
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizzie: Buenos días, mi nombre Lizzie.
Allan: Hi, everybody, Allan here.
Lizzie: Beginner Series lesson number 19.
Allan: Rise and shine - 3. Now, last time we heard Felix wake Ximena up because he had forgotten about the time difference between Spain and Ecuador.
Lizzie: Right. Now, today we’re going to hear Felix second phone call. He has waited a few hours so that it’s not too early for her.
Allan: Probably a good idea on his part, Lizzie. Last time we looked at how to use the gerund in Spanish. So what do you want to look at this time?
Lizzie: I think that the gerund deserves a little more attention.
Allan: Poor little gerund. You’re right. We need to give the gerund a general little more attention. That sounds like a great idea. This is definitely a topic that you want to understand clearly before moving on.
Lizzie: Exactly.
Allan: Lizzie, have you checked out the Costa Rican regional lessons recently?
Lizzie: Yeah, yeah. Natalia and Carlos are a lot of fun. They’re like the misfits in the back of the class who won’t stop talking with each other and yet still know the answers.
Allan: That’s the great way to put it, yeah. Definitely, they both are pieces of work and for me, personally, it’s really interesting to hear Costa Rican Spanish.
Lizzie: For me too they use so many words, expressions that very unique to that region. I hear them and think eso suena tan centroamericano, “that sounds so Central American.”
Allan: That’s right, friends, so definitely you don’t want to miss those lessons check them out.
Lizzie: Alright, Allan we got a lot to do. So let jump right into today's lesson conversation.
FÉLIX: ¡Hola, Jimena! Soy Félix de nuevo.
JIMENA: Hola, Félix. ¿En qué andas?
FÉLIX: Estoy tomando un café después del almuerzo.
JIMENA: Yo estoy preparando un café para el desayuno.
FÉLIX: Me gusta tomar un café en la tarde.
JIMENA: Solamente tomo el café en la mañana.
JIMENA: Hello?
FÉLIX: Hi, Jimena! It's Félix again.
JIMENA: Hey, Félix. What are ya' up to?
FÉLIX: I'm having a coffee after lunch.
JIMENA: I'm preparing a coffee for breakfast.
FÉLIX: I like to have a coffee in the afternoon.
JIMENA: I only drink coffee in the morning.
Allan: You know, Lizzie, coffee sounds good about right now.
Lizzie: Café. ¡Que rico!
Allan: Do you like coffee, Liz?
Lizzie: Me encanta. The coffee all over Latin America is riquisimo.
Allan: I guess you do like it.
Lizzie: My favorite coffee drink is café cortado.
Allan: Café cortado. I bet a lot of our listeners don’t know what that is exactly. Can you tell us what it means?
Lizzie: Right, it’s simply two shots of espresso, one shot of steam milk, and one shot of frost milk.
Allan: Right, it’s kind of like a mix between a cappuccino and a latté.
Lizzie: That’s not a bad way to describe it.
Allan: And the phrase café cortado? Doesn’t that mean “cut coffee”?
Lizzie: If you translate it literally, we say that it’s “cut” because we are cutting the espresso with milk café cortado.
Allan: Aha. And now if I remember correctly, there’s another word that people use for this too, right?
Lizzie: Very frequently, muy a menudo. We call it cortadito which is just the word cortado in the diminutive form.
Allan: Okay, so two shots of espresso, a shot of steam milk, and a shot of frost milk you know that missing, Lizzie?
Lizzie: No ¿qué falta?.
Allan: Maybe a shot of baileys. A little shot of baileys. That way you have espresso, milk and alcohol. I mean that’s like the perfect food you have caffeine, fat and alcohol. Think about it. Ok, but once again we are digressing here. We’d better move on to the vocab. And here, friends, we’re going to break down these words syllable by syllable so that you can hear exactly how each word sounds.
Lizzie: Vamos!
Allan: So let’s begin with…
Lizzie: ¿en qué andas?
Allan: What are you up to?
Lizzie: ¿en qué andas? ¿en qué andas?
Allan: Next we’ll hear…
Lizzie: tomando
Allan: Drinking, taking, having.
Lizzie: tomando, tomando
Allan: Next we’ll look at…
Lizzie: preparando
Allan: Preparing.
Lizzie: preparando, preparando
Allan: Ok, and then…
Lizzie: después
Allan: After.
Lizzie: después, después
Allan: Good. Let’s listen to…
Lizzie: tomar
Allan: To drink, to take.
Lizzie: tomar, tomar
Allan: And finally…
Lizzie: de nuevo
Allan: Again.
Lizzie: de nuevo, de nuevo
Allan: Lizzie, ¿en qué andas?
Lizzie: Waiting to start the vocabulary usage section.
Allan: Ah, sorry to keep waiting. Do you have another example for us?
Lizzie: Hola, Marcelo, ¿en qué andas?
Allan: “Hey, Marcelo, what you are up to?” Friends, this is a really common phase on Spanish, ¿en qué andas?. In general its use in formal conversation like the one we having right now.
Lizzie: Even if we change the verb conjugation, to the formal it might sound a little strange. So we’ll remember to only use it with informal situations.
Allan: That’s right. And this is another example of literal translation not exactly fitting the meaning intended. Literally, this question means “In what are you going”, but the idea we had is “What you up to” or simply “what’s up”.
Lizzie: You think they got it?
Allan: Ah, we have smart listener I am sure they got it.
Allan: Good.
Lizzie: Now the next word we are look today is tomando.
Lizzie: Ella está tomando un té.
Allan: “She is drinking a tea.” Now, Lizzie, does anyone drink tea in Latin America? I mean seems like such a waste when there’s so much quality coffee everywhere.
Lizzie: No, there are different drinks for different people for different occasions.
Allan: Ah, so just a question of personal taste. Well, they make sense.
Lizzie: Yes.
Allan: Now, so the word tomando comes from the word tomar, which means “to take” or with beverages “to drink” or “to have”.
Lizzie: The form tomando is simply the gerund, and therefore it means “taking” or “drinking”.
Allan: Now, remember, audience that first conjugation AR verbs take the ANDO and in the gerund. After this we have our next word which is…
Lizzie: después
Allan: How about another example?
Lizzie: Hablar a con Miguel después de cenar.
Allan: “I will speak with Miguel after diner.” Now the word después means “after”, “afterwards” or “later”, and it’s a really common word in Spanish.
Lizzie: Be careful though, it’s a proposition and has a number of different usages so don’t be surprised with this word keeps popping-up throughout the course of these lessons.
Allan: Okay, last but no the least we have the de nuevo.
Lizzie: Estoy trabajando de nuevo.
Allan: That means “I’m working again”. Now, remember that back in Beginner Lesson 9 we saw the phrase de nuevo and said that it’s an idiomatic phrase that means “again”. Now, today we will add that this adjective phrase does not change form, which should make it easy to remember de nuevo means “again” and its formation always stays the same. Now in our last lesson we looked at the present plus gerund construction for the first time.
Lizzie: And today?

