
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Lizzie: Buenos días, me llaman Lizzie.
Allan: Allan here.
Lizzie: Beginner Series Lesson number 11.
Allan: There will be a lot of people. Hey everybody, welcome back to SpanishPod101.com, coming to you from Lima, Peru.
Lizzie: Hi, Allan. Hi, friends. It's a pleasure to be with you once again.
Allan: And we’re welcoming you back to the 11th lesson of the Beginner Series.
Lizzie: Number 11, moving right along.
Allan: I know. Hey, audience, leave us some comments in Spanish so that we can see your progress.
Lizzie: That's a good Idea, Allan. For the past few lessons, we’ve been looking at the future tense with regular AR, ER and IR verbs.
Allan: So what’s on the menu for today, Liz?
Lizzie: Today we want to have a look at the word haber as a verb of the existence which we saw back in Newbie lessons 17 and 18.
Allan: Right, but this time, we’ll be focusing on it in the context of the future tense.
Lizzie: This conversation is a continuation of last lesson, where we find Claudia and Viviana making plans on the phone to go to a party at night.
Allan: Woo-hoo! Hey, I wonder how that party turned out. Liz.
Lizzie: Be sure to check out the vocabulary list in the PDF for this lesson which has a column showing the root of each word.
Allan: Deeper the root, stronger the Spanish.
Lizzie: Qué?
Allan: Lizzie, I’m just trying to be profound, bear with me.
Lizzie: Okay. Let's get into today's conversation.
VIVIANA: Creo que la reunión será entretenida.
CLAUDIA: Yo también. Aldo dice que habrá muchas personas.
VIVIANA: Miguel dice que habrá buena comida.
CLAUDIA: ¡Estoy emocionada! ¿Y tú?
VIVIANA: Yo también. ¡Hablamos más tarde para salir juntas!
CLAUDIA: ¡Hablamos más tarde!
VIVIANA: I think the gathering will be entertaining.
CLAUDIA: Me too. Aldo says that there will be a lot of people.
VIVIANA: Miguel says that there will be good food.
CLAUDIA: I am excited! Are you?
VIVIANA: I am too. Let's talk later on in order to leave together!
CLAUDIA: Let's talk later on.
Allan: You know, I went to a really, really interesting party the other day.
Lizzie: ¿Así? Cuentame Allan.
Allan: Well, it wasn't party like one, it wasn't one of these little intimate social gathers. This was a fiesta patronal or not really a fiesta patronal but it was a fiesta en el pueblo in one of the towns outside of Lima, it's a town call Caraz. Have you been there?
Lizzie: Yes, yes. Esta en Ancash que es uno de los departamentos más hermosos que tiene nuestro Perú
Allan: That's right. It’s in department of Ancash, which is really one of the most beautiful departments -they’recall departments here and not states or provinces, but departments of Peru. This town is at the foot of mount Huascarán. Huascarán is one of the highest peaks in South America and it's in the Cordillera Blanca. Just an absolutely beautiful, beautiful part of Peru,. But anyway, the party I went to was the coronación de la Ñusta. And this is an old Inka tradition, where they crown a beautiful and graceful woman. She is la Ñusta. That ceremony was very fun to watch, very typical and there’s an awful lot of dancing. Some groups of dancers came down from even smaller villages, higher up in the Andes, and they had the comparsas. So they dance around the Central Square and up and down the street. Very, very festive.
Lizzie: Entonces pasaste un tiempo maravilloso.
Allan: Oh, it was so much fun. I really enjoy going to the towns when they have parties like that going on. People are so welcoming and the food is always interesting.
Lizzie: A proposito, ¿qué comiste?
Allan: What did I eat? I may gross out some of my listeners. I don’t know if I should tell them. Do you think they are ready for it?
Lizzie: I think they can handle it.
Allan: Well, okay, I’ll lay on them. I had a dish here, it’s very typical in the High Lands called cui. Now, you know what I am talking about, Lizzie but our listeners don’t. Cui in fact is Guinee Pig, which we have as a pets back in Canada. And here it goes from pet to main course. Anyway, very tasty, I would recommend it if you ever come here.
Lizzie: Sinceramente no lo he probado.
Allan: Anyway, delicious. And it’s part of the context. That’s a traditional food there so who am I to say that it’s wrong. In fact, it’s kind of tasty. Very thick skin, all you Guinea Pig owners out there, your little pet has very thick skin, chewy. Anyway, let’s move on and let’s take a look at the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. First…
Lizzie: Que.
Allan: That, who, which.
Lizzie: Que, que.
Allan: Next we’ll listen to…
Lizzie: Entretenido, entretenida.
Allan: Entertaining.
Lizzie: Entretenido, entretenida. Entretenido, entretenida.
Allan: Ok, let’s move on to…
Lizzie: Decir.
Allan: To say, to tell.
Lizzie: Decir, decir.
Allan: Alright, now let’s listen to…
Lizzie: Emocionado, emocionada.
Allan: Excited, touched, moved.
Lizzie: Emocionado, emocionada. Emocionado, emocionada.
Allan: Next…
Lizzie: Haber.
Allan: There to be, to have.
Lizzie: Haber, haber.
Allan: And finally…
Lizzie: Junto, junta.
Allan: Together, next to, along with.
Lizzie: Junto, junta. Junto, junta.
Allan: Hey Lizzie, I think the first word today is one everyone probably knows.
Lizzie: I think that is a safe assumption but do not be deceived.
Allan: Ok, would you like to tell our audience what it is?
Lizzie: The first word we will look at is que.
Allan: Lizzie, can you give us an example sentence, please?
Lizzie: Como no, Aldo dice que está bien.
Allan: Aldo says that he is well.
Lizzie: Si. Here, the word que without an accent means “that”.
Allan: This word connects sentences together.
Lizzie: It’s called a conjunction.
Allan: Hey, I was going to say that.
Lizzie: In Newbie lessons 7 and 13, we saw a word that look and sounds like this, which was qué with an accent, and which means “what” or “how”.
Allan: It is important that we make sure that we don’t confuse these words, but this will be more of an issue when it comes to writing.
Lizzie: Right. The next word we’re going to look at today is entretenido.
Allan: As in?
Lizzie: El café es muy entretenido.
Allan: “The café is very entertaining.” “The café is very entertaining.” I'm not sure what that means.
Lizzie: Well, the café is obviously entertaining, I don’t think it requires a more in depth explanation.
Allan: Ok, well, the adjective entretenido then means “entertaining”.
Lizzie: Notice how similar the Spanish word is to the English here.
Allan: This is a good time to point out that this adjective comes from the verb entretener, which means “to entertain”.
Lizzie: It also follows all the conjugations of the verb tener, which means “to have”. Ok, the next vocabulary word is emocionado.
Allan: Lizzie, would you give us an example?
Lizzie: Estamos emocionado de ir a Costa Rica.
Allan: “We’re excited to go to Costa Rica.” Who wouldn’t be? They could visit our friends Carlos and Natalia.
Lizzie: Allan, what kind of word is emocionado?
Allan: Emocionado is an adjective and it means “excited”.
Lizzie: But wait, there are two common mistakes that non-native speakers tend to make with this word.
Allan: Really? What are they?
Lizzie: First, emocionado does not mean “emotional”. To say “emotional” we use the word sensible.
Allan: Ok, that’s right. What else?
Lizzie: Second, we cannot use the word excitado to say “excited” as excitado means “aroused”, especially in the sexual sense.
Allan: Uhh I’ve made that mistake myself. So if you say Estoy excitado., you’re actually saying you’re kind of aroused sexually. You know what, Lizzie, I have to admit to you – I made that mistake my first year here. It was really, really embarrassing situation. So listeners, remember that, ok? excitado is not “excited”.
Lizzie: I think so, so that’s not one that you want to confuse.
Allan: Ok, this brings us to the last vocabulary word today, which is haber. Lizzie, can you help up out with one more example?
Lizzie: Habrá muchas personas.
Allan: “There will be a lot of people.” So this comes from the conversation.
Lizzie: In Newbie lessons 17 and 18, we explained that the verb haber can be used as a verb of existence to mean “there is” or “there are”, or as an auxiliary verb to mean “I have eaten”. For example…
Allan: Here, we’re going to be looking at it as a verb of existence in the future.

