
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: Jessie here - Please enjoy your Spanish snack. In this lesson, you learn how to use progressive tenses in the present to show continuous actions such as I am eating.
Javier: Estoy comiendo. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at an apartment.
Javier: And who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Maria and Pedro, two university students. They are friends and they are spending a normal weekend.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. MARÍA: ¿Qué estás comiendo?
2. PEDRO: Estoy comiendo un yogurt.
3. MARÍA: ¡Que aproveche!
4. PEDRO: Muchas gracias. ¿Y tú que estás haciendo?
5. MARÍA : Estoy haciendo los deberes.
Jessie: Now let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. MARÍA: ¿Qué estás comiendo?
2. PEDRO: Estoy comiendo un yogurt.
3. MARÍA: ¡Que aproveche!
4. PEDRO: Muchas gracias. ¿Y tú que estás haciendo?
5. MARÍA : Estoy haciendo los deberes.
Jessie: And now with the English translation.
1. MARÍA: ¿Qué estás comiendo?
1. MARÍA: What are you eating?
2. PEDRO: Estoy comiendo un yogurt.
2. PEDRO: I'm eating yogurt.
3. MARÍA: ¡Que aproveche!
3. MARÍA: Enjoy!
4. PEDRO: Muchas gracias. ¿Y tú que estás haciendo?
4. PEDRO: Thank you! And you? What are you doing?
5. MARÍA : Estoy haciendo los deberes.
5. MARÍA: I'm doing homework.
Javier: Hey Jessie, what are you doing?
Jessie: Eating a snack
Javier: Que aproveche.
Jessie: gracias
Jessie: I suppose… What is - que aproveche?
Javier: It is what we say in the Spanish when we see another person eating.
Jessie: Something like Bon appétit or enjoy your meal.
Javier: Exactly. It’s a very polite way to say enjoy your meal.
Jessie: Do you use it in other situations like say when you are about to start eating?
Javier: You can say it if there are other people about to eat but not if you are the only one. They will say, ‘que aproveche’ to you but you will not say it to yourself.
Jessie: Ah okay, so you can’t say it to yourself and so how should I answer, gracias?
Javier: Yes a - gracias or muchas gracias, would be the normal answer.
Jessie: Okay. Very good to know. Let’s take a look to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: los
Jessie: The
Javier: los, los
Jessie: Next is
Javier: un
Jessie: A, an
Javier: un, un
Jessie: Next is
Javier: estar
Jessie: To be
Javier: es-tar, estar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: yogurt
Jessie: Yogurt
Javier: yo-gurt, yogurt
Jessie: Next is
Javier: que aproveche
Jessie: Enjoy your meal
Javier: que a-pro-ve-che, que aproveche
Jessie: Next is
Javier: deberes
Jessie: Homework
Javier: de-be-res, deberes
Jessie: Next is
Javier: comer
Jessie: To eat
Javier: co-mer, comer
Jessie: Next is
Javier: hacer
Jessie: To make, to do
Javier: ha-cer, hacer
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one is
Javier: estar
Jessie: To be. Estar, is a Spanish verb that can be translated as to be. It is also used as an auxiliary verb to show an action that’s currently happening. For example.
Javier: Estoy comiendo.
Jessie: I am eating. We will cover this grammar in more detail later in this lesson. All right, what else do we have?
Javier: deberes
Jessie: A word which means, homework.
Javier: Hacer los deberes.
Jessie: Means to do homework.
Javier: However in some other parts of South America, instead of ‘deberes’ they say ‘tareas’, but it has the same meaning.

Lesson focus

Jessie: Okay now on to the Grammar Point. The focus of this lesson is the present progressive tense in Spanish.
Javier: Such as, estoy comiendo
Jessie: I am eating. I think first we should take a look at what the present progressive tense is. The present progressive tense shows what the subject is doing now. To make this tense, we can use different motion verbs such as.
Javier: venir
Jessie: To come
Javier: ir
Jessie: To go but in this lesson, we will just focus on the use of a verb - estar, to be to make the present progressive which is the same as the gerund ing in English.
Javier: Yes such as - Estoy escribiendo una carta.
Jessie: I am writing a letter. So the structure for this is the subject plus the present simple of the verb ‘estar’ plus the gerund of the verb. First let’s start with the present simple of the verb - estar. Here are the conjugations.
Javier: Yo estoy
Jessie: I am.
Javier: Tú estás
Jessie: You are
Javier: Él está
Jessie: He is
Javier: Nosotros estamos
Jessie: We are
Javier: Vosotros estaís
Jessie: You all are
Javier: Ellos están
Jessie: They are. So as you can see, the conjugation is always different for each pronoun and now let’s see how to form the gerund. Before we learn that verbs in Spanish have one of three endings.
Javier: AR, ER, or IR
Jessie: To get the gerund, we just need to change this final AR, ER or IR.
Javier: For example, we have to change AR to ANDO. So - hablar
Jessie: To speak
Javier: Becomes - hablando
Jessie: Speaking.
Javier: For ER verbs, we change ER to IENDO. So - beber
Jessie: To drink
Javier: becomes - bebiendo
Jessie: Drinking.
Javier: For IR verbs we change IR to IENDO. So - escribir
Jessie: To write
Javier: Becomes - escribiendo
Jessie: Writing. Okay now some examples using these verbs.
Javier: Yo estoy comiendo.
Jessie: I am eating.
Javier: Tú estás escribiendo.
Jessie: You are writing.
Javier: Nosotros estamos hablando.
Jessie: We are speaking.
Javier: Ellos están corriendo.
Jessie: They are running and now some practice. Listen and repeat. I am speaking.
Javier: Yo estoy hablando.
Jessie: You are speaking.
Javier: Tú estás hablando.
Jessie: He is writing.
Javier: Él está escribiendo.
Jessie: We are writing.
Javier: Nosotros estamos escribiendo.
Jessie: You are playing.
Javier: Vosotros estaís jugando.
Jessie: They are eating.
Javier: Ellos están comiendo.
Jessie: Okay let’s recap this lesson. We learned about the present progressive and how to format using the word To be.
Javier: estar
Jessie: Plus the gerund such as
Javier: Yo estoy cocinando.
Jessie: I am cooking.


Jessie: Be sure to leave a comment practicing the grammar we covered in this lesson.
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: Bye, everyone.
1. MARÍA: ¿Qué estás comiendo?
2. PEDRO: Estoy comiendo un yogurt.
3. MARÍA: ¡Que aproveche!
4. PEDRO: Muchas gracias. ¿Y tú que estás haciendo?
5. MARÍA : Estoy haciendo los deberes.

