
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Fernando: There’s Always Something to Do in Latin America. I’m Fernando and I’m joined by JP. JP, what’s going on, man?
JP: I’m doing great, Fernando and I’m excited to do this lesson, so what are we gonna talk about today, Fernando?
Fernando: In this lesson, you will learn about negative adverbs. This conversation takes place at work. Conversation is between Jorge and Valentina. The speakers will be using the familiar register.
JP: Shall we listen to the dialogue?
Fernando: Yes.
Lesson Conversation + Translation
(1 time natural native speed, 1 time slowly, 1 time with translation)
(1 time natural native speed)
Jorge: Ya es hora, gracias a Dios.
Valentina: ¿Haces algo esta noche?
Jorge: No, nada. Me voy a casa.
Valentina: Pues hasta mañana.
English Host: Let’s hear it again, dramatic speed.
Jorge: Ya es hora, gracias a Dios.
Valentina: ¿Haces algo esta noche?
Jorge: No, nada. Me voy a casa.
Valentina: Pues hasta mañana.
English Host: One more time with the translation.
Jorge: Ya es hora, gracias a Dios.
JP: It's time now, thank God.
Valentina: ¿Haces algo esta noche?
JP: Are you doing something tonight?
Jorge: No, nada. Me voy a casa.
JP: No, nothing. I'm going home.
Valentina: Pues hasta mañana.
JP: Then see you tomorrow.
JP: All right, we’re back and obviously, Jorge and Valentina are in the office, right?
Fernando: Yes. They are pretty eager to flee.
JP: Jorge is at least. He says “It’s time go, finally,” right?
Fernando: Ya es hora.
JP: Literally, he says, “It is already the hour.”
Fernando: Yes.
JP: But that’s the way Latinos express it’s time to go, right? That the work day is finished.
Fernando: Ya es hora.
JP: Ya es hora.
Fernando: It’s time.
JP: It’s time. Okay. And then he says “Thank God.”
Fernando: Gracias a Dios.
JP: Okay. Now, Valentina has a question for him before he leaves. She’s…
Fernando: She’s a little, uh… ¿Haces algo esta noche?
JP: “Are you doing anything tonight?” Do you think it’s an invitation?
Fernando: I think she winked at him.
JP: Okay. So, we’re using the verb hacer, haces, “to do” or “to make.” ¿Haces algo esta noche? “Are you doing something tonight?”
Fernando: No, nada. Me voy a casa.
JP: Okay. Jorge is like, “No, I’m not. Goodbye.”
Fernando: He’s spent.
JP: Okay. In fact, he says “I’m outta here. I’m going home.”
Fernando: Me voy a casa.
JP: Me voy a casa. And so, Valentina gets the point and she says, well, “See you tomorrow.”
Fernando: Pues hasta mañana.
JP: Pues hasta mañana.
Fernando: I noticed the little silence in her voice.
JP: Okay. Now, hasta mañana is a common way to say I’ll see you tomorrow, right? Literaly, “Until tomorrow.” What’s that pues?
Fernando: Pues… I don’t know.
JP: Yeah. It’s hard to explain, right? It’s just kind of a filler, right? It’s like “Well… see you tomorrow.”
Fernando: Ah… see you tomorrow.
JP: Okay… see you tomorrow.
Fernando: Yeah.
JP: See you tomorrow then. Shall we listen to the vocabulary in isolation?
Fernando: Yes.
Fernando :hacer [natural native speed]
JP: to do, to make
Fernando: hacer [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: hacer [natural native speed]
Fernando: algo [natural native speed]
JP: something
Fernando: algo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: algo [natural native speed]
Fernando: nada [natural native speed]
JP: nothing, not...anything
Fernando: nada [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: nada [natural native speed]
Fernando: irse [natural native speed]
JP: to leave, to take off, to get out
Fernando: irse [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: irse [natural native speed]
Fernando: Hasta mañana. [natural native speed]
JP: See you tomorrow.
Fernando: Hasta mañana. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: Hasta mañana. [natural native speed]
JP: Okay. Now, that we’ve heard these words in isolation, let’s talk about them a little bit. So, we’re gonna start with…
Fernando: hacer
JP: Hacer. Okay, this is the all-purpose verb in Spanish, hacer. It means “to do” or “to make” and there’s so many expressions with hacer. Now, how did Valentina used it in this dialogue?
Fernando: ¿Haces algo esta noche?
JP: Okay. Now- ¿Haces algo esta noche? we heard the form haces which is the second person singular. Are you doing something? “Are you doing something tonight?”
Fernando: and in English, it would be “Doing anything tonight?”
JP: “Are you doing anything tonight?” Okay. Now, what’s that word for something or anything?
Fernando: algo
JP: Algo, which is our next vocabulary word, algo. It is an indefinite pronoun, usually means “something,” algo.
Fernando: It is opposite to nada.
JP: Nada. Nada is the next one, right? It means “nothing.”
Fernando: nothing
JP: Nada, okay. So, Fernando, you’re doing anything tonight?
Fernando: Nada.
JP: Nada. “Nothing.” Right?
Fernando: Nothing.
JP: Now, nada is interesting and we’re gonna talk about this in the grammar section of the podcast because it’s often used in a structure with “no,” right? So, it goes “no” and then verb and then nada, and we’ll talk about that later. For now, let’s move on to the next vocabulary.
