allan: Ahora amigos, enfoquemonos en la pronunciación de una palabra.
Lizzie: ¿Cuál?
Allan: La palabra: único.
Lizzie: único
Allan: So we’re looking at this word in the masculine singular form spell U-N-I-C-O. But this letter U has an accent over it.
Lizzie: único
Allan: Right. So, we’ve got three syllables and the stress has to fall on the first único. Don’t let your English leak in and you say unico. it’s got to be único. Ok, friends, let’s see how these words were used.
Lizzie: The first word we will look at is encantar.
Allan: Right, like me encanta la musica.
Lizzie: I love the music.
Allan: I know you do Liz. How long have you been singing?
Lizzie: Desde que era chiquita. Siempre siempre me ha gustado, no. Siempre me pego a la radio y escucho todas las canciones y ahora me he vuelto una super fanatica. De todo va de todo. Siempre estoy al tanto de las nuevas canciones que salen, no me las pierdo.
Allan: Te encanta la musica, ¿no?
Lizzie: sí, claro que sí. The verb encantar means “to enchant” or “to delight”.
Allan: Didn’t we see a word similar to this before?
Lizzie: Yes, we saw another word very similar to this in beginner lesson 2. which was encantado or “delighted”.
Allan: That word is the past participle of the verb encantar, which we’re looking at that now.
Lizzie: This verb is constructed just like we saw with gustar, which means “to be pleasant to”.
Allan: Ok, so for encantar, we will think of it as “we’ll be delightful to”.
Lizzie: We often translate this as “I love” and then the noun.
Allan: And when we say “I love” in this sense, it’s like saying “I really like something or someone”.
Lizzie: Me encanta SpanishPod101.com.
Allan: I love SpanishPod101.com too.
Lizzie: The next word we’re going to look at today is canción.
Allan: Es una lindo canción.
Lizzie: It’s a beautiful song.
Allan: Hey, Lizzie, are you familiar with Mario Lisea?
Lizzie: Yes, he’s great.
Allan: I know there are so many great musicians here and so many different varieties. Juan Luis Guerra, he’s one of my favourite.
Lizzie: Ok, back to the business. The feminine noun canción means “song”. The plural is canciones.
Allan: We can also note that this verb is related to cantar, which means “to sing”.
Lizzie: Like Hector Lavoe who’s most famous song is El Cantante.
Allan: Lizzie, did you know that Ruben Blades wrote that song for him?
Lizzie: Of course.
Allan: Ok, the next vocabulary word is único.
Lizzie: La señora le preparará una comida única.
Allan: The lady will prepare a unique meal.
Lizzie: As an adjective, the word único means “unique” or” one of a kind”.
Allan: I think that Peruvian cuisine is very unique since we’re talking about food.
Lizzie: Yes, it’s a varied cuisine. What have you found are your favourite dishes, Allan?
Allan: I could go on and on Lizzie, but I really like arroz con mariscos, which is rice with seafood, or cabrito a la norteña, which is goat, but prepared in the northern style. It’s like a stew and it’s served with yucca which is a tuber vegetable. Oh boy, and the list goes on. I don’t want to take up the whole podcast talking about my favorite dishes. What about you?
Lizzie: Lomo saltado, papa ala huancaina, causa de pollo, ocopa arequipeña… Igual que tu Allan me la pasaria todo el Podcast hablando de la comida Peruana.
Allan: You know something interesting, Lizzie ,that the four dishes you mentioned they all have the potato base. That just show you how important potato is in the Peruvian cuisine. And I just want our listeners to know that the potato first originated in Peru. And we have hundreds upon hundreds of different varieties of potato here. So we can say that Peru is un país único in terms of food. But hey, getting back to this one, único is used as a noun It means the only one.
Lizzie: Good to point out. But in this lesson we’re focusing on the use of the adjective.
Allan: Notice how similar único is to” unique”.
Lizzie: That makes it really easy to remember.
Allan: Ok, the next vocabulary expression is de nuevo.
Lizzie: Hace frío de nuevo.
Allan: It’s cold out again.
Lizzie: The word nuevo literally means new. But, this idomatic phrase de nuevo means “again”.
Allan: This is a really common expression. And it’s useful in many different circumstances.
Lizzie: When was the last time you used it, Allan?
Allan: Well, for example yesterday. I had to ask someone at work to do something again he hadn’t done it properly. So I said porfavor, Antonio tienes que hacerlo de nuevo, “can you do it again”?
Lizzie: OK, this brings us to the last vocabulary word today which is compositor. Chabuca Granda es una compositora famosa.
Allan: Chabuca Granda is a famous composer.
Lizzie: The word compositora here in the feminine and compositor in the masculine means composer.
Allan: Lizzie, we know you are a singer do you compose your own music sometimes?
Lizzie: No. No no no he llegado a eso. He compuesto poemas, porque soy muy romántica como sabes pero canciones no. Aún no.
Allan: Well, if you’ve compose poems, maybe you should put some of your poems to music. We’ll love to hear that one day.
Lizzie: Voy a internarlo.
Allan: Ok, friends let’s have a more thorough look at the grammar used in this lesson.

