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Lesson Transcript

Lizzie: Buenos días, mi nombre es Lizzie.
Allan: Allan here.
Lizzie: Beginner Series, Lesson number 12.
Allan: “There are some people but there will be more”. Everybody welcome back to SpanishPod101, coming to you from Lima, Peru.
Lizzie: Hello, friends, we hope you’ll understand, learn and enjoy this lesson.
Allan: That’s right. Welcome back to the twelfth lesson of the Beginner Series in SpanishPod101.com.
Lizzie: They are going to learn a lot today.
Allan: That’s right. You sure you will learn vocabulary, usage, grammar and so much more.
Lizzie: In Beginner Lesson 11 we had our first look at the verbal existence haber in the future tense.
Allan: Today, in order to reinforce what we’ve learnt, we’re going to compare the Future tense of haber to the present and see just how the two differ.
Lizzie: Sounds like a plan. Where does today’s conversation take place, Allan?
Allan: Well, we’re back with Claudia and Viviana from Beginner Lessons 10 and 11.
Lizzie: Again? Did they finally make it to the party?
Allan: Yeah, today, they are up together to what they’ve been talking about all this time.
Lizzie: It should be interesting. Look at the lesson transcripts at the site to make things more clear.
Allan: Let’s get into today’s conversation.
CLAUDIA: ¡Oiga Miguel! ¡Hay cuatro personas solamente!
MIGUEL: Sí, pero más tarde habrá muchas más.
VIVIANA: Y Aldo, ¿hay comida?
ALDO: Habrá comida más tarde también. No está lista todavía.
CLAUDIA: Está bien. No hay apuro.
CLAUDIA: Hey Miguel! There are only four people!
MIGUEL: Yes, but later on, there will be a lot of people.
VIVIANA: And Aldo, is there food?
ALDO: There will be food later on as well. It is not ready yet.
CLAUDIA: It is OK. There is no rush.
Lizzie: solamente
Allan: Only, solely, just.
Lizzie: solamente, solamente
Allan: Next, we’ll listen to…
Lizzie: más tarde
Allan: Later, later on.
Lizzie: más tarde, más tarde
Allan: And then we have…
Lizzie: listo, lista
Allan: Ready, intelligent.
Lizzie: listo, lista. listo, lista
Allan: Ok, now we’ll go to…
Lizzie: todavía
Allan: Yet, still, nevertheless.
Lizzie: todavía, todavía
Allan: And finally we’ll have…
Lizzie: apuro
Allan: Rush, haste, hurry.
Lizzie: apuro, apuro
Allan: Oye Lizzie, escuchando esta lista me preguntó ¿tienes una palabra que te gusta más que otras?
Lizzie: Si. Listo, lista
Allan: ¿Y por qué?
Lizzie: Porque me considero una chica lista. Inteligente.
Allan: Super super lista.
Lizzie: Que modesta.
Allan: Ok, I just asked Lizzie if there was a word in this list that she likes better than the others and she responded: Yes, the word listo, lista which means “ready” but it also means “intelligent” and she is well as I consider her to be very intelligent. But guys, this word listo to mean intelligent, I mean “ready”. It’s like, in English if you’d say “Yeah, he is very ready” meaning “intelligent”, it’s great listo. But, hey Lizzie, you know, there is another word that means “intelligent” in Spanish that I just love.
Lizzie: Cual?
Allan: It’s the word mosca which means “fly”.
Lizzie: Eso es muy usado aquí, aquí en Perú. Mosca, mosca quiere decir una persona viva, rapida, alerta.
Allan: That’s right: just like a fly. Flies are always buzzing around, you know, a fly is very aware of what’s going on around him and, you know, flies are survivors, it’s very difficult to catch a fly. So, flies are very clever. So, you’ll say: Hey, you know, he’s a fly él es mosca or ella es mosca . I love that word. Ok, but let’s move on here and take a look at some of the vocabulary usage from today’s lesson.
Lizzie: I think that the first word we should look at is solamente.
Allan: Sure. I’m open to suggestions so I assume that you have an example for us.
Lizzie: Hay pan solamente.
Allan: There is only bread. Really? That’s it, no butter, no jam, no nothing?
Lizzie: No, but we have an adverb, the adverb solamente means “only” or “just”.
Allan: So we can think of this as “not more”.
Lizzie: I think so. Also this adverb can be shortened to sólo with an accent over the first “o”.
Allan: Lizzie, would you say this is a very common word used in Spanish?
Lizzie: Definitely.
Allan: Well, for an example, can you tell us the last time that you used it?
Lizzie: Bueno en la mañana fui a desayunar a un café y el mozo me preguntó si también quería tostadas. Y le dije no, solamente café.
Allan: Ok, so Lizzie said that when she went to the Café this morning and she ordered coffee and because it was breakfast time the waiter kindly said: Hey, would you like some toast with that? And she said: No, only coffee. Solamente café.
Lizzie: Así es.
Allan: So, many times it can be thought of as synonymous with the phrase no más
Lizzie: Didn’t we go over that in Newbie Lesson 23?
Allan: That we did. Now, the next phrase we’re going to look at today is más tarde.
Lizzie: La cena será más tarde.
Allan: Dinner will be later on.
Lizzie: Allan, what are you having for dinner later on?
Allan: Ugh, I don’t know, they always surprise me here and you know what, Lizzie, again I always go on the Peruvian food, but I love the variety and I can tell my listeners here that in a month we don’t repeat the same place twice. So it’s always a surprise and it’s always delicious.
Lizzie: So, we already saw the phrase más tarde in Beginner Lesson 10.
Allan: You’re right. We did. I remember. There we saw that it means “later” or “later on”. Now, today we’ll point out that with this construction we’re literally saying “more late”. But we translate this ‘later’.
Lizzie: Just the same if we wanted to say “earlier” we would simply use más and then temprano which means “early to get más temprano again meaning “earlier”.
Allan: Ok, the next up is todavía.
Lizzie: El pollo no está listo todavía.
Allan: The chicken is not ready yet.
Lizzie: The word todavía is an adverb meaning “yet”, “still”, and sometimes “nevertheless”.
Allan: Lizzie, where would you say that it’s used more, Spain or Latin America?
Lizzie: It’s used all the time in Spain and Latin America alike.
Allan: Ok, if todavía means “yet”, how would we say “not yet”?
Lizzie: If you want to say “not yet” the construction is todavía no which is kind of like as of yet no.
Allan: Ok, this brings us to the last vocabulary word today which is apuro.
Lizzie: No tengo apuro. Estoy tranquila.
Allan: I’m not in a rush. I’m relaxed.
Lizzie: The word apuro means “rush”, “hurry”, or “haste”.
Allan: Here we’re looking at it as a masculine singular noun. Where does this word come from, Lizzie?
Lizzie: It comes from the verb apurare which means “to hurry”, “to rush” or “to make haste”.
Allan: I think we’ll have a closer look at this verb in the future lessons, but for now let’s remember that it means “rush”, “hurry” or “haste”.
Lizzie: But I think that we should mention that it is often used in expressions with the verb tener which means “to have”, so in Spanish we can say that ‘we have a rush’ or ‘we have a hurry’ instead of ‘being in a hurry’ as we say in English.
Allan: Right you are. That’s important to point out. So, it’s very similar to tener hambre.
Lizzie: Exactly.

