
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alisha: Hi everybody, this is Alisha.
Fernando: Hola a todos! Soy Fernando.
Alisha: Welcome to SpanishPod101.com. Talking about Possession in Spanish.
Fernando: In this lesson, you will learn how to ask to whom something belongs.
Alisha: You will also learn how to use the possessive pronouns “mine, yours, his and hers” to respond to the question “Who does this belong to?”
Fernando: This dialogue takes place outside on the street, and it is between Ashley, her friend María, and a passerby.
Alisha: Ashley and María share a personal connection, so they will be speaking casual Spanish.
Fernando: However, the passerby, and María and Ashley don’t know each other, so in that case they will be using formal Spanish.
Alisha: Lets listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

María: ¡Mira, Ashley, una bolsa!
Ashley ¿No es tuya?
María: No, no es mía.
Ashley Señorita, ¿esta bolsa es suya?
Passerby: Sí, es mía. ¡Gracias!
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
María: ¡Mira, Ashley, una bolsa!
Ashley ¿No es tuya?
María: No, no es mía.
Ashley Señorita, ¿esta bolsa es suya?
Passerby: Sí, es mía. ¡Gracias!
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
María: ¡Mira, Ashley, una bolsa!
Alisha: Look, Ashley, a handbag!
Ashley ¿No es tuya?
Alisha: It's not yours?
María: No, no es mía.
Alisha: No, it's not mine.
Ashley Señorita, ¿esta bolsa es suya?
Alisha: Ma'am, is this bag yours?
Passerby: Sí, es mía. ¡Gracias!
Alisha: Yes, it's mine. Thank you!
Alisha: María and Ashley were really kind in giving back the bag, don’t you think Fernando?
Fernando: Well, yes of course! Someone could have taken it!
Alisha: What happens if you find something? Do you take it to the police station?
Fernando: No, in Mexico, people almost never hand things to the police.
Alisha: Well, surely there must be a Lost and Found section somewhere, right?
Fernando: As strange as it may seem, Lost and Found sections are also a rarity in most places.
Alisha: So what do you do if you if find something, or lose something?
Fernando: You could try to contact the owner if it has a number. Or you could hand it to the person in charge of the facility where you found it. For example, the shop manager.
Alisha: That makes sense. And if you lose something, it’d also be best to check with the person in charge of the facility where you lost it?
Fernando: If possible, yes.
Alisha: Okay, good to know! Now let’s move onto the vocab.
Alisha: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Fernando: mirar [natural native speed]
Alisha: look
Fernando: mirar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: mirar [natural native speed]
Fernando: una [natural native speed]
Alisha: a
Fernando: una [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: una [natural native speed]
Fernando: bolsa [natural native speed]
Alisha: bag, handbag
Fernando: bolsa [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: bolsa [natural native speed]
Fernando: ser [natural native speed]
Alisha: to be (permanent characteristics)
Fernando: ser [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: ser [natural native speed]
Fernando: tuyo, -a [natural native speed]
Alisha: yours
Fernando: tuyo, -a [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: tuyo, -a [natural native speed]
Fernando: mío, -a [natural native speed]
Alisha: mine
Fernando: mío, -a [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: mío, -a [natural native speed]
Fernando: esta [natural native speed]
Alisha: this
Fernando: esta [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: esta [natural native speed]
Fernando: suyo, -a [natural native speed]
Alisha: his, hers, theirs
Fernando: suyo, -a [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: suyo, -a [natural native speed]
Alisha: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Fernando, in the dialogue María says “Look Ashley, a handbag”. What was the word “look” again?
Fernando: “Look,” as a command, is ‘mira’. Repeat after me - ‘¡Mira!’ This is the imperative form of the verb ‘mirar’, “to look”.
Alisha Ok, then María and Ashley figure out someone has lost her bag, and they go and ask “excuse me, is this bag yours?”
Fernando: Which is ‘¿Esta bolsa es suya?’
