
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizzie: Buenos días, me llamo Lizzie Stolear.
Allan: Allan La Rue here, Beginner Series Number 8 - Getting around the city.
Lizzie: Today we continue our Beginner Series with lesson number 8.
Allan: That’s right. Here we make sure you build your house of Spanish on solid ground.
Lizzie: Think of these lessons as bricks, each important in supporting the other.
Allan: Oh there you go again, waxing metaphorical. But it’s beautiful and I think you are right – these lessons are bricks and each one is important. And with the beauty of podcasts, you can take these lessons wherever you happen to be.
Lizzie: And immersing yourself in all of the Spanish that your heart desires.
Allan: So come join us once again for this lesson of SpanishPod101.com. And if you are thinking about coming to Lima, stop by El Sol Spanish Language School and we’ll help you study with our immersion method, to really get you out there speaking and interacting. Hey, Liz, can you please remind us, bring us up to speed, what did we cover last time?
Lizzie: Well, last lesson we looked at the adverb qué, which we saw means “what”.
Allan: Today we’re going to look at the adverb cómo and we’re also going to have our first look at the future tense. Now guys, this conversation takes place outside a café in Lima, Peru where Jorge and Elena talk about how they will get back to their apartments.
Lizzie: Should we move on to the conversation?
Allan: That sounds great. But before we do, I just want to remind everyone that they can always stop by SpanishPod101.com and customize the series that they are downloading with the “my feed” feature. This allows our subscribers to choose which lessons they want to download. Again guys, Spanish on demand here. We bring the Spanish speaking world to you. And that’s no joke.
Lizzie: Excelente!
Allan: Alright now, without any further ado, let’s dive into today’s conversation.
JORGE: ¿Cómo regresarás a tu casa?
ELENA: Yo tomaré el bus.
JORGE: ¿Y si no pasa el bus?
ELENA Buscaré un taxi. ¿y tú?
JORGE: Yo volveré a pie.
ELENA: ¡Ah, de verdad! Vives a la vuelta.
JORGE: How will ya' go back home?
ELENA: I'll take the bus.
JORGE: And if the bus doesn't come?
ELENA I'll look for a taxi. And you?
JORGE: I'll return on foot.
ELENA: That's right! Ya' live around the corner.
Allan: You know Lizzie, this is one thing that just amaze and impress me is the amount of public transport here in Lima, Peru. There is tens of thousands of taxis and all kind of different buses. Hey, Liz, maybe something we can talk about a little bit is when foreigners come here, sometimes there’re a little unsure of taking taxis. They think that maybe they’re going to be dangerous. Well, I can tell you that I’ve taken literally thousands of taxis since I’ve been in Peru. And I’ve really never had a problem. What about you?
Lizzie: Gracias a Dios yo tampoco he tenido problema pero, Allan, es importante reconocer a un porque tienen las calcamonias de la municipalidad.
Allan: That’s right. So we have some informal taxis and formal taxis. It is always a good idea to take a formal taxi. At least you know they have insurance. It’s just a little bit higher level of safety. And let’s mention too, that sometimes at the airport, there seems to be...ah I hope they’ve cleared it up, there was a bit of mafia operating there. And, you know, at the airport you get people coming in with lots of money, with their documents. So there were a few problems there. People would go outside and they’d take taxis just from the streets,, they wouldn’t take the official taxis. So that was an issue. So in summary, taxis here in general terms are pretty safe. But you’ve got to always be on the look-out and try to take the official taxis.
Lizzie: Yeah, that’s right.
Allan: Ok, well, now that we’ve gone through the conversation, what do you say we run through some of the vocabulary?
Lizzie: Sounds like a good idea.
Allan: So let’s being with…
Lizzie: Cómo.
Allan: How.
Lizzie: Cómo, cómo.
Allan: Now we have…
Lizzie: Pasar.
Allan: To pass, to go by, to come by, to come.
Lizzie: Pasar, pasar.
Allan: And then…
Lizzie: Volver.
Allan: To return, to come back.
Lizzie: Volver, volver.
Allan: Next we’ll listen to…
Lizzie: Pie.
Allan: Foot.
Lizzie: Pie, pie.
Allan: Now we have…
Lizzie: Vivir.