Lesson focus

Lizzie: Remind me what we looked at last time, Allan.
Allan: With pleasure. Last lesson we had our first look at el tiempo futuro.
Lizzie: The future tense. Today we’re going to pick up where we left off and see how the future tense can be used to ask questions.
Allan: Well, what does the future tense refers to? A little review might be useful.
Lizzie: The future tense refers to an event that takes place after the moment of speech.
Allan: As a future tense, it refers to possibility.
Lizzie: The absolute future, which we’re considering here, is the most certain of all the tenses.
Allan: Lizzie, how was the future tense used to ask a question in a conversation?
Lizzie: ¿Tocarás la canción de nuevo?
Allan: Will you play the song again?
Lizzie: So we find the verb tocarás in the future. This is the second person singular of the future. Which is why we translate it as “will you”.
Allan: Right. We mentioned in beginner’s lesson 8, that all regular verbs are conjugated the same way in the future.
Lizzie: This is a very direct way to ask about the possibility of something happening in the future.
Allan: There are more indirect way to ask about this, such as the conditional tense, but we’ll look at that in another lesson.
Lizzie: How do we form the future tense?
Allan: Look, to form the future tense you simply add the future ending onto the verb in the infinitive. It’s one of the easier tenses to conjugate. Lizzie, let’s assume that, in this example here, that there are two guitar players and not just one. How would we ask the same question, but this time addressing both of them?
Lizzie: ¿Tocarán la canción de nuevo?
Allan: ¿Tocarán la canción de nuevo? “Will you all play that song again”?
Lizzie: See, we didn’t change tenses.
Allan: That’s right. We are still in the future tense but now we are using the third person plural instead of the second person singular.
Lizzie: Right, now we are asking ustedes.
Allan: You all.
Lizzie: And not tú.
Allan: You.
Lizzie: See, the entire infinitive verb tocar and then the future ending A-N, AN.
Allan: Ok, then let’s see. Now, let’s switch the verb tocar, which means “to play”, for the verb cantar, which means “to sing”, and see what happens to the ending. Lizzie, could you give us an example asking a single singer?
Lizzie: ¿Cantarás la canción de nuevo?
Allan: “Will you sing the song again?” Now I am serious Lizzie, will you?
Lizzie: ¿A de nuevo? Ahoritita no quiero.
Allan: You don’t want to. Alright.
Lizzie: You see that the ending here is the same as it was for the verb tocar. When we are talking about the second person singular, that is tú or the informal ‘you’, the verb in the infinitive is cantar and then as add the AS ending in which the A is accented or tonic.
Allan: Remember that the infinitive form is what you find in the dictionaries and what we provide on our vocabulary list.
Lizzie: This should make it easier to remember how we form the future for regular verbs.
Allan: Ok, Lizzie, we really appreciated you singing today. It certain brightens up the lesson.
Lizzie: No es nada, es un placer porque… Ya tu sabes que me encanta la música.
Allan: Alright people, this is as far as we go for the day. Now. a couple of suggestions. If it seems like we went a little fast for you, try playing this podcast form the beginning again. On the other hand, if you think you understood today’s topic, stop by the Learning Center at SpanishPod101.com, and try your hand at today’s review. Also, check out the flashcard feature with audio.
Lizzie: Y no sean tímidos, déjenos sus comentarios y sugerencias en el forum.


Allan: That’s right guys. And if you have a suggestion for the lesson, a topic you’d like us to cover, all you need to do is let us know and we’ll work it into the curriculum of upcoming lessons.
Lizzie: Y bueno ya que hablamos tanto de música en esta lección le recuerdo que pueden practicar escuchando muchísima música en español.
Allan: That’s right. Good point, to music in Spanish. That’s a great way to help you learn it. Keep the mix alive, ok? Guys, don’t give up, you can do it. Just keep working and take care. We’ve had fun. Bye.
Lizzie: Bye.

Dialogue - Bilingual

