
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Hi, everyone. Jessi here.
Karen: And I’m Karen. Use Your Spanish to Make Friends and Influence People. Lesson 25 which happens to be the last lesson of this series.
Jessi: Yeah, that’s right. So we have to make it a good one. Okay, Karen, what are we going to learn in this lesson, our last lesson?
Karen: In this lesson, we’ll be reviewing how to introduce yourself and other people.
Jessi: Something we covered in the very first few lessons. Now, we’re coming back to it. Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Karen: The conversation takes place at a bar and it’s between Paco, Sophia and Nora.
Jessi: So the conversation is between three people. They’re meeting each other for the first time, so they’re speaking somewhat formally. Let’s listen to the dialogue.
Conociendo a otras personas.
Paco: Hola. ¿Cómo se llaman?
Sofía: Yo, Sofía. Mucho gusto. ¿Y tú?
Paco: Igualmente. Yo soy Paco y mi amigo se llama Samuel.
Nora: Y yo soy Nora. Por favor, siéntense.
English Host: Let’s listen to the dialogue one time slowly.
Conociendo a otras personas.
Paco: Hola. ¿Cómo se llaman?
Sofía: Yo, Sofía. Mucho gusto. ¿Y tú?
Paco: Igualmente. Yo soy Paco y mi amigo se llama Samuel.
Nora: Y yo soy Nora. Por favor, siéntense.
English Host: And now, with the English translation.
Conociendo a otras personas.
Meeting new people
Paco: Hola. ¿Cómo se llaman?
Jessi: Hi. What are your names?
Sofía: Yo, Sofía. Mucho gusto. ¿Y tú?
Jessi: I'm Sofia. Nice to meet you! And you?
Paco: Igualmente. Yo soy Paco y mi amigo se llama Samuel.
Jessi: Same here. I'm Paco, and my friend here is Samuel.
Nora: Y yo soy Nora. Por favor, siéntense.
Jessi: And I'm Nora. Please have a seat.
Jessi: Okay. So this conversation was all about meeting someone for the first time and introducing yourself and other people. Let’s talk a bit about how this is done in Latin American countries.
Karen: Sure. First, let me say that we only use our first name in introductions for the most part.
Jessi: Yes, that’s right. Just the first name is okay.
Karen: And when meeting or greeting someone, you can expect kisses on the cheek.
Jessi: Right. This kissing on the cheek is something that everyone does when meeting or greeting people, or sometimes, it's just putting your cheeks together and making a kissing sound. Sometimes once or sometimes twice on both sides.
Karen: Yes, yes. Kissing on the cheek is normal in Latin America. Now if two men are being introduced, there is no kiss on the cheek. Usually, a handshake.
Jessi: But in Argentina and also Uruguay, men do kiss on the cheek.
Karen: Yes. But usually men will just hug. Listeners, if you travel to Spanish-speaking countries, do not feel strange if someone tries to kiss you. It does not mean anything. It’s just the way it’s done.
Jessi: Right. If you’re not used to it though, it may take you by surprise.
Karen: Yes, that’s right. But just so you know, it’s very common.
Jessi: If you’re in a situation where you’re meeting and greeting people and you don’t know what to do, it’s okay. Just follow the body language of the others.
Karen: That’s right. Just do what they do. You’ll probably catch on to the routine pretty quickly.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessi: The first word is…
Karen: llamarse [natural native speed]
Jessi: to be called
Karen: llamarse [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karen: llamarse [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next is…
Karen: Mucho gusto. [natural native speed]
Jessi: It's a pleasure
Karen: Mucho gusto. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karen: Mucho gusto. [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next, we have…
Karen: igualmente [natural native speed]
Jessi: likewise
Karen: igualmente [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karen: igualmente [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next is…
Karen: sentarse [natural native speed]
Jessi: to take a seat
Karen: sentarse [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karen: sentarse [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next, we have…
Karen: hola [natural native speed]
Jessi: hello, hi
Karen: hola [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karen: hola [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is…
Karen: cómo [natural native speed]
Jessi: how, what
Karen: cómo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karen: cómo [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next is…
Karen: tú [natural native speed]
Jessi: you
Karen: tú [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karen: tú [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next is…
Karen: yo [natural native speed]
Jessi: I
Karen: yo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karen: yo [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we’ll look at is.
Karen: llamarse
Jessi: “To call oneself.” llamarse comes from the verb llamar meaning “to call,” right?
Karen: Exactly.
Jessi: Llamar means “to call.” Llamarse is a reflexive form of llamar and it means “to call oneself.”
