
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - Do you have time to spare in Spain. In this lesson, you will learn how to ask what time it is and learn some other time related expressions such as.
Javier: Las cinco de la tarde.
Jessie: 5 PM.
Javier: Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at the cafeteria of a language school.
Javier: Who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Aya and Christina.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. AYA: ¿Qué hora es?
2. CHRISTINE: Las 5 de la tarde.
3. AYA: ¿Volvemos para casa?
4. CHRISTINA: Es pronto, aún tenemos una hora de tiempo.
Jessie: Now let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. AYA: ¿Qué hora es?
2. CHRISTINE: Las 5 de la tarde.
3. AYA: ¿Volvemos para casa?
4. CHRISTINA: Es pronto, aún tenemos una hora de tiempo.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. AYA: ¿Qué hora es?
1. AYA: What time is it?
2. CHRISTINE: Las 5 de la tarde.
2. CHRISTINE: It's five p.m.
3. AYA: ¿Volvemos para casa?
3. AYA: Should we go back home?
4. CHRISTINA: Es pronto, aún tenemos una hora de tiempo.
4. CHRISTINA: It's still early. We have one more hour.
Jessie: Speaking of time, I’ve heard of a phrase - horario infantil. Could you explain to me what that is?
Javier: It’s the time between 7 AM and 10 PM.
Jessie: Is there something special about that timeframe?
Javier: Europe and in Spain, there are TV content regulation codes and during that Horario infantil, some programs and some content are not allowed.
Jessie: So for example.
Javier: They cannot show images of underage smoking or drinking. They also regulate showing violent images on TV.
Jessie: So its purpose is to keep kids from seeing too much violence or something that can affect them in some negative way right?
Javier: Yes that’s a purpose.
Jessie: What’s the phrase again?
Javier: Horario infantil
Jessie: Literally something like Children’s Programming time as in programming that’s okay for children.
Javier: Yes that’s right.
Jessie: Alright let’s take a look to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word we will look at is
Javier: hora
Jessie: Hour.
Javier: ho-ra, hora
Jessie: Next is
Javier: volver
Jessie: To return, to come back.
Javier: vol-ver, volver
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: pronto
Jessie: Quick, fast, soon, early.
Javier: pron-to, pronto
Jessie: Next is
Javier: tener
Jessie: To have.
Javier: te-ner, tener
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: más
Jessie: More, plus
Javier: más, más
Jessie: Next is
Javier: de la tarde
Jessie: P.M.
Javier: de la tar-de, de la tarde
Jessie: Next is
Javier: de la mañana
Jessie: A.M.
Javier: de la ma-ña-na, de la mañana
Jessie: Next is
Javier: las cinco
Jessie: 5 o’ clock
Javier: las cin-co, las cinco
Jessie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is
Javier: de la mañana
Jessie: De la mañana, is a phrase that literally means in the morning and it’s commonly used to mean AM. However while in English, AM is used from 12 midnight until 12 noon. In Spanish, this time is divided into two expressions.
Javier: For the early hours, we say - de la madrugada, which means something like in the early morning.
Jessie: There is no hard rule about when it changes but before around 5 or 6 AM, we say
Javier: de la madrugada
Jessie: And after that
Javier: de la mañana
Jessie: Can we hear some examples?
Javier: Son las dos de la madrugada.
Jessie: It’s 2 AM.
Javier: Son las seis de la mañana.
Jessie: It’s 6 AM.
Javier: Son las diez de la mañana.
Jessie: It’s 10 AM. The next one is
Javier: de la tarde
Jessie: De la tarde, is a phrase used in Spanish that means PM. The literal translation would be in the evening or in the afternoon. Then we also have
Javier: de la noche
Jessie: And this means at night.
Javier: De la tarde, is usually used from 12 PM till 8 PM, from 9 PM till 11:59 PM. It’s more common to say - De la noche.
Jessie: All right. Let’s hear some examples.
Javier: Son las dos de la tarde.
Jessie: It’s 2 PM.
Javier: Son las siete de la tarde.
Jessie: It’s 7 PM.
Javier: Son las nueve de la noche.
Jessie: It is 9 PM. Alright and with that let’s move on to the Grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: In this lesson, you learned how to ask the time and tell time in Spanish. In Spanish, the phrase what time is it is
Javier: ¿Qué hora es?
Jessie: What time is it? Please repeat.
Javier: ¿Qué hora es?
Jessie: All right. Now that’s simple enough right? Now let’s move on to how to tell the time. To say the time, we use the verb - ser, Xavier, what’s it’s 1 o'clock in Spanish?
Javier: Es la una.
Jessie: How about it is 11 o’ clock?
Javier: Son las once.
Jessie: So the structure of the sentence is
Javier: The verb - ser, plus a definite article plus a number. We will use two forms of the verb ser, es and son
Jessie: Es, is used with singular numbers such as
Javier: Es la una.
Jessie: It’s 1 o’ clock. With all others, we use son and also the definite article - las. For example
Javier: Son las dos de la tarde.
Jessie: It’s 2 P.M.
Javier: Or Son las diez de la mañana.
Jessie: It’s 10 A.M. Okay we have seen the basics. Now let’s see how we add the minutes. It’s very easy to add the minutes. After you say the hour, say - y - meaning and then the number of minutes. That’s it. For example.
Javier: Son las diez y diez.
Jessie: It’s 10:10
Javier: Son las tres y veinte.
Jessie: It’s 3:20. To say 30 minutes, just add
Javier: y media
Jessie: For example.
Javier: Son las diez y media.
Jessie: It’s 10:30
Javier: Or Son las ocho y media.
Jessie: It’s 8:30. Now I think it’s time for some practice. Let’s use some examples. Listeners, listen and repeat. What time is it?
Javier: ¿Qué hora es?
Jessie: It’s 1 A.M.
Javier: Es la una de la madrugada.
Jessie: It’s 3 P.M.
Javier: Son las tres de la tarde.
Jessie: It’s 5 A.M.
Javier: Son las cinco de la mañana.
Jessie: It’s 5:30
Javier: Son las cinco y media.
Jessie: Great. Let’s recap this lesson. We studied how to ask and tell time. For example.
Javier: ¿Qué hora es?
Jessie: What time is it and
Javier: Son las dos.
Jessie: It’s 2 o’ clock.


Jessie: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. How did it go? Be sure to let us know.
Javier: Thanks for listening, muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: See you all on the next lesson.