Alisha: Now here, Fernando, why is there ‘esta’ before the word “bag”?
Fernando: ‘Esta’ is a demonstrative adjective that tells the position of an object relative to the speaker. There are basically three options- ‘Esta’ (“this”), ‘esa’ (“that”), and ‘aquella’ (“that one over there”).
Alisha: And these are the ones for feminine single nouns, right?
Fernando: Of course! Those are only for feminine single nouns.
Alisha: Like ‘bolsa’?
Fernando: Yes, like ‘bolsa...’ Notice that earlier in the dialogue, María tells Ashley, ‘una bolsa’.
Alisha: And that means “a handbag”?
Fernando: Well actually, it can mean many things. It can be a lady’s handbag, a plastic bag from the supermarket, and so on. They are all ‘bolsas’.
Alisha: Got it! Now let’s move onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Alisha: In this lesson, you’ll learn the use of possessive pronouns “mine”, “yours”, and “his” or “hers”. What are they, Fernando?
Fernando: First thing you need to know is that there are masculine and feminine versions. These depend on whether the object is a masculine or feminine noun.
Alisha: Okay, so let’s start with the masculine ones.
Fernando: mío
Alisha: mine
Fernando: tuyo
Alisha: yours
Fernando: suyo
Alisha: “his” or “hers”, and also the polite version of “yours”
Fernando: And now, the feminine versions. ‘Mía’
Alisha: mine
Fernando: tuya
Alisha: yours
Fernando: suya
Alisha: “his” or “hers”
Alisha: So Fernando, “his” and “hers” have the same possessive pronoun in Spanish?
Fernando: Yes, that’s right.
Alisha: And also, do these change if the noun is singular or plural?
Fernando: Good point, Alisha. Yes, there are plural forms of these too.
Alisha: Wow! That’s a lot to memorize.
Fernando: It’s not that difficult - just add an ‘s’ at the end to make these plural.
Alisha: Ok, Let’s hear the plural form.
Fernando: ‘míos’ (“mine”) , ‘tuyos’ (“yours”) , ‘suyos’ (“his” and “hers”, polite form of “yours”)
Alisha: And the feminine plural form.
Fernando: ‘mías’ (“mine”), ‘tuyas’ (“yours”), ‘suyas’ (“his” and “hers”, polite form of “yours”)
Alisha: Wait! We have possessive pronouns and also possessive adjectives, right?
Fernando: Right. What we just went over are possessive pronouns. “Mine”, “yours”, and so on.
Alisha: For those, you don’t need to say the noun again.
Fernando: Yes. Possessive adjectives, on the other hand, come before the noun. Words like “my”, “your”, “his”, “her”. For example, ‘mi bolsa’ which means ”my bag”.
Alisha: Okay, I get it. So it’s basically like the difference between “mine” and “my” in English.
Fernando: That’s right!
Alisha: So what would YOUR bag be?
Fernando: ‘Tu bolsa’ – “your bag.”
Alisha: How about “his bag”?
Fernando: ‘Su bolsa’ – “his bag”.
Alisha: How about “her bag”?
Fernando: ‘Su bolsa’ – “her bag”. ‘Su’ means both “his” and “her”.
Alisha: Going back to the dialogue, what did Ashley ask the passerby?
Fernando: Señorita, ¿esta bolsa es suya?
Alisha: Ma’am, is this bag yours?
Fernando: Remember that ‘suya’ is the polite form of “yours.” ‘¿Esta bolsa es suya?’
Alisha: “Is this bag yours?” What if Ashley were talking to the passerby in casual Spanish?
Fernando: She would say- ‘¿Esta bolsa es tuya?’


Fernando: Please review the lesson notes and build up your own sentences with different nouns!
Alisha: Ok, listeners. I think that’s going to do it for this lesson.
Alisha: See you in our next lesson!
Fernando: Hasta la vista!

