Lesson Transcript

¡Hola! Soy Brenda Romaniello, tu profesora de español.
“Hello! My name is Brenda Romaniello and I’m your Spanish teacher.”
Hoy, vamos a ver los pronombres de interrogación.
Today, we’re going to have a look at the WH- questions in Spanish.
So, we say and we call them WH- questions in English because most of these questions will start with a WH- in Span-, in English, so the translation will be the WH- question. But that is certainly not the case, of course, in Spanish. So, the, what they are called is actually pronombres de interrogación, and we use them to ask questions in Spanish.
So, let’s put your knowledge to the test a little bit as well and let’s see if you know what these questions mean in Spanish and then if you don’t know, I’ll teach you and then I’ll give you some examples as well.
Numero uno…
Qué significa, it means “What?”
Por ejemplo…
¿Qué prefieres comer hoy?
“What do you prefer to eat today?”
Number dos…
Cuándo significa, “When?” and we use this to talk about time.
Por ejemplo…
¿Cuándo vuelves de tus vacaciones?
“When are you coming back from from your holidays?”
Numero tres…
Dónde significa, “Where?” and we use this to talk about a location.
Por ejemplo…
¿Dónde vives?
“Where do you live?”
Numero quatro…
Cómo, significa, “How?”
Por ejemplo…
¿Cómo prefieres tu carne?
“How do you like your steak cooked?”
Numero cinco…
¿Por qué?
Por qué significa “Why?”
Por ejemplo…
¿Por qué estudias español?
“Why do you study Spanish?”
Numero seis…
¿Cuál? and ¿Cuáles?
Cuál and cuáles significa “Which?” but hang on a second, we have two questions here. So, can you tell me what the difference between cuál and cuáles is? Do you know why we have two options for “which” in Spanish? The, the answer to this question is because it’s going to depend on the number. So, if we have… if we’re talking about only one thing, we’re going to say cuál. So cuál is for the singular and cuáles would be the plural form when we talk about two or more things.
Por ejemplo…
¿Cuál es tu casa?
“Which one is your house?
¿Cuáles son tus documentos?
“Which are your documents?”
Numero siete…
¿Quién? and ¿Quienes?
So quién here, we’re gonna have two options and it means this is, that they mean in English, “Who?” So again, why do you think we have two options here, quién and quienes? Exactly the same as cuál and cuáles. Quién is going to be used to refer to one person and quienes is the plural form and we’re gonna use it for two people or more.
Por ejemplo…
¿Quién es tu mejor amigo?
“Who is your best friend?”
¿Quiénes son tus hermanas?
“Who are your sisters?”
Numero ocho…
And the last one…
¿Cuánto? / Cuánta?
¿Cuántos? / Cuántas?
Cuánto and cuánta significa “How much?” and we’re going to use these two options with uncountable nouns, so, things that we cannot count or measure. And also, we have two options for how much, because cuánto is going to be used, we’re going to match it, match it with a masculino, sustantivo masculino, so we’re going to match it with an uncountable noun that has to be masculino. And cuánta will be the femenino form.
Por ejemplo…
¿Cuánto dinero hay?
“How much money is there?
So , dinero is masculino, we have to say cuánto.
¿Cuánta azúcar quieres en el café?
“How much sugar would you like in your coffee?”
So, azúcar es femenino, y vamos a decir cuánta, so we’re going to say cuánta for azúcar because it’s feminino.
Cuántos / Cuántas significa “How many?” and we use these two options with countable nouns, so things that we can count. And again, we’re gonna differentiate cuántos for nouns that are masculino and cuántas for feminino.
¿Cuántos limones necesitas?
“How many lemons do you need?”
¿Cuántas naranjas necesitas?
“How many oranges do you need?
Muy bien! So that is the lesson for today. I really hope that you liked it and you enjoyed it. If you did, give me the thumbs up and I will be seeing you next class. Nos vemos la próxima clase. ¡Adiós!

