
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: Jessie here - Spending time at the Spanish library. In this lesson, you learn how to ask and explain where people or things are such as he is at home.
Javier: Él está en casa. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place on the phone.
Javier: Who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Maria and Harvey’s mother.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. MADRE DE JAVI: ¿Diga?
2. MARIA: Soy María. ¿Está Javi?
3. MADRE DE JAVI: Ahora no está.
4. MARIA: ¿Sabe dónde está?
5. MADRE DE JAVI: Está en la biblioteca.
Now let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. MADRE DE JAVI: ¿Diga?
2. MARIA: Soy María. ¿Está Javi?
3. MADRE DE JAVI: Ahora no está.
4. MARIA: ¿Sabe dónde está?
5. MADRE DE JAVI: Está en la biblioteca.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. MADRE DE JAVI: ¿Diga?
2. MARIA: Soy María. ¿Está Javi?
2. MARIA: This is María. Is Javi there?
3. MADRE DE JAVI: Ahora no está.
3. JAVI'S MOTHER: He's not here right now.
4. MARIA: ¿Sabe dónde está?
4. MARIA: Do you know where he is?
5. MADRE DE JAVI: Está en la biblioteca.
5. JAVI'S MOTHER: He's at the library.
Javier: ¿Sí, diga?
Jessie: So this is how you normally answer the phone in Spain.
Javier: Yes ¿diga?
Jessie: This is actually the polite command form of the verb that means to say or to tell.
Javier: That verb is - decir
Jessie: And this is very common in Spain. In other Spanish speaking countries, you might hear
Javier: ¿bueno?
Jessie: Which means good or well. In English, we usually say hello when answering the phone but the phrase is quite different. You don’t answer the phone with - hola, in Spanish. So be careful.
Javier: Yes I think it’s best to stick with - ¿diga?
Jessie: Okay, let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: estar
Jessie: To be
Javier: es-tar, estar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: diga
Jessie: Tell me
Javier: di-ga, diga
Jessie: Next is
Javier: saber
Jessie: To know, to know how
Javier: sa-ber, saber
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: ahora
Jessie: Now, just now, right away
Javier: ah-o-ra, ahora
Jessie: Next is
Javier: biblioteca
Jessie: Library
Javier: bi-blio-te-ca, biblioteca
Jessie: Next is
Javier: dónde
Jessie: Where
Javier: dón-de, dónde
Jessie: Last is
Javier: soy
Jessie: I am
Javier: soy, soy
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is.
Javier: saber
Jessie: In a regular verb that can be translated as, To know. It’s used to talk about having knowledge about something. However it can’t be used to talk about knowing someone. That requires a different verb.
Javier: To talk about knowing someone, you use - conocer
Jessie: Okay now this verb doesn’t follow the rules for regular verbs. So let’s see how to conjugate it.
Javier: Yo sé
Jessie: I know.
Javier: Tú sabes
Jessie: You know.
Javier: Él sabe
Jessie: He knows
Javier: Nosotros sabemos
Jessie: We know.
Javier: Vosotros sabeís
Jessie: You all know.
Javier: Ellos saben
Jessie: They know. All right, the next one is
Javier: biblioteca
Jessie: Library.
Javier: But be careful because library is not the word - librería
Jessie: It sounds really similar.
Javier: Yes but - librería, means bookstore, not library. And so it is easy to make a mistake.
Jessie: Yes good to know. So the word for library again is
Javier: biblioteca
Jessie: And the last one
Javier: ahora
Jessie: Now. An adverb that indicates this moment, now-a-days or the present time. Some examples.
Javier: Ahora estoy corriendo.
Jessie: I am running now. It also means immediately before or immediately after the moment it’s used.
Javier: Ahora lo hago.
Jessie: I will do it now.
Javier: Or - Ahora acabo de hablar con ellos.
Jessie: I just talked with them now. All right, let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is the use of the verb to be - estar, to express where people or things are located. In the last lesson, we saw how the verb - estar, works to express feelings and also to talk about temporary situations. Let’s review how to conjugate this verb.
Javier: Yo estoy
Jessie: I am
Javier: Tú estás
Jessie: You are
Javier: Él está
Jessie: He is
Javier: Nosotros estamos
Jessie: We are
Javier: Vosotros estáis
Jessie: You all are
Javier: Ellos están
Jessie: They are. So as we just mentioned earlier, estar - is used to talk about the location of a person or object. We saw this in the dialogue when Maria called Javi’s house. When his mother answered the phone, she asked.
Javier: ¿Está Javi?
Jessie: Is Javi there? The response is No. So then Maria asks where she can find him.
Javier: ¿Sabe dónde está?
Jessie: Do you know where he is.
Javier: dónde - translates as where.
Jessie: And then the mother answers
Javier: Está en la biblioteca.
Jessie: He is in the library. Know how you use the verb - estar, to say where someone is. Okay let’s practice with some examples now. Listeners, listen and repeat. I am at the station.
Javier: Estoy en la estación.
Jessie: She is in California.
Javier: Ella está en California.
Jessie: Is my cell phone at your house?
Javier: ¿Está mi movil en tu casa?
Jessie: No, it’s not at my house.
Javier: No, no está en mi casa.
Jessie: Now let’s review the pattern for asking where something or someone is too.
Javier: It’s ¿Dónde está? plus the item or person.
Jessie: For example, where is my book?
Javier: ¿Dónde está mi libro?
Jessie: Listeners, please repeat.
Javier: ¿Dónde está mi libro?
Jessie: Or how about where is Andy?
Javier: ¿Dónde está Andy?
Jessie: Listeners please repeat.
Javier: ¿Dónde está Andy?
Jessie: Great. Now let’s recap this lesson. We studied the verb - estar, to express location and also we learned how to ask where things and people are. For example.
Javier: ¿Dónde está Pedro?
Jessie: Where is Pedro?


Jessie: Well that is all for this lesson.
Javier: Make sure to read the lesson notes for more information.
Jessie: Yes, don’t forget.
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: See you all next time.

