
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizzie: Buenos días, mi nombre Lizzie.
Allan: Allan here.
Lizzie: Beginner Series, Lesson number 14.
Allan: Mathematics 2, Subtraction.
Lizzie: Muy bienvenidos damas y caballeros a otra lección de SpanishPod101.com
Allan: Where we bring the Spanish-speaking world to you.
Lizzie: Transmitiendo On Demand hoy nos toca otra lección de ciclo de nivel principiante.
Allan: Allan and Lizzie back for lesson number 14. ¡Hablá chochera!
Lizzie: Encantada, encantada de estar aquí en SpanishPod sabiendo que tenemos muchisimos muchisimos estudiantes.
Allan: That’s right. Hey, friends and Lizzie. We are still with our mathematics.
Lizzie: Back to school.
Allan: That’s right. Oh boy, oh boy… You know one thing about math if you’ve got great teachers. math is easy; bad teachers, math is hard. Remember elementary school, Liz?
Lizzie: Yes, yes.
Allan: Oh man, oh man.
Lizzie: Are we returning to the same class?
Allan: Yes, but today we are going to continue on this topic and look at some more numbers, this time in the context of subtraction.
Lizzie: So back with Professor Pogga.
Allan: Professor Pogga and he’s quizzing Mariana and Eduardo.
Lizzie: You know what would help our students?
Allan: What’s that?
Lizzie: Checking out the verb conjugation charts in the reference material of the Learning Center at SpanishPod101.com
Allan: Well, that would be a big help. That way you can look at it and listen to it.
Lizzie: Well, let’s get in to today’s conversation.
PROFESOR PUGA: Ahora, aprendamos a restar.
MARIANA: Yo no sé restar muy bien.
PROFESOR PUGA: A ver, Mariana, ¿cuánto son catorce menos tres?
MARIANA: Creo que catorce menos tres son once.
PROFESOR PUGA: Restas muy bien, Mariana. Y Eduardo, ¿cuánto son veinte menos siete?
EDUARDO: Veinte menos siete son trece.
PROFESSOR PUGA: Now let's learn to subtract.
MARIANA: I don't know how to subtract very well.
PROFESSOR PUGA: Let's see, Mariana, how much is fourteen minus three?
MARIANA: I think that fourteen minus three is eleven.
PROFESSOR PUGA: You subtract very well, Mariana. And Eduardo, how much is twenty minus seven?
EDUARDO: Twenty minus seven is thirteen.
Allan: OkOk, onto the vocab, here were going to break down those words syllable by syllable so that you can hear exactly how each word sounds.
Lizzie: vamos!
Allan: So let’s begin with…
Lizzie: Restar.
Allan: To subtract, to take away, to deduct.
Lizzie: Restar, restar.
Allan: Ok next we will hear…
Lizzie: yo no sé
Allan: I don’t know.
Lizzie: yo no sé, yo no sé
Allan: Good. Now we have…
Lizzie: A ver.
Allan: Let’s see, let’s have a look.
Lizzie: A ver, a ver.
Allan: Ok, then we have…
Lizzie: Menos.
Allan: Minus, less.
Lizzie: Menos, menos.
Allan: Ok, now let’s listen to…
Lizzie: cuánto
Allan: How much, how many.
Lizzie: cuánto, cuánto
Allan: Alright and finally…
Lizzie: Creer.
Allan: To believe, to think.
Lizzie: Creer, creer.
Allan: Well, Lizzie, there is a helpful phrase here to learn in Spanish.
Lizzie: Which one?
Allan: I don’t know.
Lizzie: I thought you did.
Allan: No, Lizzie. yo no sé I don’t know.
Lizzie: Ok, yes, this is a very common phrase.
Allan: yo no sé, gosh sorry. And one I think people will say very often when learning a new language - yo no sé.
Lizzie: yo no sé pronounced yo no sé.
Allan: yo no sé. Excellent.
Lizzie: Ahora estudiemos cómo se empleaban algunos de estos vocablos en la conversación de hoy.
Allan: ¿Dónde deseas empezar?
Lizzie: Empezemos con el verbo restar.
Allan: To subtract, to take away, to deduct.
Lizzie: Restar.
Allan: As in…
Lizzie:Resto las manzanas de las naranjas.
Allan: I take away the apples from the oranges.
Lizzie: The verb restar means “to subtract”, “to take away” and, in some cases, “to be left”.
Allan: We will look at that last one in a future lesson.
Lizzie: Here, we are interested in the mathematical or even operational meaning at play in the verb restar.
Allan: When you subtract in Spanish, you take something from something else.
Lizzie: This “from” that we use in English corresponds to that de we use in Spanish when we say restas dos de siete.
Allan: That is, you subtract two from five. That’s a little different how we do it back in Canada or in the States.
Lizzie: That’s why we’re here. Now remember in depth our example?
Allan: Claro, yo no sé.
Lizzie: Yo no sé donde está Martin.
Allan: “I don’t know where Martin is.” Now we know something different about yo no sé in this phrase.
Lizzie: Right, the word sé simply SE with an accent over the E is a first persons singular of the verb saber, which means “to know” or “to know how”.
Allan: Right. If anyone asks you a question that begins with sabes or “do you know”, and in fact you don’t know the answer to that question, you can simply say yo no sé “I don’t know”.
Lizzie: But while you are thinking of the possible answer you could tap your chin and say…
Allan: hmmm a ver Let me see.
Lizzie: The phrase a ver means “let me see” or “let’s see”.
Allan: hmmm a ver
Lizzie: hmmm a ver
Allan: We use it when we are about to look in to something or to concern ourselves with something
Lizzie: You can recognize the verb ver in the phrase, which we covered in lesson 11 where we learnt that it means “to see here” when you put the proposition name before it.
Allan: Together it means: “Let me see”. Good link, Liz.
Lizzie: Well all of these lessons do go together.
Allan: Ok, friends, last one - menos.
Lizzie: Diez menos seis son cuatro.
Allan: Ten minus six is four.
Lizzie: The word menos means “less”, “lesser”, “the least” and “minus”
Allan: It can be used as an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction and a masculine noun.
Lizzie: But this lesson we’re looking at its adverbial or even operational usage in equations, “minus”.
Allan: Notice the similarity between the Spanish word menos and the English word minus
Lizzie: That should make it easy to remember. Allan, how were you at math when you were in school?
Allan: Well, let’s just say Lizzie that it’s not the area where I was the most brilliant. You know, I enjoy working with numbers but you know some of those subtractions got to be too much especially with bad teachers, but maybe I’m just casting the blame and I should have done more home work. What about you?
Lizzie: I didn’t like mathematics at all. I was attracted by chemistry, English, literature and universal history.
Lizzie: Prosigamos ahora a la gramatica.
Allan: Me parece muy bien. So today’s grammar talking looks at the word menos, which means minus, like an equations of subtraction .

