
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alisha: Hi everybody, this is Alisha.
Fernando: Hola amigos, yo soy Fernando.
Alisha: Welcome back to SpanishPod101.com. How Do You Say This in Spanish? In this lesson you will learn how to ask the way something is said in Spanish, an important step when learning a language.
Fernando: This conversation takes place at a school.
Alisha: And it is between Ashley and her Spanish teacher, Mr. Gómez.
Fernando: The speakers are not friends, so they will be using formal Spanish.
Alisha: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Ashley Maestro, ¿cómo se dice "apple" en español?
Mr. Gomez: Se dice "manzana".
Ashley ¿Y cómo se dice "book"?
Mr. Gomez: Se dice "libro".
Ashley Gracias.
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Ashley Maestro, ¿cómo se dice "apple" en español?
Mr. Gomez: Se dice "manzana".
Ashley ¿Y cómo se dice "book"?
Mr. Gomez: Se dice "libro".
Ashley Gracias.
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Ashley Maestro, ¿cómo se dice "apple" en español?
Teacher, how do you say "apple" in Spanish?
Mr. Gomez: Se dice "manzana".
You say "manzana".
Ashley ¿Y cómo se dice "book"?
And how do you say "book"?
Mr. Gomez: Se dice "libro".
You say "libro".
Ashley Gracias.
Thank you.
Alisha: Ok, listeners, in this lesson we’re going to give you a good tip for learning Spanish faster.
Fernando: The secret is...
Alisha: Ask native speakers everything you can. Using phrases like ‘How do you say this,’ and ‘how do you say that?’ It’s very important!
Fernando: Good point! Also, asking what things mean, and what they say. The important thing is to learn how to ask these things in Spanish.
Alisha: Right. Using your Spanish to learn more Spanish!
Fernando: Just like Ashley did in the dialogue.
Alisha: Yes, she was asking her teacher how to say different words in Spanish. You’ll learn how to ask those types of questions later on in this lesson.
Fernando: Okay, now let’s move onto the vocab.
Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Fernando: maestro [natural native speed]
Fernando: maestro [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: maestro [natural native speed]
Alisha: cómo [natural native speed]
Alisha: cómo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: cómo [natural native speed]
Fernando: decir [natural native speed]
to say, to tell
Fernando: decir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: decir [natural native speed]
Alisha: manzana [natural native speed]
Alisha: manzana [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: manzana [natural native speed]
Fernando: en [natural native speed]
Fernando: en [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: en [natural native speed]
Alisha: español [natural native speed]
Alisha: español [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: español [natural native speed]
Fernando: libro [natural native speed]
Fernando: libro [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: libro [natural native speed]
Alisha: gracias [natural native speed]
thanks, thank you
Alisha: gracias [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: gracias [natural native speed]
Alisha Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we’ll look at is....
Fernando: maestro.
Alisha: Does this refer to any kind of teacher?
Fernando: Well, it depends. For example, elementary school teachers are known as “maestro”. Junior high school teachers, and sometimes even high school teachers can be called this as well. There is no clear limit.
Alisha: What about college professors?
Fernando: For them, you wouldn’t use maestro. You would use profesor, or profesora. Keep in mind that these words are only limited to actual professors.
Alisha: Got it. Aside from teachers, when referring to someone with a Master’s Degree, do you also call them ‘Maestro’?
Fernando: Good point! You may. It’s not very widespread in Mexico yet, but formally yes, their title is ‘Maestro’.
Alisha: Musicians are also called ‘Maestro’ in English, are they called ‘maestro’ too in Spanish?
Fernando: Absolutely.
Alisha: Great! Let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Alisha: The focus of this lesson is learning how to ask how to say something in Spanish.
Fernando: .Using the question ‘¿Cómo se dice... [blank]?’
Alisha: How do you say...[blank]
Fernando: Repeat after me ‘¿Cómo se dice...?’ [pause].
Alisha: Let’s go over what the words mean.
Fernando: Listeners, do you remember ‘cómo’? it means “how.” ‘Se dice’ means “one says”, or “you say”.
Alisha: So all together, “How do you say.”
Fernando: Right. At the end, you can add ‘en español’ for clarification.
Alisha: Which means “in Spanish”, right?
Fernando: Yes.
Alisha: Let’s try using this phrase, asking about the word “cat”.
Fernando: Repeat after me: ‘¿cómo se dice cat en español’? [pause]
Alisha: “How do you say cat in Spanish?” And now, how do we answer?
Fernando: It’s very simple. It’s just... ‘Se dice..’. and then the word.
Alisha: So what’s the answer to “how do you say cat in Spanish?”
Fernando: Se dice gato.
Alisha: You say ‘gato’. Okay, that’s easy enough!
Fernando: Repeat after me. ‘Se dice gato’ [pause]
Alisha: Now let’s do another word. For instance, “tree”
Fernando: ¿Cómo se dice tree en español?
Alisha: Please repeat.
Fernando: ¿Cómo se dice tree en español? [pause]
Alisha: And the answer?
Fernando: Se dice arbol.
Alisha: Please repeat.
Fernando: Se dice arbol.[pause]
Alisha: Now, just a brief note here. The other person has to speak at least a little English for us to try asking them, right?
Fernando: Right, otherwise, there’s no point.
Alisha: So one more time, let’s ask - “How do you say “dog” in Spanish?”
Fernando: Repeat after me - ‘¿Cómo se dice “dog” en español?’ [pause]
Alisha: Now, inversely. We may want to ask a Spanish speaker to tell us the meaning of a word we don’t know. We didn’t see this in the dialogue, but because it’s useful, let’s go over it. What do we say in this case, Fernando?
Fernando: We ask, ‘¿Qué significa...?’ and then the word we don’t know.
Alisha: And that means, “What does [blank] mean”?
Fernando: Right.
Alisha: Ok, let’s try asking about a word in Spanish. How about the word ‘bolsa’, which we had in an earlier lesson.
Fernando: ¿Qué significa bolsa?
Alisha: What does ‘bolsa’ mean? Let’s repeat everyone...
Fernando: Qué significa bolsa? [pause]
Alisha: Listeners, do you remember the meaning? Fernando, can you remind us?
Fernando: Sure. ‘Significa “handbag”.’
Alisha: Okay, great. Did you remember that one listeners? Okay, now let’s do a little review before we go. Let’s practice asking how you say something. Listeners, please ask how you would say “apple” in Spanish. [pause]
Alisha: And the answer, Fernando?
Fernando: ‘¿Cómo se dice “apple” en español?’
Alisha: Great, and the answer?
Fernando: Se dice manzana.


Alisha: All right, how did you do, everyone?
Fernando: Be sure to let us know if you have any questions!
Alisha: Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you all next time.
Fernando: Hasta pronto!

