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Lesson Transcript

Lizzie: Buenos días, me llamo Lizzie.
Allan: Allan Le Rue here. Beginner Series, Lesson number 22. “Rise and Shine - 6”. Bienvenidos a todos!
Lizzie: Hi, everyone. Lizzie here, and I’m joined by Senior Allan Le Rue, the founder of the Spanish Language School El Sol here, in Lima.
Allan: Lizzie, it’s great to be here again. ¿Cómo has estado? How have you been?
Lizzie: Muy bien felizmente, Allan.
Allan: Now, for all you beginners out there, this lesson is going to be key.
Lizzie: Why is that?
Allan: Well, here we’re going to show you what it’s really like to speak Spanish. I mean, sure, we’re going to go over some vocabulary and some grammar, but I guarantee by the end of this lesson, you’ll have a greater ability to speak Spanish.
Lizzie: That’s just the kind of attitude that we need.
Allan: Well, it’s the interesting thing about podcasting. I mean it’s pretty similar to immersion.
Lizzie: Claro, la inmersión. And Allan, in your school, your guys focus on immersion, right?
Allan: That we do.
Lizzie: Now, what’s the idea behind immersion in El Sol?
Allan: Well, principally it’s to have fun learning but to make it real. We take people out of their context in other countries and land them in the middle of Lima, Peru, where they really have to survive and have fun in Spanish. A lot of people take classes with us before going to do tourism in Peru to Machu Picchu, to Arequipa, places like that.
Lizzie: It so nice when foreigners make an effort to speak our language, isn’t it, Allan?
Allan: You’re right. And so what I see with this podcast medium is we are bringing the Spanish speaking world directly to the student.
Lizzie: I see. The two really seem to go hand in hand, don’t they?
Allan: That’s right. This is like language immersion on demand.
Lizzie: Hey, I like the sound of that.
Allan: Alright. What do you say we get into today’s lesson?
Lizzie: Muy bien.
Allan: So today we have the last of these “Rise and Shine” lessons, where we’ll be listening to a phone conversation between Felix, in Madrid, Spain, and Ximena, in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Lizzie: Así es.
Allan: Today we’re going to be looking at the difference between what we will do and what we will be doing.
Lizzie: This should be interesting.
Allan: Lizzie, have you checked up the Verb Conjugations Series yet?
Lizzie: Yeah. Personally I think the Premium Audio for those lessons system is most useful.
Allan: Why is that?
Lizzie: Because you can practice the paradigms for the verbs, take a quiz and reinforce your vocabulary with a review track.
Allan: I see what you’re saying. Bueno tenemos muchísimo que hacer. We’ve got a lot to do today.
Lizzie: So, let’s jump into today’s lesson conversation.
FÉLIX: Puedo llamar mañana en la mañana.
JIMENA: Estaré durmiendo. Los sábados duermo hasta tarde.
FÉLIX: Creo que ya entiendo.
JIMENA: ¿Qué entiendes?
FÉLIX: Entiendo que no quieres hablar.
JIMENA: No es verdad. Quiero, pero en otro momento.
FÉLIX: I can call tomorrow morning.
JIMENA: I'll be sleeping. I sleep late on Saturday.
FÉLIX: I think that I understand now.
JIMENA: What do ya' understand?
FÉLIX: I understand that ya' don't want to talk.
JIMENA: It's not true. I want to, but at another time.
Allan: Very interesting conversation.
Lizzie: de acuerdo. I agree.
Allan: Pero una pregunta Just one question.
Lizzie: Adelante. Go ahead.
Allan: Do you think that Ximena really wants to talk with Felix at another time or do you think she’s just trying to get off the phone with him?
Lizzie: Creo que ella es muy sincera, Allan.
Allan: You think she’s being sincere. Well, I think he’s being a little desconfiado, “He is not very trusting”. Alright, so now that we’ve heard today’s conversation, what do you say we break down some of the vocabulary and phrases?
Lizzie: Me parece muy bien.
Allan: Ok, so first we have…
Lizzie: mañana
Allan: Tomorrow, morning.
Lizzie: mañana, mañana
Allan: Next we have…
Lizzie: durmiendo
Allan: Sleeping.
Lizzie: durmiendo, durmiendo
Allan: And then…
Lizzie: dormir
Allan: To sleep.
Lizzie: dormir, dormir
Allan: Next?
Lizzie: tarde
Allan: Late, afternoon, evening.
Lizzie: tarde, tarde
Allan: After that?
Lizzie: llamar
Allan: To call on the phone.
Lizzie: llamar, llamar
Allan: And finally…
Lizzie: ya
Allan: Now, already.
Lizzie: ya, ya
Allan: Lizzie, before we move on I just want to point out something about the pronunciation of a couple of these words.
Lizzie: Ok, which ones?
Allan: I’m talking about llamar and ya
Lizzie: llamar and ya. Ok.
Allan: Well, in my experience, I’ve heard people pronounce the word llamar in basically two different ways.
Lizzie: And what are these?
Allan: Well, sometimes they pronounce the double L like the Y sound in English. llamar And other times like a soft SH as in llamar.
Lizzie: Right. Good observation.
Allan: And something similar happens with the word ya. I mean sometimes it could be pronounced with the English Y sound ya and other times with the SH sound ya.
Lizzie: Es verdad. It’s true. There is some variation on the pronunciation of these words.
Allan: I remember when I was still learning Spanish, this used to always confuse me.
Lizzie: Yeah?
