
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizzie: Buenos días, me llamo Lizzie.
Allan: Allan La Rue here. I enjoy your company and I enjoy yours as well. Now to recap a bit. In the Beginner lesson 23 and 24, we looked at possessive adjective and possessive pronouns and saw how both of these are used.
Lizzie: Claro.
Allan: Today, we’re going to compare these two forms to see how they are similar and different from each other.
Lizzie: In today's lesson, conversation we pick up with Louis and Gisela once more, this time as they talk about spending time together.
Allan: And for those of you who are new to us, we are about to hear a short conversation in Spanish. After the Spanish version, you’ll hear it pronounced slower and then at a normal speed again, and with English translations.
Lizzie: Right. As you listen to the conversation, try not to get stuck on one particular word.
Allan: That’s right. The goal here is to try to follow the overall idea of the situation. As beginners, we need to get use to the feeling of not knowing every word that’s spoken. We need to learn to say, “Hey, I don’t understand everything you just said, but I’m pretty sure I get the gist of it, so I’ll gamble a response.”
Lizzie: Muy bien damas y caballeros escuchemos la siguiente conversación.
GISELA: ¿Sabes qué? Disfruto de tu compañía, Luis.
LUIS: Gracias Gisela. Yo disfruto de la tuya también.
GISELA: Es un placer estar contigo.
LUIS: El placer es mío.
GISELA: ¿Cómo es tu horario esta semana?
LUIS: No sé. ¿Cómo es el tuyo?
GISELA: Ya' know what? I enjoy your company, Luis.
LUIS: Thanks Gisela. I enjoy yours too.
GISELA: It's a pleasure to be with ya'.
LUIS: The pleasure is mine.
GISELA: What's your schedule like this week?
LUIS: I don't know. What's yours like?
Allan: You know, Lizzie, I just realized it.
Lizzie: What?
Allan: What is it about these conversations that I like so much.
Lizzie: What is it?
Allan: Well, it’s that they are not really monumental, or at least of all them aren’t. If there is situation instead, I find it really easy to imagine myself in. Like this one ,for example. I mean how many times you have tried to schedule something with someone.
Lizzie: No te podria decir.
Allan: A eso voy. Es una conversación completamente común y corriente. Now that we have gone through the conversation, what do you say we run through some of the vocabulary?
Lizzie: Sounds like a good idea.
Allan: So let’s begin with…
Lizzie: disfrutar
Allan: To enjoy, to make the most of.
Lizzie: disfrutar, disfrutar
Allan: Next we have…
Lizzie: compañía
Allan: Company.
Lizzie: compañía, compañía
Allan: Now we hear…
Lizzie: contigo
Allan: With you.
Lizzie: contigo, contigo
Allan: Now let’s listen to…
Lizzie: placer
Allan: Pleasure.
Lizzie: placer, placer
Allan: Next.
Lizzie: horario
Allan: Schedule.
Lizzie: horario
Allan: And finally…
Lizzie: semana
Allan: Week.
Lizzie: semana, semana
Allan: Hey, Lizzie, we’ve have seen this word, semana, before.
Lizzie: Right, it means week
Allan: That’s siete días, “seven days”. And how do we say “last week”?
Lizzie: la semana pasada As in Hablé con él la semana pasada.
Allan: Así es y eso significa “I spoke with him last week”. And what about the phrase “next week”?
Lizzie: We can say la próxima semana or la semana que viene.
Allan: Exactly. And here we have “next week” and “the week that comes” or “this coming week”.
Lizzie: Muy bien señoras, señores.
Allan: Let’s have a look at the usage for some of the words.
Lizzie: Where would you like to begin? ¿Por dónde empezamos?
Allan: The first we look at is disfrutar. Lizzie, how about an example?
Lizzie: Disfrutan de su viaje a España.
Allan: That’s a good one. They’ll enjoy their trip to Spain. Hey, they are definitely will. What a great place. I love Spain.
