
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizzie: Buenos días, me llamo Lizzie.
Allan: Allan Le Rue here. Beginner Series, Lesson number 21. “Rise and Shine - 5”.
Lizzie: Hhola Allan. ¿Cómo estás?
Allan: Bien, muy bien, gracias Lizzie! ¿Y a ti cómo te va?
Lizzie:Todo tranquilo. Allan, do you remember what we talked about last time?
Allan: Claro. We distinguished actions that happen from actions that are happening.
Lizzie: Right. And we did this by looking at the present tense when it expresses a habitual action, and at the gerund’s expression of continuous action.
Allan: Bien dicho. Well put. Today, I’d like to take this one step further.
Lizzie: How so?
Allan: Well, I’d like to see how these kinds of expressions compare. “I will work” and “I’ll be working”.
Lizzie: Interesting. So it’s something like an action that is set to take place in the future and a continuous action sometime in the future.
Allan: Yeah. It will be fun to look at that.
Lizzie: In today’s lesson conversation Felix and Ximena are still on the phone. This time Felix asks Ximena if he can call her later to continue their conversation.
Allan: But she plays hard to get.
Lizzie: This is a great conversation.
Allan: Right. I mean, how often do we need to ask other people’s approval for something? It comes up all the time.
Lizzie: So, before we get into today’s conversation, quisiera recordarle, I would like to remind you to check out the vocabulary list with audio in the Learning Center at SpanishPod101.com.
Allan: It’s a great way to keep that vocab nice and fresh.
Lizzie: Muy bien señoras y señores ya llegó el momento.
Allan: Let’s see what today’s conversation is all about.
FÉLIX: Buscaré un trabajo en el periódico.
JIMENA: Muchas personas tienen suerte con eso.
FÉLIX: ¿Quieres hablar más tarde a las cinco tiempo ecuatoriano?
JIMENA: Estaré trabajando. Quizás en otro momento.
FÉLIX: Pareces muy ocupada.
JIMENA: Es verdad. Estoy muy ocupada.
FÉLIX: I'll look for a job in the newspaper.
JIMENA: Many people have luck with that.
FÉLIX: Do ya' want to talk later at five o'clock Ecuadorian time?
JIMENA: I'll be working. Maybe at another time.
FÉLIX: Ya' seem really busy.
JIMENA: It's true. I'm really busy.
Allan: Lizzie, one question.
Lizzie: Sure.
Allan: ¿Por qué es que Ximena se hace la dificil? Why does Ximena play hard to get?
Lizzie: ¿Crees que se hace la dificil? You think she is playing hard to get?
Allan: Well, maybe just a little bit. Lizzie, do you think las Latinas do this very often?
Lizzie: Definitely. What do you think Allan?
Allan: Well, I think they do too. But anything worthwhile is sometimes hard to get, isn’t it?
Lizzie: Increible. Alright. Now, that we’ve heard the conversations, let’s move on to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Allan: Ok. So, first we have…
Lizzie: suerte
Allan: Luck, sort.
Lizzie: suerte, suerte
Allan: And then…
Lizzie: eso, ese, esa
Allan: That, those.
Lizzie: eso, ese, esa. eso, ese, esa
Allan: Next, let’s hear…
Lizzie: tiempo
Allan: Time.
Lizzie: tiempo, tiempo
Allan: Now, let’s listen to…
Lizzie: otro, otra
Allan: Other, another.
Lizzie: otro, otra. otro, otra
Allan: Now…
Lizzie: momento
Allan: Moment, time.
Lizzie: momento, momento
Allan: And finally…
Lizzie: ocupado
Allan: Busy, occupied.
Lizzie: ocupado, ocupado
Allan: Lizzie, there’s a word in this list that I just have to highlight.
Lizzie: Which one?
Allan: eso
Lizzie: eso
Allan: eso
Lizzie: eso
Allan: Now, literally, this word means ”that” but we can use it as an interjection to mean “That’s it!” eso es.
Lizzie: Right. We say either eso es or just eso.
Allan: And this is like an affirmation, right?
Lizzie: Definitely. Eso es.
Allan: So, now, let’s turn to the vocabulary that came up today and see how it was used.
Lizzie: Ok. Do you mind if we start with the word suerte?
Allan: Not at all.
Lizzie: So in the conversation we heard Muchas personas tienen suerte. So, how would you translate this?
Allan: Well, literally, it would be something like “Many people have luck”.
Lizzie: Sounds a little strange when we translate it literally.
Allan: I agree.
Lizzie: And can we say that people who have luck are “lucky people”?
Allan: Yeah, we could say that.
Lizzie: So, when we say Muchas personas tienen suerte. we are really saying “Many people are lucky”?
Allan: That’s a good way to put it.
Lizzie: So, if we were to go to the beach on a beautiful day, we could say Tenemos suerte. No está nublado.?
Allan: Right. And this would mean “We’re lucky. It’s not cloudy out.”
Lizzie: Excelente.
Allan: Now, there are a couple of other words that came up today, which I really think we should look at.
Lizzie: These were…
Allan: Tiempo and momento.
Lizzie: Where do we start?
Allan: In English, what word do we use to refer to the rate of motion?
Lizzie: The rate of motion?
Allan: Yeah. The rate of motion?
Lizzie: We use the word “time”, right?
Allan: Right. Time is the rate of motion. So we can say No tengo mucho tiempo., which means “I don’t have much time”.
Lizzie: Right.
Allan: And when an action takes place for a short amount of time we would say that this action is momentary or long lasting.
Lizzie: We’d say it’s momentary?
Allan: An action that’s momentary takes place in a moment.
Lizzie: That it does.
Allan: And if we had an O to the end of this word, what do we get ?
Lizzie: We get momento.
Allan: Now, the thing is that we use the word momento in Spanish to refer to an instance.
Lizzie: Right. So, we can say En este momento, no tengo tiempo.
Allan: In here en este momento it’s like saying “at this time” or “right now”.
Lizzie: Good point.
Allan: Now, let’s finish up this section by talking about the word ocupado.
Lizzie: So, what kind of word is this?
Allan: WEll, it’s another case of the past participle of the verb that’s used as an adjective or an adverb, in some way, a complement of the verb.
Lizzie: Ok, and what does this mean?
Allan: Well, ocupado can mean “busy” or “occupied”.
Lizzie: And the formation of it?
Allan: Well, for the singular, we’ll use ocupado for the masculine and ocupada for the feminine.
Lizzie: Right. So, Es un día ocupado. “It’s a busy day” or Es una chica ocupada. “She’s a busy girl”.
Allan: As we’ve seen in previous lessons, when a noun has this ending acción, it refers the action or effect of the word, right? acción
Lizzie: Right. So, if we can say ella es ocupada “She is busy” or “She is occupied”, what does it mean when we say ocupación?
Allan: Well, that would be something like a job or an occupation.
Lizzie: Exactly.
Allan: Now, let’s move on to the grammar for today.
Lizzie: la gramática

