
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - Getting that Spanish outfit. In this lesson, you will learn more about demonstrative adjectives focusing on ‘that’ as in - that dog.
Javier: Ese perro. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a department store.
Javier: And who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Maria and the shop assistant. They don’t know each other and because the conversation is between a customer and a shop assistant, the language used is formal.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. VENDEDOR: ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?
2. MARÍA: Me gustaría esa camiseta de allí. (pointing)
3. VENDEDOR: ¿Esta camiseta roja? (holding a red t-shirt)
4. MARÍA: No no, esta no. Esa camiseta azul al lado de la camiseta verde.
Jessie: Now let’s listen to the dialogue one time slowly.
1. VENDEDOR: ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?
2. MARÍA: Me gustaría esa camiseta de allí. (pointing)
3. VENDEDOR: ¿Esta camiseta roja? (holding a red t-shirt)
4. MARÍA: No no, esta no. Esa camiseta azul al lado de la camiseta verde.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. VENDEDOR: ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?
1. SHOP ASSISTANT: How can I help you?
2. MARÍA: Me gustaría esa camiseta de allí. (pointing)
2. MARÍA: I would like that t-shirt. (pointing)
3. VENDEDOR: ¿Esta camiseta roja? (holding a red t-shirt)
3. SHOP ASSISTANT: This red one? (holding a red t-shirt)
4. MARÍA: No no, esta no. Esa camiseta azul al lado de la camiseta verde.
4. MARÍA: No, not this one. That blue t-shirt next to the green t-shirt.
Javier: Jessie, your shirt is very nice.
Jessie: Oh well thank you.
Javier: Where did you buy it?
Jessie: At the Zara store downtown. One of my favorite places to shop.
Javier: Really? There is a Spanish brand. Did you know that?
Jessie: Yes I did. I think it’s probably one of the most famous Spanish fashion brands right?
Javier: Yes I would say it’s the most famous. You can find it everywhere.
Jessie: How about other brands from Spain?
Javier: There is also Mango. Which is pretty well known.
Jessie: I know of Mango too.
Javier: After that, we have some famous designers, but that’s for high class fashion.
Jessie: For example.
Javier: Paco Rabanne and Agatha Ruiz de la Prada exhibit their collections all around the world.
Jessie: Listeners, let us know if you are into Spanish brands or know any other Spanish fashion designers. Let’s take a look at the vocab for this lessons.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: ayudar
Jessie: To help
Javier: a-yu-dar, ayudar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: gustaría
Jessie: Would like
Javier: gus-ta-ría, gustaría
Jessie: Next is
Javier: esta
Jessie: This
Javier: es-ta, esta
Jessie: Next is
Javier: eso, ese, esa
Jessie: That
Javier: e-so, e-se, e-sa, eso, ese, esa
Jessie: Next is
Javier: al lado
Jessie: Next to
Javier: al la-do, al lado
Jessie: Next is
Javier: camiseta
Jessie: T-Shirt.
Javier: ca-mi-se-ta, camiseta
Jessie: Next is
Javier: verde
Jessie: Green.
Javier: ver-de, verde
Jessie: Last is
Javier: roja
Jessie: Red
Javier: ro-ja, roja
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one is
Javier: al lado
Jessie: Next to. This is a Spanish adverb used to show that something is next to something else. Some examples.
Javier: Está al lado del hospital.
Jessie: It’s next to the hospital.
Javier: Al lado de mi casa hay un supermercado.
Jessie: Next to my house, there is a supermarket and the next one is
Javier: ayudar
Jessie: An ar verb meaning to help. It’s used a lot by shop assistants to ask someone if they need help. In the dialogue, we had
Javier: ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?
Jessie: Which is - how can I help you?
Javier: That’s right. You hear this a lot.
Jessie: Alright, on to the Grammar Point.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is the demonstrative adjective ‘that’ as in - that novel.
Javier: Esa novela.
Jessie: In the last lesson, we saw what demonstrative adjectives were. They are essentially the words this, these, that and those in English. In the last lesson, we focused on the usage of this.
Javier: este or esta in Spanish.
Jessie: And in this lesson, we will focus on the usage of that.
Javier: ese or esa
Jessie: Remember that like other adjectives, these demonstrative adjectives have to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.
Javier: Right.
Jessie: The demonstrative adjective ‘that’ refers to a place or thing somewhat distant to the speaker. As we can see in the dialogue Maria says.
Javier: Me gustaría esa camisa.
Jessie: I would like that shirt. Which means the shirt is a little bit far from her, the speaker, but close to the listener.
Javier: Esa camisa. That shirt.
Jessie: This word can also be used with time expressions. For example
Javier: Ese año. That year.
Jessie: Here it refers to a year which is not this year which would use, este, but also one that’s not really far away. In Spanish, the demonstrative adjective ‘that’ has two versions, the masculine
Javier: ese, as in - Ese perro.
Jessie: That dog, and the feminine.
Javier: esa, as in - Esa chaqueta.
Jessie: That jacket. And now some practice. Listen and repeat. That hotel.
Javier: Ese hotel.
Jessie: That notebook
Javier: Esa libreta.
Jessie: That suitcase
Javier: Esa maleta.
Jessie: That dish
Javier: Ese plato.
Jessie: All right. Great. Now let’s recap this lesson. We continued looking at demonstrative adjectives in Spanish and focused in particular on the usage of ‘that’.
Javier: ese and esa, as in Esa persona.
Jessie: That person.


Jessie: Well that’s all for this lesson.
Javier: Please, leave us a comment if you have any questions.
Jessie: And feel free to practice what you have learned here. Thanks for listening.
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: See you next time.