Allan: Yeah. I was always wondering which way is the correct way, but over time I’ve come to realize that both are acceptable, and in terms of listening I would say that it’s really important to be able to recognize both.
Lizzie: Muy bien Allan. Now let’s put some of these words in context.
Allan: Good idea. So in today’s conversation we heard the word mañana, right?
Lizzie: Claro. Felix says Puedo llamar mañana en la mañana.
Allan: Right. It shows up twice there.
Lizzie: Claro!
Allan: So, let’s break this down. In the first part he says Puedo llamar mañana. Lizzie, if I want to say the word “today” in Spanish, how would I do that?
Lizzie: It would be hoy or hoy día.
Allan: Right. And if I want to say “yesterday”?
Lizzie: It would be ayer
Allan: Ok. So now, if I want to say “tomorrow”?
Lizzie: It would be mañana
Allan: Great. So, now we can say Puedo llamar mañana means “I can call tomorrow”.
Lizzie: Exactamente.
Allan: Now, let’s suppose it’s around 9 AM and there’s not a cloud in the sky. The sun is shining. What might you say?
Lizzie: Es una mañana lindisima.
Allan: Es una mañana lindisima. Based on what we just said a minute ago, it would be tempting to translate this as “It’s a beautiful tomorrow”. Right?
Lizzie: Right. But the thing is the word mañana can mean either “tomorrow” or “morning”.
Allan: Exactly. And what lets us know which meaning it has?
Lizzie: El contexto.
Allan: The context. Right. So, going back to the conversation, when Felix says Puedo llamar mañana en la mañana. he is saying “I can call tomorrow in the morning”.
Lizzie: Tu lo has dicho. You said it.
Allan: This is a great example because it lets you see how these different meanings can be in play right next to each other.
Lizzie: Así es.
Allan: Ok. Now, let’s move on and talk about another word that came up.
Lizzie: Ok. Which one?
Allan: I’m talking about the verb dormir, “to sleep”.
Lizzie: We’ve seen this one before.
Allan: Right. But today we’re going to add a little something to it. Lizzie, let me ask you. How do you find the stem of a verb?
Lizzie: You just remove the ending from the infinitive form.
Allan: And dormir is in the infinitive, right?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Allan: And so if we remove that stem what are we left with?
Lizzie: We have dorm.
Allan: That’s right. And that’s spelt D-O-R-M, like a college dorm.
Lizzie: Right.
Allan: Now, how do you say “I sleep?
Lizzie: It would be duermo.
Allan: And what’s the personal ending that tells us that this verb refers to I as its subject?
Lizzie: It’s just O.
Allan: Ok. And if we remove that O what are we left with?
Lizzie: duerm
Allan: And when we say duermo we’re saying that “I sleep now”, that “I sleep later” or that “I slept before”?
Lizzie: duermo “I sleep now.”
Allan: So, it’s in the present tense.
Lizzie: Así es.
Allan: And this action is expressed as real or simply possible?
Lizzie: It’s real.
Allan: So we can say that it’s in the present tense of the indicative mood, right?
Lizzie: Yeah. We could say that.
Allan: And we said that the stem of this verb changes from dorm in the infinitive spelled D-O-R-M to duerm spelled D-U-E-R-M in the present indicative, right?
Lizzie: Right.
Allan: So that vowel O in the infinitive stem changes to UE, right?
Lizzie: For the first person singular, it does.
Allan: Now, this is going to happen for all the forms of this tense and mood, except for the first and second person plural.
Lizzie: Exactly. We would say nosotros dormimos and vosotros dormís.
Allan: Sometimes this is called a stem changing verb. For more on this you should check up the Verb Conjugation Series.
Lizzie: Definitely.
Allan: And we should also know that a similar stem change also occurs in the gerund. So we wouldn’t say dormiendo with that on the stem but rather durmiendo.
Lizzie: Right. Here the O of the stem changes to a U durmiendo.
Allan: Ok. Let’s wrap up with one more expression.
Lizzie: Great.
Allan: This time una frase hecha, a set phrase.
Lizzie: Ok.
Allan: So, if someone is explaining something to you and you just can’t seem to get what they’re talking about what might you tell them?
Lizzie: I could say No entiendo, “I don’t understand”.
Allan: And if they continue to explain themselves until you finally understand, now what might you say?
Lizzie: Now, I could say ya entiendo.
Allan: Right. So, just by adding this little word ya before the verb entiendo, which means “I understand”, we change the meaning of that.
Lizzie: Allan, how would you translate ya entiendo?
Allan: It would be something like “Now I get it”.
Lizzie: Allan, your Spanish is very good and it’s obvious that you’ve had a lot of experience and practice.
Allan: Well thanks, Lizzie.
Lizzie: But I imagine that it wasn’t always this way. What was one of the aspects of the Spanish language that gave you the most difficulty?
Allan: Ugh, Lizzie, just one thing. Probably if I had to choose just one thing, it would be gender, because in English we don’t have that concept. In here every noun has a gender attached to it. un árbol, una canción “a tree, a song”. In English it’s a little bit simpler. But it can be learnt.
Lizzie: Well, learning is a lifelong process. We never, never stop learning.
Allan: That’s for sure, Liz.