Lesson focus

Allan: Today, for our grammar fix, people, we’re going to be looking at haber as a verb of existence in the future tense.
Lizzie: In Newbie lessons 17 and 18, we saw that haber in the third person singular of the present tense, which is hay, means “there is” or “there are”.
Allan: We also saw that there’s only one verb form - the third person singular.
Lizzie: If we say hay una nube we mean “there is a cloud”. And if we say hay muchas nubes we mean “there are a lot of clouds”.
Allan: The same goes for the verb of existence haber in the future.
Lizzie: And we’ll always use the third person singular form habra. This is also called the impersonal form.
Allan: I think we should put this in context. Lizzie?
Lizzie: Miguel dice que habrá buena comida.
Allan: Miguel says that there will be good food.
Lizzie: So the verb haber is not formed in the same way as a regular ER, AR and IR verbs in the future that we’ve seen up to now. That’s because it is irregular.
Allan: But friends, even though it’s irregular it follows a basic pattern with other verbs, among which are poner, “to put”, tener, “to have”, and venir, “to come”, and saber, which is “to know”.
Lizzie: We’ll look at irregulars more closely in a future lesson.
Allan: So in order to say “there will be” we could use …
Lizzie: habra when the noun that we’re talking about is either singular or plural. In this case the noun is comida which means “food”.
Allan: We know it’s singular because it ends in the vowel A and not AS, which would tell us that it’s plural.
Lizzie: Ok, now let’s look at another example of haber in the future tense when it’s with a plural noun.
Allan: Lizzie, where does this occur in the conversation?
Lizzie: Aldo dice que habrá muchas personas.
Allan: “Aldo says that there will be a lot of people.” So now we see that we’re talking about personas, which we can translate as “people” or “persons”.
Lizzie: Now, even though this is in the plural, we still use the third person singular form of haber in the future tense, which again is habra.
Allan: It is translated “there will be”, just like the singular form is.
Lizzie: So when the verb haber is used as a verb of existence and not an auxiliary verb, the impersonal third person singular is always, always, always used.
Allan: Always?
Lizzie: Yes, always.
Allan: How about another example?
Lizzie: Habrá un profesor.
Allan: There will be a teacher.
Lizzie: So we use habra here and we are talking about one teacher.
Allan: Just to make this clear, Lizzie, what do you say to making this sentence plural?
Lizzie: Habrá unos profesores.
Allan: There will be some teachers.
Lizzie: Again, we see that now we’re talking about profesores, that is “the teachers”, more than one. Yet we still use the impersonal, third person singular form of haber which is habra.
Allan: Thank you.
Lizzie: Con gusto.


Allan: That’ll do for today’s lesson.
Lizzie: Go ahead, check out the PDF, you know you want to.
Allan: Also, if you have any questions feel free to use our forum or comment on today’s lesson.
Lizzie: We’ll make sure to respond.
Allan: We’ll, good luck at that.
Lizzie: See you again tomorrow.
Allan: Ya nos vemos mañana amigos.
Lizzie: Chao!


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