Lizzie: Me too, but it’s hard to get there now with the euro.
Allan: It’s so expensive isn’t that the truth? Disfrute España cuando todavía usaban las pesetas. I enjoy Spain when they used pesetas.
Lizzie: So the verb disfrutar means “to enjoy” or” to get the most out of something”.
Allan: Right, and here we see it in the third person plural of the absolute future. disfrutarán “they will enjoy”. Lizzie, qué ti disfrutas, what do you enjoy?
Lizzie: Uu muchas cosas pero especialmente disfruto caminar y ver el mar. I enjoy the walk and look at the sea. What about you Allan, I mean, other than hosting for SpanishPod101. com? ¿Qué disfrutas tú?
Allan: Many things. Pero yo disfruto de aprender, disfruto de viajar. So I like to learn and I like to travel.
Lizzie: Sounds like fun, but notice how we follow the verb disfrutar with the proposition de. I really enjoy explaining vocabulary usage, let’s keep the good times rolling. Allan, what’s next word for the lesson?
Allan: compañía
Lizzie: compañía
Allan: That’s right. compañía, Let’s hear example with compañía.
Lizzie: Disfruto de tu compañía.
Allan: I enjoy your company. Thanks, that’s always nice to hear.
Lizzie: Well, this example provided the perfect opportunity for me to say it.
Allan: Hey, can you see my smile through the mic audience?
Lizzie: Hasta las orejas.
Allan: So the noun compañía with the ñ and an accent over the I means “company”, in both this sense of being together with someone or in the business sense of enterprise. For example, Es una compañía interesante., it’s an interesting company.
Lizzie: Let’s not forget to remind our audience that often times when we’re talking about businesses we use the word empresa.
Allan: Hey, excellent point, Lizzie. Es un placer trabajar contigo. It’s a pleasure to work with you.
Lizzie: Well, thank you, Allan. Are you just saying that?
Allan: Hey, Lizzie, why would i just say that and not mean it?
Lizzie: Well, what’s our next vocabulary word?
Allan: Placer. Ok, I know what it looks like, but I was being sincere.
Lizzie: Really, Allan?
Allan: Yes, Lizzie, really. Now, Lizzie, would you give us an example with placer, please.
Lizzie: El placer es mio.
Allan: “The pleasure is mine.” I’m not so sure about your tone there, Lizzie. It doesn’t sound like you really mean it.
Lizzie: You know, I’m just joking, Allan.
Allan: So back to the lesson. The word placer can be used as either a masculine noun, as it is here, el placer, or as a verb. As a noun it means “pleasure”. As a verb that means “to be pleasing” or “to please”.
Lizzie: Yeah, we use this word a lot when we are meeting up with someone or saying good bye to them.
Allan: This brings us to last vocabulary word today, which is horario, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Si?
Allan: An example, please?
Lizzie: Claro. Esta semana mi horario está bien lleno.
Allan: My schedule is quite full this week. In Newbie lesson 22 we saw the word ahora, which means “now”, and in Beginner lesson 17 we saw the question Qué hora es, which means “what time is it”. Today, we see the word horario which means “schedule” or “timetable”. Lizzie, do you see a pattern here?
Lizzie: Definitely.
Allan: What do you notice?
Lizzie: Well, if you look closely at each of these words, we see the word hora, which means “hour” or “time”.
Allan: Right. We can often guess the meaning of a word by focusing in on the root. It’s a good way to figure out what’s being said.
Lizzie: Ahora enfoquemonos en la gramática.
Allan: Time to focus on the grammar. la gramática

Lesson focus

Lizzie: So in Beginner lessons 23 and 24, we looked at possessive adjectives and then possessive pronouns.
Allan: Right. And today we want to compare these two forms to see how they are similar and how they differ. So let me ask you this… If I say this, no puedo encontrar mi celular, which will be showing possession here?
Lizzie: It would be mi.
