
Vocabulary (Review)

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Javier: Hola soy Javier.
Jessie: Jessie here - Buying groceries in Spain. In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate AR verbs in Spanish such as to speak.
Javier: hablar
Jessie: Or to sing.
Javier: Cantar. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a supermarket.
Javier: And who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Maria and Harvey, two friends living in the same neighborhood, so they go shopping at the same place. Maria is shopping with another friend.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. MARIA: ¿Qué compras?
2. JAVI: Compro algo para cenar. Y vosotros ¿qué compraís?
3. MARIA: Nosotros compramos pescado para cocinar sushi.
4. JAVI: ¿Cocinas comida japonesa?
5. MARIA: Sí, nos gusta mucho.
Jessie: Now let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. MARIA: ¿Qué compras?
2. JAVI: Compro algo para cenar. Y vosotros ¿qué compraís?
3. MARIA: Nosotros compramos pescado para cocinar sushi.
4. JAVI: ¿Cocinas comida japonesa?
5. MARIA: Sí, nos gusta mucho.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. MARIA: ¿Qué compras?
1. MARIA: What are you going to buy?
2. JAVI: Compro algo para cenar. Y vosotros ¿qué compraís?
2. JAVI: I'm going to get something for dinner. And you, what are you going
to buy?
3. MARIA: Nosotros compramos pescado para cocinar sushi.
3. MARIA: We're buying fish to make sushi.
4. JAVI: ¿Cocinas comida japonesa?
4. JAVI: You cook Japanese food?
5. MARIA: Sí, nos gusta mucho.
5. MARIA: Yes, we like it a lot.
Jessie: Hey Javier, yesterday I went to a Spanish restaurant.
Javier: Really, how was it?
Jessie: Delicious. I ate a ton of food.
Javier: Did you try paella?
Jessie: Of course but I was a bit surprised. This Paella had mostly vegetables and chicken. I thought that paella was made with seafood.
Javier: It depends. Original Paella is said to be from Valencia, a Port of Spain, and it’s rice based with Chicken and Rabbit.
Jessie: Ah really?
Javier: However there are other types of Paella such as Paella Marinera. This is the most popular in Barcelona and it’s made with seafood like shrimps, clams, sepia. I think this is the most popular type around the world.
Jessie: Ah I see, got it. How about you? Do you eat Paella often?
Javier: In Spain, Paella is commonly eaten on Thursday. You can see it in all the bar menus but I haven’t eaten it much recently.
Jessie: Next time, we should go to that restaurant together.
Javier: It sounds great.
Jessie: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: comprar
Jessie: To buy
Javier: com-prar, comprar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: cena
Jessie: Dinner
Javier: ce-na, cena
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: pescado
Jessie: Fish
Javier: pes-ca-do, pescado
Jessie: Next is
Javier: sushi
Jessie: Sushi
Javier: su-shi, sushi
Jessie: Next is
Javier: cocinar
Jessie: To cook
Javier: co-ci-nar, cocinar
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: mucho
Jessie: Much, a lot
Javier: mu-cho, mucho
Jessie: Next is
Javier: para
Jessie: For, in order to
Javier: pa-ra, para
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the vocab and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is
Javier: cenar
Jessie: An ar verb meaning to have dinner. For example.
Javier: Él cena en case.
Jessie: He has dinner at home.
Javier: Nosotros cenamos en el restaurante.
Jessie: We have dinner at the restaurant. So being a regular verb that ends in ar, it follows all the conjugation rules of this group. And we will take a closer look at that in the grammar section. The next word we look at is.
Javier: para
Jessie: For. This - para, is a preposition with a noun or pronoun as an object meaning for the benefit of or directed to.
Javier: Es para ti.
Jessie: It’s for you.
Javier: But it’s also used to indicate purpose, intent or need such as- Es para cenar.
Jessie: It’s for dinner. Alright, now let’s move on to the Grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is AR verbs in the singular present tense.
Javier: Such as, comprar
Jessie: To buy
Javier: cenar
Jessie: To eat dinner. First let’s briefly introduce regular verbs in Spanish. In Spanish, we can classify the regular verbs in three groups. Verbs that end in AR, verbs that end in ER and verbs that end in IR. Depending on the group the conjugation will be a bit different but within the same group, all the verbs are conjugated exactly in the same way.
Javier: In any Spanish verb, we have two parts. The root and the variable part. The variable part is the AR, ER, IR ending.
Jessie: And that’s what’s going to change when we conjugate the verbs right?
Javier: Exactly. Let’s look at the present simple.
Jessie: The present simple in Spanish indicates something that is happening now or happens often such as
Javier: Yo compro verduras en el supermercado.
Jessie: I buy vegetables at the supermarket. Okay then, shall we learn how to conjugate AR verbs in Spanish. We will use the verb - comprar, to buy.
Javier: Yo compro
Jessie: I buy.
Javier: Tú compras.
Jessie: You buy.
Javier: Él compra.
Jessie: He buys.
Javier: Nosotros compramos.
Jessie: We buy.
Javier: Vosotros compraís.
Jessie: You plural buy.
Javier: Ellos compran.
Jessie: They buy. So as you can see, the only part that’s different is the ending and these endings apply to all AR verbs. Shall we take a look at some common verbs belonging to this group?
Javier: Sure, hablar,
Jessie: To speak.
Javier: trabajar
Jessie: To work.
Javier: cantar
Jessie: To sing.
Javier: preguntar
Jessie: To ask.
Javier: limpiar
Jessie: To clean. Okay now some simple example sentences with Ar verbs conjugated.
Javier: Yo trabajo en un supermercado.
Jessie: I work in a supermarket.
Javier: Él canta muy bien.
Jessie: He sings very well.
Javier: Nosotros preguntamos a la profesora.
Jessie: We ask the teacher.
Javier: Él limpia la habitación.
Jessie: He cleans the room. Okay and now some practice. Listeners, listen and repeat. I sing.
Javier: Yo canto.
Jessie: You buy
Javier: Tú compras.
Jessie: He cleans
Javier: Él limpia.
Jessie: We ask
Javier: Nosotros preguntamos.
Jessie: You all speak
Javier: Vosotros hablais.
Jessie: They wait
Javier: Ellos esperan.
Jessie: Okay great. Now let’s quickly recap this lesson. We learned about the first group of Spanish verbs ones that end in AR and how to conjugate them in the present simple tense.
Javier: Yo compro verduras.
Jessie: I buy vegetables.


Jessie: Okay, well I think that is going to do it for this lesson. Alright everyone, see you all next time
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: Bye everyone.
1. MARIA: ¿Qué compras?
2. JAVI: Compro algo para cenar. Y vosotros ¿qué compraís?
3. MARIA: Nosotros compramos pescado para cocinar sushi.
4. JAVI: ¿Cocinas comida japonesa?
5. MARIA: Sí, nos gusta mucho.


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