Lesson focus

Lizzie: This is the equivalent to the minus sign in mathematical operations.
Allan: To use this word we’re going to want to make sure we know the correct word order of the sentence or else we may end up confusing the order of the operation. Hey, Lizzie, would you take us back to the conversation just for a second and put this in context for us?
Lizzie: Por supuesto, ¿cuánto son catorce menos tres?
Allan: How much is fourteen minus three?
Lizzie: So here we have the question.
Allan: Let’s check out the word order .
Lizzie: First we see the interrogative adverb cuánto, then the verb son after the total amount, then the adverb, and finally the portion that you want to take away.
Allan: In English we’ll say, “How much is fourteen minus three”, and we say this with a singular form is .
Lizzie: In Spanish it tends to be in the plural .
Allan: It’s like saying “How many are fourteen minus three”.
Lizzie: Right, all you have to do is follow this basic pattern in order to form any subtraction question.
Allan: So since the pattern doesn’t switch up learn it once and you’re good. So let’s try asking a different question with the same structure.
Lizzie: ¿Cuánto son? Diez menos dos?
Allan: How much is ten minus two?
Lizzie: So you can see that only the numbers themselves change while the rest of the sentence stays the same.
Allan: And the answer to this question?
Lizzie: Creo que catorce menos tres son once.
Allan: I think that fourteen minus three is eleven.
Lizzie: Now we have the answer.
Allan: That’s right, good mouth there, Liz. Again, let’s check out the word order.
Lizzie: This time we start with the total amount catorce, then we use the adverb menos, after the adverb we use the amount we want to take away, tres, then the verb son, and finally the remainder once.
Allan: So, again, if we wanted to show a subtraction with other numbers we wouldn’t have to change the rest of the sentence.
Lizzie: That’s right, just the numbers would need to change.
Allan: Word orders one thing, but when you start putting some complex numbers in there, it could get a little more complicated.
Lizzie: Well, Allan, that may be true but at least we know exactly how the question is formed.
Allan: I guess you’re right, Liz. Forget the answers as long as we are able to ask the right questions, I think it’s about that time.
Lizzie: This is a good lesson to review more than a couple of times to get the feel for it.


Allan: That’s right for sure. But hey, Lizzie, every lesson should be repeated a couple of times and that’s the beauty of podcasts.
Lizzie: But it helps to be reminded.
Allan: That’s right. And guys remember the Spanish review in the learning center is also a very necessary place to go.
Lizzie: There’s questions, answers, comments on answers.
Allan: Really anything you need to start practicing on your own.
Lizzie: Hasta la proxíma.
Allan: Ok, friends, until next time. Chao!
Lizzie: Chao, chao, chao!


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