Jessi: And that’s the one we use when talking about people’s names.
Karen: Yes. So when we have a reflexive verb, we also need a reflexive pronoun.
Jessi: Right. So when you conjugate llamarse, what do you get?
Karen: Me llamo, te llamas, se llama, nos llamamos, se llaman, etcetera. In the dialogue, we saw the forms that use: se, se llama and se llaman.
Jessi: More on that in the grammar section. The next phrase is.
Karen: Mucho gusto
Jessi: Nice to meet you.
Karen: Mucho gusto is used mostly in introductions. Very handy to know when meeting someone.
Jessi: Definitely. And the next one?
Karen: igualmente
Jessi: Likewise or equally. It can often be translated as “you too” or “the same to you.”
Karen: Right. So for example, if someone says, mucho gusto, which we just learned, you can say: igualmente, “in return.”
Jessi: Exactly. A perfect way to use it. And let’s look at the last word.
Karen: sentarse
Jessi: To seat oneself.
Karen: Sentarse, is also a reflexive verb just like, llamarse.
Jessi: So that means, in your reflexive pronoun when you conjugate it.
Karen: That’s right. In the dialogue, Nora said - Por favor, siéntense.
Jessi: Please, have a seat. Here, she uses the reflexive verb because it’s something they are doing by themselves. They are seating themselves.
Jessi: In this lesson, we will be reviewing how to introduce yourself and other people.
Karen: Let’s start with using llamarse, the reflexive verb meaning “to call oneself.” Okay. Before we go into the examples, let’s talk a little bit about reflexive verbs. A verb is used reflexively when the subject of the verb is also its object.
Jessi: Right. Keep in mind that reflexive verbs always need a reflexive pronoun.
Karen: The reflexive pronouns in Spanish are me, te, se, os, and nos.
Jessi: Me is “myself,” te is “yourself,” se is “yourself, himself, herself or oneself,” and nos is “ourselves.” Os is “yourselves” and is used in Spain.
Karen: Right. So it’s the reflexive pronoun, plus a conjugated verb. Like we said earlier; me llamo, te llamas, se llama, etcetera.
Jessi: How was llamarse used in the dialogue?
Karen: We saw two examples of it in the dialogue, se llama and se llaman.
Jessi: The first example was.
Karen: Paco asked Sophia and Nora, ¿Cómo se llaman?
Jessi: Literally, “How do you call yourselves?”
Karen: Right. But he’s really just asking what are your names?
Jessi: It’s se llaman because he is addressing two people.
Karen: Yes. Any time you address more than one person, the verb form is going to be plural.
Jessi: What was the other example?
Karen: Paco says: Mi amigo se llama Samuel.
Jessi: Literally, “My friend calls himself Samuel.” When coming up with a natural translation, we just say, “My friends name is Samuel.”
Karen: That’s exactly right.
Jessi: Now, we can also introduce ourselves or others in a different way.
Karen: Yes. And that is using the verb ser.
Jessi: Which means “to be.” You can use the conjugated form of the verb ser + the name.
Karen: So for example, in the dialogue, we saw - Yo soy Nora.
Jessi: “I’m Nora.”
Karen: You can use yo soy + [name] to introduce yourself. We can introduce other people using, ser, too. For example, Él es Samuel.
Jessi: “He is Samuel.”
Karen: So instead of using, Se llama Samuel. We can also say: Él es Samuel.
Jessi: “He calls himself Samuel” or “He is Samuel.”
Karen: Llamarse is used in familiar situations and also in formal situations. Now, ser is also used in both, but I would say that se llama is more formal.
Jessi: Just little something to keep in mind. Listeners, one good way to practice this is by using the comment section. Practice telling us your name or the names of people you know using llamarse and ser.
Karen: Yes. Sometimes, these reflexive verbs can be a little tricky, so that’s a good way to get some practice in.
Jessi: And as always, you can let us know what you thought of this lesson and also ask us any questions.
Karen: Definitely.


Jessi: Okay. Well, that’s going to wrap it up for this lesson and actually for this series.
Karen: Yes, that’s right. Our absolute beginner series is coming to an end.
Jessi: This is the last lesson everyone.
Karen: La última lección.
Jessi: So, we just wanted to say, thanks for listening everyone!
Karen: Muchas gracias.
Jessi: We hope you’ve learned a lot of Spanish through this absolute Beginner Series. Come leave us a comment in Spanish.
Karen: Yeah, that would be great.
Jessi: And with that, it’s time to say goodbye. Bye everyone, and thanks for listening.
Karen: Adiós.