Fernando: irse
JP: Irse, okay. Now, I think most of us know the verb ir. Ir means “to go,” right?
Fernando: Mm-hmm.
JP: Irse is a little bit different. It’s got that reflexive pronoun at the end of it, -se, so irse emphasizes the leaving aspect of going, okay? So, it’s kind of like “I’m outta here.” So, it’s kind of like being out of here, like if I say me voy , it means “I’m outta here.”
Fernando: Me voy, sí.
JP: Okay. I’m gone.
Fernando: ¡Adiós!
JP: ¡Adiós! “I’m outta here.” In fact, that’s how Jorge says to Valentina, right?
Fernando: Me voy a casa.
JP: Me voy a casa. Okay, he’s out of here. He’s going home.
Fernando: Exactly.
JP: Me voy a casa. Casa would be the word for “home.” Okay. Now, the last vocabulary word?
Fernando: Hasta mañana
JP: Okay. It’s a phrase that means “See you tomorrow,” right?
Fernando: See you tomorrow.
JP: Now, mañana means “tomorrow” and hasta is the word “until,” okay.
Fernando: until
JP: Literally, this is “Until tomorrow.”
Fernando: Right.
JP: Hasta mañana.
Fernando: Hasta mañana.
JP: Okay. Is that the end of the podcast? Hasta mañana, Fernando.
Fernando: No, we still have grammar point.
JP: Okay.
JP: Now, as I promised before, we were gonna talk about negative adverbs. Now, we had one negative adverb in our vocabulary, right? It’s the word for “nothing.”
Fernando: nada
JP: Nada. I listed nada as an indefinite pronoun, right? ‘Cause usually, when it means the word “nothing,” that’s an indefinite pronoun like I haven’t eaten nothing or I haven’t eaten anything.
Fernando: No he comido nada.
JP: No he comido nada, okay. So that’s an indefinite pronoun. Now, you can also use nada as an adverb and it means something like “not at all.” So, if I say, “Fernando, you’re not at all curious.”
Fernando: No eres nada curioso.
JP: No eres nada curioso, okay. “Not at all curious.” Or you’re “Not at all nosy.”
Fernando: [*]
JP: Okay. [*]. In that case, it’s kind of an adverb. We have other adverbs that behave like nada. For example, the words for “never.”
Fernando: nunca
JP: Nunca, okay. Now, nunca means “never.” You can use it at the beginning of a sentence like “Never will I eat meat.”
Fernando: Nunca comeré carne.
JP: Okay. “I shall never eat meat.” Or you can use it with a “no” structure, so no [verb] nunca. So like…
Fernando: No lo he visto nunca.
JP: “I’ve never seen it,” right?
Fernando: Yes.
JP: Okay, “I’ve never seen it.” Here, we used the sentence no + [verb] + nunca, okay? What’s our other word for “never”?
Fernando: jamás
JP: Jamás. Okay, it means the same thing as nunca, right?
Fernando: Exactly.
JP: Okay, and it’s used the same way. Is there any difference between jamás and nunca?
Fernando: [*]
JP: As far as you know, there’s none.
Fernando: [*]
JP: “I have never noticed a difference.” Jamás and nunca are the same. Also, no nunca and no jamás.
Fernando: No jamás, no nunca, sí.
JP: Okay. Now, while we’re talking about negative words, let’s talk about the word for “nobody.”
Fernando: nadie
JP: nadie
Fernando: So, “Nobody is here. No one is eating.”
JP: Nadie come.
Fernando: Nadie come, okay. “Nobody is eating.” Let’s do a structure with no nadie. How about “Nobody is here”?
JP: [*]
Fernando: [*] right? There’s no [*] nadie, [*]. Cool.
JP: We did nada, we did nunca, jamás, we did nadie. Is there another one? Or we have to do ni and ni, okay?
Fernando: Mm, that’s true.
JP: So this word ni usually means “not even,” right?
Fernando: Not even. [*] neither, nor, I don’t know what else to say.
JP: Okay. So, for example - “Not even Fernando is hungry.”
Fernando: Ni Fernando tiene hambre.
JP: Okay, not even Fernando, are you kidding me? That’s a crazy situation.
Fernando: That’s weird.
JP: Okay. So, Ni Fernando… “That’s not even Fernando.”
Fernando: You can also say ni siquiera.
JP: Ni siquiera. That means the same thing, right?
Fernando: Yes. Ni siquiera Fernando…
JP: Ni siquiera Fernando tiene hambre, so “Not even Fernando is hungry.” That’s just what we said, right?
Fernando: Mm.
JP: Ni Fernando - Ni siquiera Fernando means the same thing.
Fernando: Yes.
JP: All right. How else do we use ni?
Fernando: For example - Ni Fernando ni JP tienen hambre.
JP: Okay. “Neither Fernando nor JP are hungry.”
Fernando: And that is really weird. That is troublesome.
JP: Yeah, that’s- yeah. That must be the end of the world. It’s also an example of the grammar Ni…ni, right? “Neither…nor”
Fernando: Yes.
JP: Okay. So, those are three good uses of ni and that will probably wrap our negative section for the grammar today. I found this entire grammar section pretty negative.
Fernando: Pretty negative.


JP: Fernando, it’s time to go.
Fernando: ¡Adiós!
JP: ¡Hasta luego!


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