Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. This is Rosa and today, we’ll be doing the Top 10 Phrases to Never Use in a Relationship. Let’s go.
1. ¡Te lo dije!
I told you so!
Yeah, I hate it when someone, like, tells me that and I try to remember that when I am about to say it to someone but sometimes it’s hard. I know.
2. Bueno, lo haré yo solo.
Oh, I'll do it myself!
Yeah. Not a very good sign in a relationship if the other person tells you so.
So in the case a woman says that, it would be,
Bueno, lo haré yo sola.
So changing the last O for an A.
3. ¡Nunca me escuchas!
You never listen to me!
I don’t know why but I have the feeling that it’s more women saying that to men that the other way around. I don’t know.
4. No me hables así.
"Don't talk to me like that."
5. Da igual.
Sometimes you don’t want to just, like, keep going over and over the same conversation on and on, dragging. So, sometimes the easiest is just to say,
Da igual.
Um, yeah, leave it like that, I guess.
6. Hay algo que no te he dicho...
There's something I haven't told you...
Um, you got it. Yeah. Another thing I wouldn’t like to hear.
Hay algo que no te he dicho... Me comí tu pedazo de la tarta.
There’s something I haven’t told you... I ate your piece of cake.
7. No me gusta esta parte de ti.
I don't like this part of you.
I mean, it’s hard to hear it but somehow it’s normal, like, not to like everything about the other person but just maybe don’t say it so straightforwardly like you can hurt the other person’s feelings.
8. ¿Pero qué te pasa?
What's wrong with you?
Yeah, not the best sentence if you want to solve something, like, if you did that way, like, it’s kind of you are asking for a fight or something.
9. ¡Es todo por tu culpa!
It’s all your fault!
Normally, that’s not the case, but, yeah...
10. No vuelvas a hacerlo nunca más.
Don't do that ever again.
Like normally when you say this, it means that you’re kind of angry but also if depending on the intonation like it can be a bit I don’t know more loving in that way, maybe.
No vuelvas a hacerlo nunca más.
Don't do that ever again.
So yeah, depending on the intonation, it can be pretty bad or not that bad, just a warning.
And this is the end of today’s Top 10 Phrases to Never Say in a Relationship. Have you been told any of these phrases before?
See you soon, hasta luego.