Allan: Right, and does this word modify noun or does it replace it?
Lizzie: Well, you said mi celular so it’s just modifying the noun celular.
Allan: Ok, so that means it an adjective, right?
Lizzie: Right.
Allan: And now if I say, ese celular es mío. Now which word show us possession?
Lizzie: Ahora es la palabra mío.
Allan: Right, now it’s mío. And does this word modify or replace its noun?
Lizzie: Now it replaces it. It’s like saying ese celular es mi celular.
Allan: Right. And instead we are saying, ese celular mío,that cell phone is mine.
Lizzie: Ok, now let’s get a better idea of what we are talking about by going back to the conversation.
Allan: I think that is a good idea. Sometimes an example shows more than the definition. Hey, Lizzie, where did we hear an example of this in the conversation?
Lizzie: ¿Sabe qué? Disfruto de tu compañía, Luis.
Allan: “You know what? I enjoy your company, Louis.” In this example we see that possessive adjective tu, which does not have the accent over the u. This adjective is modified feminine singular noun, compañía which means “company”, as we just found out.
Lizzie: Claro! And the possessive adjective tu has this singular form and then a plural form tus, with an S on the end, but it doesn’t show any gender. The same is true for the possessive pronouns mi and mis, as well as su and sus.
Allan: So again, in this example, we see that the possessive adjective modifies the noun and agrees with it in number. Now, let’s compare this to the possessive pronoun. Lizzie, would you please take us back to where this appeared in the conversation, so that we can have some context?
Lizzie: Gracias Gisela. Yo disfruto de la tuya también.
Allan: “Thanks, Gisela, I enjoyed yours too”. So here we find that possessive pronoun tuya which means “yours”. The word tuya, being a pronoun, has replaced the noun compañía which we just saw in the last example.
Lizzie: Notice that the pronoun tuya is singular and feminine, just like the noun compañía is, which it has replaced.
Allan: Exactly, possessive pronouns always agree with the nouns being replaced in number and gender. Now, possessive adjectives agree with the nouns they modify in number, and they only agree in gender in the first and second person plural. That’s the biggest difference between the two.
Lizzie: Another difference is that possessive pronouns all have masculine and feminine forms. They all end in either O or A in the singular, and in either OS or AS in the plural.
Allan: Lizzie, would you give us one more example of how we can compare possessive adjectives to possessive pronouns?
Lizzie: Con gusto!Mi auto es verde como el tuyo.
Allan: “My car is green like yours.” So this time we find that possessive adjective mi modifying the masculine singular noun, auto which means “car”. Remember that mio would be the possessive pronoun, but mi is the adjective. Then we see tuyo which has replaced the noun auto . We notice that tuyo is in the masculine singular form, just like the noun it has replaced. Auto.
Lizzie: Muy bien dicho Allan!
Allan: Now, Lizzie, this been a pretty in-depth look at the grammar of possession, and I imagine that for some of our listeners this is exactly what they want to hear, but for others the may want to pick up more set phrases.
Lizzie: Yeah, I can see that. Which do you think is more useful?
Allan: Well, Lizzie, to be frank, you know that I run a Spanish language school in Lima called El Sol and I have seen it all. I see a lot of students who come in who’ve learned Spanish, just on their own, picking it up in their travels, and they often have a lot of fluidity, but they don’t have the grammar down, and it really holds them back. Now there’s nothing to replace just some good studies with the grammar, I mean the fundamentals, you have to get it down. And it takes work, simple as that.
Lizzie: If you haven’t been lucky enough to learn the language as a young child, you have to study it. It’s as simple as that.


Allan: Well, that’s just about all the time we have for today.
Lizzie: Ahora al foro.
Allan: That’s right. So we see you soon, ha sido un gusto.
Lizzie: ¡Un gustazo, Allan! Saludos a todos.
Allan: Ya nos vemos.
Lizzie: ¡Chao!
Allan: ¡Chao!


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