
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - Playing Spanish games. In this lesson, you will learn how nouns work in Spanish when it comes to number and gender.
Javier: Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a university.
Javier: Who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Pedro and Javi, two university students that have known each other for a long time.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. PEDRO: ¿Tienes la nueva PlayStation?
2. JAVI: Sí, y también tengo un juego de fútbol.
3. PEDRO: ¿Porqué no jugamos?
4. JAVI: Es que no tengo otro mando.
5. PEDRO: No pasa nada, yo tengo otro mando.
Jessie: Now let’s hear it one time slowly.
1. PEDRO: ¿Tienes la nueva PlayStation?
2. JAVI: Sí, y también tengo un juego de fútbol.
3. PEDRO: ¿Porqué no jugamos?
4. JAVI: Es que no tengo otro mando.
5. PEDRO: No pasa nada, yo tengo otro mando.
Jessie: Now with the English translation.
1. PEDRO: ¿Tienes la nueva PlayStation?
1. PEDRO: Do you have the new PlayStation?
2. JAVI: Sí, y también tengo un juego de fútbol.
2. JAVI: Yes, and I also have a soccer game.
3. PEDRO: ¿Porqué no jugamos?
3. PEDRO: Why don't we play?
4. JAVI: Es que no tengo otro mando.
4. JAVI: Because I don't have another controller.
5. PEDRO: No pasa nada, yo tengo otro mando.
5. PEDRO: No problem, I have another controller
Jessie: So Javier, what’s your favorite sport?
Javier: El fútbol.
Jessie: Soccer.
Javier: That’s right. Es mi deporte favorito - It’s my favorite sport.
Jessie: That’s great. I personally like basketball.
Javier: ¿baloncesto?
Jessie: Yes, baloncesto.
Javier: Ah in Spain, Soccer and Basketball are really popular.
Jessie: Ah really? Which team do you like?
Javier: Well Real Madrid and Barcelona are the most famous.
Jessie: Umm Real Madrid and Barcelona. So which one do you like?
Javier: A mi me gusta Barcelona - I like Barcelona.
Jessie: How about other sports? Do you play baseball or American Football in Spain too?
Javier: We have Tennis, Handball and Formula 1 but actually Baseball or American Football are not that popular.
Jessie: Oh really, huh that’s interesting. I can kind of picture it though. When I think of Spain, I think of Soccer.
Javier: Yes and not only in the Spain, it’s popular in many Latin American countries too.
Jessie: hm, that is definitely true. Okay. On to the vocab.
Jessie: The first word we will look at is
Javier: tener
Jessie: To have.
Javier: te-ner, tener
Jessie: Next is.
Javier: la
Jessie: The
Javier: la, la
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: también
Jessie: Also, as well, to
Javier: tam-bién, también
Jessie: Next is
Javier: un
Jessie: A, an
Javier: un, un
Jessie: Next is
Javier: juego
Jessie: Game
Javier: jue-go, juego
Jessie: Next is
Javier: fútbol
Jessie: Soccer
Javier: fút-bol, fútbol
Jessie: Next is
Javier: por qué
Jessie: Why
Javier: por qué, por qué
Jessie: Next is
Javier: jugar
Jessie: To play
Javier: ju-gar, jugar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: mando
Jessie: Controller
Javier: man-do, mando
Jessie: Next is
Javier: otro, otra
Jessie: Other, another, else
Javier: ot-ro, ot-ra, otro, otra
Jessie: Next is
Javier: nuevo, nueva
Jessie: New
Javier: nue-vo, nue-va, nuevo, nueva
Jessie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is
Javier: por qué
Jessie: Why
Javier: Here is a sample sentence. ¿Por qué juegas al fútbol?
Jessie: Why do you play Soccer?
Javier: Here is another one. ¿Por qué estudias español?
Jessie: Why do you study Spanish? Here, don’t worry too much about any unfamiliar words. We are just showing you how this word is used. So - por qué, is the Spanish word for why and it’s used to ask the reason for something.
Javier: Eso es. That’s right.
Jessie: What’s the next one we will look at?
Javier: jugar
Jessie: A verb that means to play. Something I want to point out really quickly. All verbs in Spanish end in either ar, er or ir.
Javier: Exactly. Every verb.
Jessie: So if you see a word that ends in one of these, chances are it’s a verb. We will go more into the differences later on in this season, but just know that this is an ar verb. Okay let’s hear some short sample phrases.
Javier: Yo juego a Football.
Jessie: I play soccer.
Javier: Tú juegas a baloncesto.
Jessie: You play basketball.
Javier: Nosotros jugamos a badminton.
Jessie: We play badminton. All right, can you introduce one more word?
Javier: nuevo
Jessie: An adjective that means new. For example
Javier: Tengo un coche nuevo.
Jessie: I have a new car. Remember this verb - tener, from last time.
Javier: Tengo un coche nuevo - I have a new car.
Jessie: Okay, on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is how number and gender work with Spanish nouns
Javier: Such as coche and coches
Jessie: Car singular and cars plural.
Javier: Or habitación and habitaciones
Jessie: Room singular and rooms plural. The formation of the plural or the feminine version of the noun changes depending on the noun right?
Javier: Yes we have masculine words that and in O like - oro.
Jessie: Gold
Javier: Or brazo
Jessie: Arm. So words that end in O are normally masculine.
Javier: Yes but not 100% of the time.
Jessie: Are there any other endings for masculine words?
Javier: Yes words ending in ama or oma, as in - anagrama or diploma.
Jessie: Which are anagram and diploma.
Javier: Or aje, such as - equipaje, which means luggage.
Jessie: Are there any other words that are masculine?
Javier: números, y días de la semana
Jessie: The numbers and the days of the week are also masculine.
Javier: el uno, el dos
Jessie: The number one, the number two and so on.
Javier: Or, el lunes, el sábado
Jessie: Monday, Saturday and so on. So now how about feminine nouns. If we said that nouns ending in O are normally masculine, can we say that nouns ending in A are normally feminine?
Javier: Yes we can such as cama or columna
Jessie: These mean bed and column and these are some examples of feminine words.
Javier: But again this rule does not always apply.
Jessie: Like we saw before nouns that end in ama or oma are normally masculine even though they end in A. So that’s an exception.
Javier: Right.
Jessie: Okay. How about the plural? How do we make the plural form of nouns?
Javier: This is easier. We add an S like in English. For example - coche
Jessie: Car
Javier: and, coches
Jessie: Cars.
Javier: If the word ends in a constant though, we add ES. For example - papel
Jessie: Paper
Javier: and papeles
Jessie: Papers. Got it. To recap, when the word ends in a vowel we add an s to form the plural, and when the noun ends in a consonant, we add ES.
Javier: Perfecto, however
Jessie: Not 100% of the time right?
Javier: You got it.
Jessie: All right. Let’s do some practice. Listen and repeat. Car, Singular.
Javier: coche
Jessie: Cars, plural.
Javier: coches
Jessie: Paper, singular.
Javier: papel
Jessie: Papers, plural.
Javier: papeles


Jessie: Okay well I think that’s all for this lesson. In the lesson notes, you can find a lot more examples of rules for the gender and number of nouns.
Javier: So please check them out.
Jessie: Thanks for listening everyone
Javier: Muchas gracias. Thank you. Hasta pronto. See you soon.
Jessie: Until next time.
1. PEDRO: ¿Tienes la nueva PlayStation?
2. JAVI: Sí, y también tengo un juego de fútbol.
3. PEDRO: ¿Porqué no jugamos?
4. JAVI: Es que no tengo otro mando.
5. PEDRO: No pasa nada, yo tengo otro mando.


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