
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anna: Hola soy Anna.
Eric: Eric here! Loading Up on Junk Food in Spain.
Anna: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the verb querer when talking about food.
Eric: This conversation takes place at lunch in a small hamburger restaurant.
Anna: And it’s between Daniel and Santiago.
Eric: The speakers are friends, so they'll be speaking causally.
Anna: Let's listen to the conversation.
Daniel: ¿Qué quieres comer?
Santiago: Mmm, quiero una hamburguesa con queso y patatas.
Daniel: Pues yo quiero sólo una cerveza.
Santiago: ¡Ah! ¡Quiero una Coca-Cola también!
Eric: Now let's listen to the same conversation at a slow speed.
Daniel: ¿Qué quieres comer?
Santiago: Mmm, quiero una hamburguesa con queso y patatas.
Daniel: Pues yo quiero sólo una cerveza.
Santiago: ¡Ah! ¡Quiero una Coca-Cola también!
Eric: Let's now listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Daniel: ¿Qué quieres comer?
Daniel: What do you want to eat?
Santiago: Mmm, quiero una hamburguesa con queso y patatas.
Santiago: Mmm, I want a cheeseburger and french fries.
Daniel: Pues yo quiero sólo una cerveza.
Daniel: Well, I only want a beer.
Santiago: ¡Ah! ¡Quiero una Coca-Cola también!
Santiago: Ah! And I want a Coke too!
Eric: Okay, so, if you're going to Spain for your first time, you always wonder what to expect, and that applies to food as well.
Anna: That's right. Spanish cuisine is among the best in the world, but sometimes you might be overwhelmed by the culture shock, or just want something you're already familiar with.
Eric: Exactly. But we definitely suggest trying all the Spanish cuisine you can get your hands on.
Anna: You won't be disappointed, listeners!
Eric: You certainly won't! You can find more casual foods pretty much anywhere. Most bars and restaurants carry Coke or Pepsi products, and you can find Snickers, Kit-Kats, and M&Ms at almost any department store.
Anna: That's right. Now let's take a look at the vocabulary.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Anna: qué
Eric: what
Anna: qué [slowly]
Anna: qué
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: querer
Eric: to want, to love
Anna: querer
Anna: querer
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: comer
Eric: to eat
Anna: comer [slowly]
Anna: comer
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: hamburguesa
Eric: hamburger
Anna: hamburguesa [slowly]
Anna: hamburguesa
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: patata
Eric: potato
Anna: patata [slowly]
Anna: patata
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: pues
Eric: so, so then
Anna: pues [slowly]
Anna: pues
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: solo
Eric: only, just
Anna: solo [slowly]
Anna: solo
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: solo, sola
Eric: alone
Anna: solo, sola [slowly]
Anna: solo, sola
Eric: And last..
Anna: también
Eric: also, as well, too
Anna: también [slowly]
Anna: también
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: The first word we'll look at is querer, which usually means "to want."
Eric: This is an irregular verb, which means it doesn't follow the normal conjugation patterns.
Anna: Exactly. Also, querer can have many meanings but in this lesson, we'll study the meaning "to want" or "to desire something."
Eric: Could you give us some examples?
Anna: Sure. You could say, Quiero un nuevo portátil. which means "I want a new laptop." Or you could say Quiero correr la maratón de Tokio, which means "I want to run the Tokyo Marathon."
Eric: The next word we'll look at is...
Anna: Sólo.
Eric: Which is an adverb that means "only," "nothing else," or "no other thing."
Anna: That's right. For example, Compra sólo eso, would mean something like "Buy only that" or "Buy just that."
Eric: The next word we'll look at is...
Anna: También. También is used to affirm equality, likeness, or relation of one thing to another. It's translated as "also" or "too."
Eric: Could you give us an example?
Anna: Sure! You could say Si tú comes pizza yo también, which means, "If you eat pizza, I will too."
Eric: What's our last word?
Anna: The last word we'll look at is pues, which is a conjunction commonly used in Spanish that means "then" or "in that case." It’s used in much the same way as entonces.
Eric: But remember that most of the time, these two words are used in response or reaction to something.
Anna: Exactly. So, someone might say, Ya no llueve, which means "It's not raining anymore." And you could respond with, Pues vamos, which means, "In that case, go!"
Eric: And sometimes they can be used together for emphasis, right?
Anna: Right. That would be something like, ¿No hay cerveza? ¡Pues entonces una Coca-Cola! This mean, "There’s no beer? Then a Coke!"
Eric: Okay, now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the verb "to want."
Anna: Querer. In the dialogue, we heard the phrase, Quiero una hamburguesa con queso.
Eric: Which we translated as, "I want a cheeseburger."
Anna: In this lesson, we're going to focus on how to say that you want something or that you want to do something. For that, we'll learn how to use the verb querer meaning "to want," in present simple followed by a noun or a verb.
Eric: We have already learned how to form the present simple for Spanish regular verbs following some simples conjugation rules.
Anna: But as we have learned in previous lessons, the irregular verbs do not follow any rules and have to be learned by heart.
Eric: That's right. In contrast, irregular verbs don't follow those conjugation rules. In fact, each irregular verb has its own conjugation pattern.
Anna: So let's learn how to conjugate the verb querer in the present tense.
Eric: Okay, so, first we have "I want."
Anna: Yo quiero.
Eric: "You want."
Anna: Tú quieres.
Eric: “You want” formal.
Anna: Usted quiere.
Eric: "He/she/it wants."
Anna: Él quiere, ella quiere.
Eric: "We want."
Anna: Nosotros queremos, nosotras queremos.
Eric: "You want," plural.
Anna: Vosotros queréis, vosotras queréis.
Eric: "You want," plural and formal.
Anna: Ustedes quieren.
Eric: "They want."
Anna: Ellos quieren, ellas quieren.
Eric: So, those are the present tense conjugations, and when you want to say that you want something, you just use the correct person, add the correct conjugation, and add that "something."
Anna: That's right. So, you could say Sí, yo quiero un helado, which translates as, "Yes, I want an ice-cream." Or in a question form ¿Quieres un helado? which translates as, "Do you want an ice-cream?"
Eric: Now, when you want to do something, the structure is a little different. In this case, we only add the action verb in its infinitive form.
Anna: Exactly. So you could say, Quiero correr which means, "I want to run." Or Nosotros queremos ver la televisión, which means, "We want to watch TV."
Eric: Before we go, let’s hear the answer to the previous lesson’s homework.
Anna: Right. For the tarea, the incorrect sentence is number 2 - ¿Dónde está tú? The correct question would be ¿Dónde estás tú?
Eric: And this week, the homework is to reformulate this sentence.
Anna: Quieren una ellos pizza.


Eric: So listeners, use those words to make a sentence. Well, that just about does it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time.
Anna: ¡Hasta luego!

