Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi, everyone, I’m Yesenia from SpanishPod101.com. In this video, we’ll be talking about Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Mexico. Let’s begin!
[Normal] Teotihuacán [Slow] Teotihuacán
This is one of the most popular archaeological sites in Mexico.
Nadie sabe quien construyó Teotihuacán originalmente.
"Nobody knows who originally built Teotihuacan."
[Normal] Palenque [Slow] Palenque
This is another major Mexican "archaeological site," or sitios arqueológicos.
Palenque está en una jungla.
"Palenque is in a jungle."
[Normal] Palacio Nacional [Slow] Palacio Nacional
"National Palace"
It is located in Mexico City and you can visit it, though some areas are forbidden.
El presidente de México trabaja en el Palacio Nacional.
"The President of Mexico works in the National Palace."
[Normal] Monte Albán [Slow] Monte Albán
"Monte Albán"
This is another archeological site. If you visit Mexico, you should absolutely visit one of its amazing archeological sites.
La ciudad de Monte Albán está en la cima de un monte.
"The city of Monte Alban is on top of a mountain."
[Normal] Hospicio Cabañas [Slow] Hospicio Cabañas
"Hospicio Cabañas"
This is located in Guadalajara and it’s one of the oldest hospitals in the American continent.
El Hospicio Cabañas albergaba huérfanos y enfermos en el siglo XIX.
"The Hospicio Cabañas would house orphans and sick people in the 19th century."
[Normal] La Catedral de Guadalajara [Slow] La Catedral de Guadalajara
"Guadalajara Cathedral"
This is one of the oldest cathedrals in Central America.
La Catedral de Guadalajara ha sido destruida varias veces.
"The Guadalajara Cathedral has been destroyed many times."
[Normal] Chichén Itzá [Slow] Chichén Itzá
"Chichen Itza"
You’ve probably already heard about it. This place is famous for the beautiful Mayan pyramid.
Chichén Itzá fue clasificada como una de las nuevas siete maravillas del mundo.
"Chichen Itza was classified as one of the seven wonders of the world."
[Normal] Templo de Quetzalcóatl [Slow] Templo de Quetzalcóatl
"Temple of Quetzalcoátl"
This temple is located in Teotihuacan.
El Templo de Quetzacóatl veneraba a la Serpiente Emplumada.
"The Temple of Quetzalcoatl worshipped the Feathered Serpent."
[Normal] Pirámide del Sol [Slow] Pirámide del Sol
"Pyramid of the Sun"
This is another monument located in Teotihuacan.
La Pirámide del Sol es una de las pirámides más altas del mundo.
"The Pyramid of the Sun is one of the tallest pyramids in the world."
[Normal] Pirámide de la Luna [Slow] Pirámide de la Luna
"Pyramid of the Moon"
It’s related to the "Pyramid of the Sun" and is also located in the Teotihuacan complex.
La Pirámide de la Luna es más chica que la del Sol.
"The Pyramid of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun."
[Normal] Uxmal [Slow] Uxmal
This place is considered one of the most important Mayan archeological sites.
Los Mayas de Uxmal hacian sacrificios humanos para los dioses.
"The Uxmal Mayans sacrificed humans to the gods."
[Normal] El Templo de Santa Prisca [Slow] El Templo de Santa Prisca
"Santa Prisca Church"
This church is located in Taxco de Alarcón in the south of Mexico.
El Templo de Santa Prisca tiene dos magnificas torres.
"The Santa Prisca Church has two magnificent towers."


Okay, that's all for this lesson. Which attraction do you like the most? Leave a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Hasta la próxima!