Lesson focus

Allan: Well, today we wanted to have a second look at it and point out some more aspects. I mean it’s really important. In particular, we want to show that how the gerund endings are very similar for the three conjugations, that is for the verb ending in AR, ER and IR.
Lizzie: Sounds good.
Allan: So, Lizzie, where was this in our conversation today?
Lizzie: Estoy tomando un café después del almuerzo.
Allan: I am having a coffee after lunch. So here, friends, we see the gerund tomando, which we translate here as “having”. Now, we remember that the verb tomar, which means “to have” or “to drink”, belongs to the first conjugation, right? And ends in AR in the infinitive tomar.
Lizzie: And in order to form the gerund out of any regular first conjugation verb, all you have to do is drop the AR ending in from the infinitive and add the gerund ending, which is ANDO, A-N-D-O.
Allan: That’s great, Lizzie, but can you give us another example of the gerund form from another AR verb, like cantar, for example, which means “to sing”?
Lizzie: Claro. La chica está cantando una canción.
Allan: “The girl is singing a song,” So, again, we that the gerund cantando has been formed from the verb cantar, which has that AR ending in the infinitive. cantar We’ve dropped the AR ending from the infinitive and added a gerund ending, which is ando.
Lizzie: Ok. Now let’s think about how we do this with second and third conjugation verbs, that is those that end in ER and IR in the infinitive.
Allan: Now, for all second and third conjugation verbs, we will drop the verb ER or IR ending from the infinitive and simply add the I-E-N-D-O ending of the gerund. Notice that the single ending is used for both the second and third conjugation verbs. Lizzie, how about an example with the verb comer, “to eat”?
Lizzie: Como no Allan. Estás comiendo mucho.
Allan: “You are eating a lot”. Now, we see that comer belongs to the second conjugation comer it has ER at the end, right? Now, to form the gerund, the ER ending of the infinitive has been removed, In its place we have the I-E-N-D-O ending, which is always associated with the gerund. So comer becomes comiendo, which means “eating”.
Lizzie: Ok. Now, just to make sure we really get what we talking about here sets look at it with the third conjugation verb like vivir, for example, which means “to live”.
Allan: Good idea, so vivir with an IR the end vivir. Can you give us an example?
Lizzie: Están viviendo en Venezuela.
Allan: “They are living in Venezuela.” As we saw in the second conjugation verb comer for this third conjugation verb vivir we have dropped the IR ending of the infinitive and added the IENDO ending of the gerund, so vivir becomes viviendo, “living”. Now, you can see that the second and third conjugation verb take the same ending in the gerund while the first conjugation verb have their own ending.


Lizzie: That was a very intense lesson on the gerund.
Allan: I agree. What do you guys think, audience? Until next time amigos.
Lizzie: Hasta luego chicos, chicas, señoras y señores gracias por preferir SpanishPod101.com
Allan: Hasta pronto.


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