Lesson focus

Allan: Muy bien Lizzie, ahora veamos un poco de gramática. Now, let’s take a look at some of the grammar for today’s lesson.
Lizzie: Suena bien. Sounds good.
Allan: So, I’d like to begin by asking you this. If I say “I sleep late on Sundays”, does this action of sleeping seem certain or uncertain?
Lizzie: It seems certain.
Allan: And this example comes from the conversation, right?
Lizzie: Right. Ximena says Los sábados duermo hasta tarde..
Allan: And this verb, duermo, what tense did we say that’s in?
Lizzie: It’s in the present tense.
Allan: Now, if I say “I will sleep late this Sunday”, now does the action seem certain or uncertain?
Lizzie: Well, it’s hard to tell.
Allan: Ok, let me put it this way. Does the phrase “I will sleep late” seem as certain as the phrase “I sleep late”?
Lizzie: No.
Allan: And in Spanish how would you say “I will sleep late this Sunday”?
Lizzie: Estoy domingo dormiré hasta tarde.
Allan: Ok. So you use the verb dormiré. And what tense is this verb in?
Lizzie: It’s in the future.
Allan: So we can say that the future tense expresses less certainty than the present?
Lizzie: Supongo que sí. I suppose so.
Allan: Let’s look at another example.
Lizzie: Ok.
Allan: If I say “I will be sleeping”, when does this action take place?
Lizzie: It takes place in the future or rather it hasn’t taken place yet.
Allan: Good answer. And this example comes from the conversation too, right?
Lizzie: Yeah. Ximena says Estaré durmiendo.
Allan: And if we focus on the action expressed by this verb can we tell when it starts or stops?
Lizzie: Not really. It’s kind of fuzzy.
Allan: So, we have an action that takes place in the future and we don’t really know when it starts or stops. This action of “sleeping” will happen sometime after now, and that’s basically all we know, right?
Lizzie: Right.
Allan: And with the word durmiendo what does this ending endo tell us?
Lizzie: It tells us that it’s a gerund.
Allan: So, the word durmiendo is a gerund.
Lizzie: Yeah.
Allan: And the verb estaré is the verb in the future tense.
Lizzie: That’s right.
Allan: So, we can say that the future tense can be used with the gerund to express a continuous action that has yet to take place.
Lizzie: That would be a good way to put it.
Allan: So, Lizzie, in today’s lesson we’ve been talking about what we will do and what we will be doing.
Lizzie: Right.
Allan: One thing that many students complain about is that Spanish speakers use the present tense to talk about the future.
Lizzie: Right. For example we always say Nos vemos..
Allan: And this literally means “We see each other”, but we’re really using it to say something like “We’ll be seeing each other” or “See you soon”, right?
Lizzie: Yeah, I can see how this could be confusing. Can you think of other examples of this, Allan?
Allan: Sure. How about Hablamos. “Let’s talk”, or Estaremos en contacto. which really means “We will be in touch”.
Lizzie: For examples of the present tense referring to the future we hear people say that every day.


Allan: Well, Lizzie, this has really been an enjoyable show.
Lizzie: Allan, thanks for being here. It’s really great to have you around.
Allan: De igual manera, Lizzie. Ha sido un gusto.
Lizzie: Ya nos vemos.
Allan: Que les vaya bien.
Lizzie: Chao!


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