Lesson focus

Allan: Hey, Lizzie, I have a hunger to look at the grammar for today’s lesson.
Lizzie: Ok, then in Beginner Lessons 8, 9 and 10 we were introduced to the Future Tense in Spanish.
Allan: Right you are and in Lesson 11 we had a look at the verb of existence haber in the Future Tense.
Lizzie: Today, in order to make sure that we really understand how haber is used we’re going to study it by comparing it in the present and future tenses of the indicative mood.
Allan: That’s a great idea. Lizzie where did this appear in the conversation?
Lizzie: ¡Hay cuatro personas solamente!
Allan: There are only four people. So here, we find Claudia talking about the present and about the situation in which she is actually in.
Lizzie: That’s why she uses hay the present tense form of the verb of existence haber.
Allan: That’s right. If we think back to Newbie lessons 17 and 18 we’ll recall that there is only one form for haber in the present indicative, which is hay.
Lizzie: Simply spelled [h,a, y]
Allan: Now, let’s look at how we get a response.
Lizzie: Sí, pero más tarde habrá muchas personas.
Allan: That’s right, Miguel responses “Yeah”, but later on there will be a lot of people. Now, we can see here that Miguel is not really talking about the situation that he is in at that moment, but rather the situation that he will be in later in the night.
Lizzie: That’s why he uses habrá [h a b r a], the future tense of the verb haber.
Allan: Just like in the present. In the future indicative the verb of existence haber has one form, habrá ending in the accented [a].
Lizzie: Remember that this is the impersonal form of the verb.
Allan: That’s right. Now, let’s see how this works with another example.
Lizzie: Ronaldo, ¿hay comida?
Allan: Ronaldo, is there food?
Lizzie: We find the verb of existence haber in the present tense of the indicative mood.
Allan: As a question it means “Is there or Are there?” depending on the number of the noun.
Lizzie: Because the noun comida is in the singular we would translate this as: Is there food?
Allan: Now, let’s assume that Viviana isn’t asking if there’s any food now but rather if any food will be served during the course of the party. Lizzie, how might we change this sentence so that it asks the question in the future?
Lizzie: Ronaldo, ¿habrá comida?
Allan: Ronaldo, will there be food?
Lizzie: So, you can see that the impersonal form of haber has been used, which of course is habrá and that the noun comida is in the singular.
Allan: Now that you have learnt the future and present tenses of the verb it’s a good practice to go back and forth between the tenses to make sure that you keep them fresh in your mind.
Lizzie: Ahora, hay comida.
Allan: Now, there is food.
Lizzie: Más tarde habrá comida.
Allan: Later on there will be food.


Allan: Ok friends, that’s it for today’s lesson.
Lizzie: I think our audience has enough to get the future and the present tense down.
Allan: I couldn’t agree more, Lizzie. But practice makes perfect.
Lizzie: No se pierdan.
Allan: Chao!


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