Allan: To live.
Lizzie: Vivir, vivir.
Allan: And finally...
Lizzie: A la vuelta.
Allan: Around the corner.
Lizzie: A la vuelta, a la vuelta.
Allan: Nice. Now let’s focus quickly on the pronunciation of this last phrase a la vuelta.
Lizzie: A la vuelta.
Allan: Three words, a la vuelta. Now, listen to the way that these words lead into each other.
Lizzie: A la vuelta.
Allan: Blending the first two together, we get something like “ala”, then with the third vuelta we get a la vuelta..
Lizzie: A la vuelta.
Allan: That’s right it almost sounds like one word, a la vuelta.. Well, let’s have a look at the usage for some of these words.
Lizzie: The first word we will look at is cómo.
Allan: Lizzie, can you give us an example sentence, please?
Lizzie: ¿Cómo quieres regresarte?
Allan: How do you want to get back?
Lizzie: So the word cómo means “how”. We saw this back in Newbie lesson 1 in the question ¿Cómo estas?.
Allan: Which means “How are you?”
Lizzie: Today we see that the word cómo is used to ask about the manner in which an action takes place.
Allan: In this example we’re talking about getting back.
Lizzie: So by asking ¿cómo quieres regresarte?, we are really asking about the way or manner in which you want to get back. Let’s pass onto the next word for today: pasar.
Allan: Lizzie, how about an example with pasar?
Lizzie: El bus pasa todo el día.
Allan: “The bus runs all day long.” And, you know, it’s true, buses are always running here Lizzie.
Lizzie: Mhmm sí. Hay una enorme flota de combis, buses… Hay bastante movilidad aquí.
Allan: That’s right. And Lizzie just made an interesting point. She mentioned combis.
Lizzie: Combis, custers, buses.
Allan: That’s right. There are really three kinds of buses here in Lima. The combi, which is like a minivan, these are the most common – very fast.
Lizzie: Yes .
Allan: Sometimes dangerous. And in the custers which seat about twenty-five people, they are somewhat larger and then the buses, and these are kind of traditional buses that most north Americans and Europeans would think of. But three kinds of buses, they do three kinds of routes, they are very different experience one from the other.
Lizzie: Así es. Back to word pasar can be translated into English as “to pass”.
Allan: But if we do this we have to take it in the sense of “to pass by” or “to stop by” and
“to go by”.
Lizzie: Well learning this verb for the first time we can also note the variant of it pasear.
Allan: Which means basically “to stroll”.
Lizzie: This verb pasar is a first conjugation verb with its infinitive ending in AR.
Allan: And it’s a good one to practice the regular conjugations with.
Lizzie: Ok, the next word we have is pie.
Allan: Liz, would you give us an example please?
Lizzie: Tienes un pie grande.
Allan: Thanks a lot. I have a big foot.
Lizzie: The word pie means “foot”. Allan how about the plural version?
Allan: The plural is simply pies, with an S on the end.
Lizzie: The next vocabulary word is volver.
Allan: Ok, Lizzie, would you give us an example with volver please?
Lizzie: Vuelven el sábado.
Allan: They come back Saturday. Lizzie, did you see that movie, Volver, with Penelope Cruz?
Lizzie: No no. Realmente otras con Penélope Cruz pero no esa.
Allan: I’m surprised. I thought you’d seen every movie that ever made.
Lizzie: Y se me paso. Well, the verb volver means “to come back”, “to go back”, “to return” and “to turn back”.
Allan: And in the presence tense, we notice that the V-O-L-V, stem at the infinitive, changes to V-U-E-L-V in the present indicative.
Lizzie: We can classify this as an O to UE stem changing verb in the same category as the verb moler in the infinitive.
Allan: To grind.
Lizzie: And muelo in the present indicative.
Allan: I grind.
Lizzie: Ok, this brings us to the last vocabulary expression today, which is a la vuelta.
Allan: Ok, Lizzie, how about one more example please?
Lizzie: La oficina está a la vuelta.
Allan: The office is around the corner.
Lizzie: The phrase a la vuelta is idiomatic.
Allan: That’s right, it means “around the corner” or “just around the bend”. And it can be used figuratively, just like the English phrase can.