Lesson focus

Allan: So, Lizzie, if I say trabajar mañana. “I will work tomorrow”, does the action of the verb take place now, before now, or after now?
Lizzie: After now.
Allan: So, it takes place in the future then.
Lizzie: Yes, it does.
Allan: And with this verb, trabajaré, “I will work”, are we looking at a continuous action or is this an action with a determined beginning?
Lizzie: It doesn’t really look continuous.
Allan: Right. So, the beginning is determined then.
Lizzie: Yeah, you could put it that way.
Allan: And what about if I say “I’ll be working tomorrow”,estare trabajando mañana, now does the action seem continuous or does it have a determined beginning?
Lizzie: Now, it seems continuous.
Allan: And with this one? It also takes place “after now”?
Lizzie: Yeah. It’s in the future too.
Allan: So, the distinction between these two is really important.
Lizzie: And what’s this distinction?
Allan: Well, in both cases we’re talking about an action in the future, right?
Lizzie: Right.
Allan: When we use the gerund, either trabajando or “working”, the action is expressed as a duration, without a beginning or end. And because we can use the gerund with verbs in the present tense or the future tense, this sense of continuity is going to take place in whichever tense the verb is in.
Lizzie: I see where you’re going with this. So we can say estoy trabajando ahora, “I’m working now”, and also estaré trabajando mañana “I’ll be working tomorrow”.
Allan: Right. And the duration of the action occurs in both. It’s just that the first one is in the present tense and the second in the future.
Lizzie: And we see this used in the future when Ximena says Estaré trabajando. Quizás en otro momento., “I’ll be working maybe at another time”.
Allan: What we cannot tell from the gerund is when this action is actually going to start and when it’s going to stop. This is characteristic of the gerund. Its boundaries are blurred.
Lizzie: So, Allan, can you think of another example of a verb with the gerund after it in the present and then in the future?
Allan: Well, Lizzie, for example, if we want to set up an appointment, I could tell you bueno estare viajando quizás más adelante.
Lizzie: “I will be traveling maybe at a later date”. It’s good.


Allan: Well, Lizzie, this has been great.
Lizzie: Yo también disfrute mucho la lección.
Allan: Cada vez mejor. It only gets better. In the meantime, good luck with your studies and we’ll see you soon.
Lizzie: Suerte con los estudios y ya nos estamos viendo.


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