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Hello! My name is Rosa and this is Spanish Top Words. And today, we’ll be doing top 20 travel phrases you should know.
1. ¿Cuánto cuesta esto? “How much is this?”
You can also say...¿Cuánto vale?
2. ¿Hablas inglés? “Do you speak English?”
In most cases, the answer to that might not be that positive. Yeah, you can try.
3. ¿Me puedo probar esto? “Can I try this on?”
So if you enter a clothing store and there is something you like, you can ask the shopping assistant...¿Me puedo probar esto?
4. ¿Tiene sitio para esta noche? “Do you have any vacancies tonight?”
Maybe try to not get to the point that you have to ask this. Book your room beforehand.
5. ¿Tiene alguna recomendación? “Do you have any recommendations?”
And if you travel to Spain, you have to go to Granada. I kind of miss it. Most beautiful city in the world.
6. Me gustaría diez de estos. “I’d like ten of these.”
So if you want to buy souvenirs for all your friends and you don’t really want to like think a lot, you just can find some, I don’t know, keychain or postcard. Say...Me gustaría diez de estos. “I would like ten of these.” and it will be over because it’s very stressful to find souvenirs for everyone.
7. Me gustaría este. “I’d like this.”
So if you’re talking to the shopping assistant and maybe the thing you want is a bit further away like you can point at it and say...Me gustaría este.
8. Tengo una reserva. “I have a reservation.”
So if you really want to go to a restaurant, try to like research a little bit and see if that place is normally full so that you can like make a reservation beforehand.
9. ¿Es este el autobús correcto para el aeropuerto? “Is this the right bus for the airport?”
Normally going by taxi to the airport is pretty expensive so you want to check the buses.
10. ¿Es gratis el wifi? “Is the Wi-Fi free?”
The Spanish people have this tendency of saying “wifi” even in English because we are so used to calling it that way in Spanish. So if some person is talking to you and say something about wifi, you know they mean Wi-Fi.
11. ¿Me podría dar un descuento? “Could you give me a discount?”
So it’s not that common in Spain to ask for a discount in a store. So, yeah, maybe if you go to an outdoor market or to these stalls near the beach, you can ask for a discount.
12. ¿Me podría encontrar una habitación para no fumadores? “Could you find me a non-smoking room?”
So about smoking like in Spain is forbidden to smoke inside places and I find it so funny that in Japan, it’s the opposite like you cannot smoke outside, but you can smoke in places. I just find it kind of weird. How is it in your country?
13. ¿Podría sacarme una foto, por favor? “Could you take a picture of me, please?”
I have the impression that lately, with all these selfie sticks and things like that, people are not asking that anymore, but before like it was really common to get asked that.
14. ¿Podría tener la cuenta? “Could I have the check?”
Also, you can just say...La cuenta, por favor. It’s the same thing.
15. ¿Tienen algún plato vegetariano? “Do you have any vegetarian dishes?”
So before it wasn’t that common, but nowadays, there are a lot of vegetarian and vegan places opening in Spain so it’s getting easier. And also like in normal places, they now have like options for vegetarian people so yeah, getting easier.
16. Perdone. ¿Cuál es la tarifa? “Excuse me. What's the fare?”
So museums and monuments sometimes have like a special fare for students so if you are one, you can maybe ask... Perdone. ¿Cuál es la tarifa para estudiantes?
17. ¿Aceptáis tarjeta de crédito? “Do you take credit cards?”
So in most shops in Spain, you can pay by card, there’s no problem, but maybe if you go to a small town, go to a small shop like you might have to pay in cash. So yeah in this case, you can ask this question.
18. ¿Podría darme un mapa? “Could I get a map?”
I’m so thankful about Google maps because I have no sense of direction and even if I have a map like for me, it’s so difficult to like understand it and follow it so yeah, I’m happy, there’s technology now.
19. ¿Podríamos tener el menú, por favor? “Could we have the menu, please?”
Yeah if you go to a restaurant, you can ask this question and they’ll bring you the menu.
20. Esto no es lo que pedí. “This isn’t what I ordered.”
Yeah, normally if you get something different from what you ordered and you say this politely like they will replace it for you, so no problem.
Perdona... “Sorry...” But this not what I ordered. ¿Te importaría cambiarlo? “Would you mind changing it?”
So this is the end. Today, we did 20 travel phrases you should know. Tell me what would you like to see for your travel to Spain. Don’t forget to check out SpanishPod101.com and don’t forget to subscribe. Bye! Hasta pronto.