Lizzie: The word la vuelta means the turn or the way back. And the phrase a la vuelta de la esquina means “just around the corner”. So the phrase a la vuelta is an abbreviation of this.
Allan: So Lizzie, in today’s lesson we’re talking about directions in the city – how to get from, you know, one place to the next. How do you get around the city and can you tell us what kind of phrases you use to get where you need to go?
Lizzie: A ver… Disculpe ¿cómo llego a la Avenida Benavides?
Allan: How do I get to Benavides Avenue?
Lizzie: ¿Dónde me bajo?
Allan: Where do I get off?
Lizzie: ¿Me puede decir dónde queda la calle General Franco?
Allan: Can you tell me how to get to the street General Franco?
Allan: Alright, guys, let’s have a more thorough look at the grammar used in this lesson.

Lesson focus

Lizzie: Today we’re going to look at cómo and also at the absolute future conjugation of regular verbs in the first, second and third conjugations.
Allan: Let’s start out with the adverb cómo.
Lizzie: In lesson 1 and 2 of the UB series we had our first look at cómo with the questions “how are you?” and “how are you all?”. It is helpful to think about the word cómo as “how” but also as in that way and in what manner.
Allan: Lizzie, could you please take us back to where we saw this question in the conversation?
Lizzie: ¿Cómo regresará a su casa?
Allan: How will you go back home? Notice that cómo here refers to the manner in which you are going to go home.
Lizzie: Also the word order for this adverb when it is an interrogative adverb is the same as qué, dónde and quién.
Allan: And that is the interrogative adverb first, then the verb, and finally the noun.
Lizzie: Now, let’s talk about the tense in which we find the verb regresaras.
Allan: You will go back.
Lizzie: Tomaré.
Allan: I will take.
Lizzie: Buscaré.
Allan: I will look for.
Lizzie: And volveré..
Allan: “I will return.” Lizzie, how about you show us the context of this last one?
Lizzie: Yo volveré a pie.
Allan: Good one. “I’ll return on foot.”
Lizzie: The verb volveré is in the future tense of the indicative mood. Here we are looking at the first person in the singular.
Allan: The future tense is one of the easiest tenses to learn. For one main reason, all of the future tense endings are the same for all regular verbs of the first, second and third conjugations. Guys, this makes it a lot easier to remember the conjugations, because they are only six instead of the typical eighteen.
Lizzie: Ok, let’s run through these future endings with the verb volver quickly, in our usual way of learning conjugations in the first, second and third person of the singular, and then in the first, second and third of the plural.
Allan: Lizzie, would you start us off with the singular please?
Lizzie: Yo volveré.
Allan: I will return.
Lizzie: Tu volverás.
Allan: You will return.
Lizzie: El volverá.
Allan: “He will return.” Ok and now, let’s go through the plural.
Lizzie: Nosotros volveremos.
Allan: We will return.
Lizzie: Vosotros volveréis.
Allan: You all will return.
Lizzie: Ellos volverán.
Allan: “They will return.” Great now, first and foremost, we need to recognize that the ending comes after the verb in its infinitive form. This means that we don’t need to drop the infinitive ending before adding the future ending.
Lizzie: So with the verb amar which means to love, the future conjugation is amaré, amarás, amará in the singular and amaremos, amaréis, amarán in the plural.
Allan: So volver a second conjugation verb and amar is the first conjugation verb – the future endings are the same. This goes for all regular endings AR, ER and IR verbs.
Lizzie: Right and that is just another way of saying that verbs of the first, second and third conjugations use the same endings in the future indicative.


Allan: SpanishPod101.com’s Verb Conjugation Series really goes into this in depth.
Lizzie: Bueno, Allan ya se acabó la fiesta.
Allan: Pero siempre habrá otra. It’s been a great lesson once again, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Gracias a ti, Allan.
Allan: No, thanks to you, Lizzie. And thanks to our audience. Now guys, speaking of you, our audience, this is what we are doing it all for check out the learning center at SpanishPod101.com and pick up the PDF. And if you are looking for a greater challenge, check out Kathy and Anna in the lower intermediate series.
Lizzie: Bueno eso fue todo por hoy. Cuidense, practiquen, chao.
Allan: Take care, study hard. Bye.


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