
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Fernando: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Basic Bootcamp. I'm Fernando and I'm joined by…
JP: By me, JP.
Fernando: JP, how are you?
JP: I'm doing great.
Fernando: Wonderful. With us you’ll learn to speak Spanish with fun and effective lessons. And we will also provide you with some cultural insights which you will not find in any textbook.
JP: Ok, Fernando, what are we going to listen for today?
Fernando: In this lesson we’ll hear a clerk counting out change for 100.
JP: Ok, so somebody just bought something and they’re getting their change back.
Fernando: Exactly. Also, listen for the phrase Que le vaya bien.
JP: Ok, Que le vaya bien. This is like “Have a nice day”, right? Que le vaya bien.
Fernando: Yes, when the purchase is complete and you’re ready to leave that’s what you’ll hear. Que le vaya bien.
JP: Let’s listen for that in the conversation.
A: Once, doce, trece, catorce, quince...
A: Veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta...
A: Sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, y cien.
A: Gracias, que le vaya bien.
B: Igualmente. Adiós.
JP: Let’s hear it again, dramatic speed.
A: Once, doce, trece, catorce, quince...
A: Veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta...
A: Sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, y cien.
A: Gracias, que le vaya bien.
B: Igualmente. Adiós.
JP: One more time with the translation.
A: Once, doce, trece, catorce, quince…
A: Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen...
A: Veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta…
A: Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty...
A: Sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, y cien.
A: Sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, and a hundred.
A: Gracias, que le vaya bien.
A: Thank you, have a good day.
B: Igualmente. Adiós.
B: You too. Good-bye.
JP: Alright, we’re back.
Fernando: Yes, it sounds like the customer bought something for ten pesos.
JP: Alright. What could you possibly buy for ten pesos?
Fernando: Ten Mexican pesos? You can buy a bottle of water or three tacos.
JP: Mmm.. tacos…
Fernando: And the customer paid with 100, so the clerk was counting out the change.
JP: Yeah, he started with singles, right? “11, 12, 13” all the way up to 15, and then he handed her a fiver, so he got to 20.
Fernando: Right.
JP: And then tens all the way to 100, right? “30, 40, 50”.
Fernando: Exactly.
JP: Ok, so didn’t he have any 20s or 50s in the register?
Fernando: I wasn’t there, JP.
JP: Let’s look at the vocabulary in this lesson.
Fernando: Diez.
JP: Ten.
Fernando: Diez.
JP: What’s next?
Fernando: Veinte.
JP: 20.
Fernando: Veinte.
JP: What’s next?
Fernando: Treinta.
JP: 30.
Fernando: Treinta.
JP: What’s next?
Fernando: Cuarenta.
JP: 40.
Fernando: Cuarenta.
JP: What’s next?
Fernando: Cincuenta.
JP: 50.
Fernando: Cincuenta.
JP: What’s next?
Fernando: Sesenta.
JP: 60.
Fernando: Sesenta.
JP: What’s next?
Fernando: Setenta.
JP: 70.
Fernando: Setenta.
JP: What’s next?
Fernando: Ochenta.
JP: 80.
Fernando: Ochenta.
JP: What’s next?
Fernando: Noventa.
JP: 90.
Fernando: Noventa.
JP: Ok, the last one.
Fernando: Cien.
JP: 100.
Fernando: Cien.
JP: Alright, those are the numbers. Let’s have a closer look at how we’re going to use these phrases from this lesson. What’s the first phrase we’re going to look at?
Fernando: Did you hear when he said que le vaya bien?
JP: Yeah, at the end. He said Que le vaya bien, “Have a good day”.
Fernando: That’s the way to wish someone well when they’re leaving.
JP: Ok, que le vaya bien. So literally this is “May it go well to you”, but in English we would probably just say “Have a good day”, right?
Fernando: Right. In Spanish we say Que le vaya bien.
JP: Ok. And I noticed that the customer answered…
Fernando: Igualmente.
JP: Igualmente. Now this is like saying “Same to you”, right? Literally this is “equally”.
Fernando: Yes, that’s a gracious way to respond. Igualmente.
JP: Igualmente. Ok, it also means like “likewise”, right?

Lesson focus

JP: Ok, let’s look at the numbers.
Fernando: Ok. We already know the numbers from zero to ten.
JP: Right. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
Fernando: Muy bien! You know how to count.
JP: Thanks.
Fernando: The numbers 11 to 15 are once, doce, trece, catorce, quince.
JP: Now, in the conversation we heard the clerk gave the customer a five spot, so he skipped the numbers from 16 to 20.
Fernando: But we can do those right now, that’s very easy. So 16 is dieciséis, which is easy because it sounds like diez y séis.
JP: Diez y séis would be “10 and 6” so 10 and 6 are 16, so dieciséis.
Fernando: 17 is similar. It’s diecisiete.
JP: Diez y siete “10 and 7”, right? Diecisiete.
Fernando: Sí, diecisiete. 18 is dieciocho.
JP: “10 and 8”, dieciocho. And, let me guess, 19 is going to be “10 and 9”, right?
Fernando: Right, diecinueve.
JP: And then the clerk starts counting by tens, right?
Fernando: Right, veinte.
JP: That’s “20”.
Fernando: Treinta.
JP: That’s “30”.
Fernando: Cuarenta.
JP: 40.
Fernando: Cincuenta.
JP: Cincuenta is 50.
Fernando: Sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa.
JP: Ok, sesenta, 60, setenta, 70, ochenta, that would 80, 90 would be noventa.
Fernando: And then cien for 100. So can you count by tens from 20 to 100?
JP: Are you quizzing me? Is this a quiz? Ok. Veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, cien.
Fernando: Very good.
JP: Thank you. Now, I have a question.
Fernando: Dime.
JP: Ok. We were counting by tens, right? So we skipped all the numbers in the middle. So how would we say 21?
Fernando: 21 is “20 and 1” so viente y uno.
JP: Ok. How about 22? Is it “22 and 2”?
Fernando: Yes, and 23 is “20 and 3” so 23. Now, do you see a pattern here?
JP: Yeah, ok. What about 36?
Fernando: treinta y seis.
JP: Ok, “30 and 6”, treinta y seis.
Fernando: Yes.
JP: Ok, what about 67? That would be “60 and 7”.
Fernando: sesenta y siete.
JP: Ok, 99, that would be?
Fernando: “90 and 9” so noventa y nueve.
JP: Alright. And the word for 100?
Fernando: cien.
JP: Ok, and that’s one syllable, right? Cien.


JP: Alright. And that will wrap it up for today, folks. Thank you for listening to Basic Bootcamp Lesson 5. This is the last in our Basic Bootcamp series, we hope you enjoyed it. So it’s time to say goodbye, hasta luego.
Fernando: Bye-bye!

