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Learn 10 gift ideas
Get this lesson’s key vocab, their translations and pronunciations. Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account Now and get 7 Days of Premium Access including this feature.
Hi, everyone! This is Rosa, today we'll be doing 10 Gift Ideas You Must Know in Spanish. So let's go! |
1. portátil "laptop" |
No le quiero regalar un portátil a mi novio porque solo lo usaría para jugar. "I don't want to give my boyfriend a laptop because he would only use it to play." |
2. perfume "perfume" |
Para escoger un perfume, primero intenta averiguar qué tipo de perfumes le gustan. "To choose a perfume, first try to find out what kind of perfumes she likes." |
3. libro "book" |
¿En lugar de un libro, por qué no le regalas un libro electrónico? "Instead of a book, why don't you give him an e-book?" |
4. mapamundi "world map" |
Siempre he querido tener un mapamundi para poner chinchetas en los lugares que he estado. "I've always wanted to have a world map to put tacks in the places I've been." |
5. cámara "camera" |
Le regalé una cámara y sólo se hace selfis solo. "I gave him a camera and he only takes selfies alone." |
6. móvil "smartphone" |
Tengo que cambiarme el móvil. ¿Me das el tuyo? "I have to change my smartphone. Will you give me yours?" |
7. consola "game console" |
Compró una consola y salió una nueva versión a los tres días. "He bought a console and a new version came out after three days." |
8. un vuelo a España "a flight to Spain" |
A mi hermana le regalaron un vuelo a España. "My sister was given a flight to Spain." |
9. álbum de fotos "photo album" |
Le hice un álbum de fotos personalizado por su cumpleaños. "I did a custom photo album for his birthday." |
10. anillo "ring" |
¡Qué anillo más bonito! ¿Quién te lo dio? "What a beautiful ring! Who gave it to you?" |
This is the end of today's video, today we did 10 Gift Ideas You Must Know in Spanish. Answer in the comments below which gift you would like to be given. I hope to see you soon. |
¡Hasta pronto! |