
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - Is this the best Spanish movie to Rent? In this lesson, you will learn the use of demonstrative adjectives focusing on this, such as “This T-Shirt.”
Javier: Esta camiseta. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a video rental shop.
Javier: And who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Aya and Christina, two students at a Spanish language school in Spain. They are in a video rental shop trying to chose a movie for a quiet Friday night.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. AYA: ¿Alquilamos esta película?
2. CHRISTINA: (mirandola) ¿Ésta? ¿es un poco larga ¿no?
3. AYA: (mostrándole otra película) Mmmm, ¿y qué tal esta otra?
4. CHRISTINA: ¡Vale! Ésta parece muy divertida.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation one time slowly.
1. AYA: ¿Alquilamos esta película?
2. CHRISTINA: (mirandola) ¿Ésta? ¿es un poco larga ¿no?
3. AYA: (mostrándole otra película) Mmmm, ¿y qué tal esta otra?
4. CHRISTINA: ¡Vale! Ésta parece muy divertida.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. AYA: ¿Alquilamos esta película?
1. AYA: Shall we rent this movie?
2. CHRISTINA: (mirandola) ¿Ésta? ¿es un poco larga ¿no?
2. CHRISTINA: (looking at it) This one? It seems a bit long, doesn't it?
3. AYA: (mostrándole otra película) Mmmm, ¿y qué tal esta otra?
3. AYA: (showing her another movie) Hmm, how about this one?
4. CHRISTINA: ¡Vale! Ésta parece muy divertida.
4. CHRISTINA: OK! This one looks funny!
Javier: Jessie, do you know any Spanish movies?
Jessie: I don’t know Spanish movies very well. I just know some of the more famous Spanish actors.
Javier: Which ones do you know?
Jessie: Well there is Oscar winner Javier Bardem and Antonio Banderas and – oh also recently, I have seen a movie with Penelope Cruz in it.
Javier: Yes I would say they are the most popular.
Jessie: Yes of course and there is a really famous director too.
Javier: One that makes very strange dramas right?
Jessie: Yes, I think he won a couple of Oscars too?
Javier: Yes, Pedro Almodovar is well known around the world.
Jessie: Are there any other famous Spanish directors?
Javier: Well they are not that famous but others such as Alex de la Iglesia or Alejandro Amenabar tried to do more international films but the Spanish cinema scene is still very local compared to other countries.
Jessie: Listeners let us know if there are any Spanish films, actors, or directors that you enjoy. Okay, let’s take a look to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: alquilar
Jessie: To rent.
Javier: al-qui-lar, alquilar
Jessie: Next is.
Javier: esta
Jessie: This
Javier: es-ta, esta
Jessie: Next is
Javier: mirar
Jessie: To look
Javier: mi-rar, mirar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: mostrar
Jessie: To show
Javier: mos-trar, mostrar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: larga
Jessie: Long
Javier: lar-ga, larga
Jessie: Next is
Javier: un poco
Jessie: A little
Javier: un po-co, un poco
Jessie: Next is
Javier: otro, otra
Jessie: Other, another, else
Javier: o-tro, o-tra, otro, otra
Jessie: Last is
Javier: película
Jessie: Movie, film
Javier: pe-lí-cu-la, película
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one is
Javier: alquilar
Jessie: An ar verb meaning to rent or to hire. This is a transitive verb which needs an object. You need to rent something. Some examples
Javier: Él alquila una película.
Jessie: He rents a movie.
Javier: Nosotros alquilamos un apartamento.
Jessie: We rent an apartment. Okay the next one is
Javier: otro or otra
Jessie: Meaning another.
Javier: Dame otro lápiz.
Jessie: Give me another pencil. This is an adjective used to refer to an additional person or thing of the same type as one I already mentioned. Because it’s an adjective, it has to agree with the noun it goes with.
Javier: So the different forms are otro, otra, otros, otras
Jessie: All right and the last one
Javier: largo
Jessie: Long. An adjective that indicates a big distance or a duration.
Javier: Un viaje largo.
Jessie: A long trip.
Javier: Una película larga.
Jessie: A long movie. Again because it’s an adjective, it always has to agree in number and gender with the noun it modifies. Now on to the Grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is the demonstrative adjective this
Javier: Such as - Esta camiseta.
Jessie: This T-Shirt. But first what exactly are demonstrative adjectives. Well they make reference to specific item. They also include information on where it is in relation to the speaker and like all other adjectives in Spanish, it has to agree with a noun in gender and number.
Javier: In the Spanish, we have este or esta
Jessie: This
Javier: And estos or estas
Jessie: These. These words refer to something close to the speaker. The next set is
Javier: ese or esa
Jessie: That.
Javier: And esos or esas
Jessie: Those. These words refer to something a little far from the speaker. The next set is
Javier: aquel or aquella
Jessie: That over there.
Javier: And aquellos or aquellas
Jessie: Those over there. These words refer to something farther away from the speaker.
Javier: But in this lesson, we will focus on este, esta, or this in English.
Jessie: It refers to something close to the speaker. As we can see in the dialogue Aya says
Javier: Alquilamos esta película.
Jessie: Shall we rent this movie? She is referring to the movie she is already holding. We can also use these words with time expressions. For example.
Javier: Este año. This year.
Jessie: This of course means the year we are living in now. In English, we only have the demonstrative adjective this but in Spanish we have two versions, the masculine
Javier: este, as in - Este coche.
Jessie: This car. And the feminine.
Javier: esta, as in - Esta camiseta.
Jessie: This T-Shirt. Let’s see some more examples.
Javier: Este reloj.
Jessie: This watch.
Javier: Esta chaqueta.
Jessie: This jacket.
Javier: Este gato.
Jessie: This cat. And now time for some practice. Listen and repeat. This book.
Javier: Este libro.
Jessie: This magazine.
Javier: Esta revista.
Jessie: This toy
Javier: Este juguete.
Jessie: This glass
Javier: Este vaso.
Jessie: This cup
Javier: Esta copa.
Jessie: Let’s recap this lesson. We introduced demonstrative adjectives in Spanish and focused in particular on the use of the ones that mean this.
Javier: este and esta, as in - esta lección
Jessie: This lesson. And that’s all for esta lección.


Jessie: That’s going to do it for now.
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: Bye, everyone.

