
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Fernando: Where's the Bread? I’m Fernando and I’m joined by JP. Hi, JP!
JP: [*].
Fernando: [*]. In this lesson, you will learn how to ask location. This conversation takes place in a supermarket, the conversation is between Jorge, a store employee, and Andrea. The speakers will be using the informal register.
JP: All right, so let’s listen.
Lesson Conversation + Translation
(1 time natural native speed, 1 time slowly, 1 time with translation)
(1 time natural native speed)
Jorge:Buenas tardes. ¿Me indica por favor, dónde están los panes?
Empleado:Claro que sí. Están en el pasillo 6.
Jorge:Gracias, joven.
Andrea:Yo voy a buscar la verdura y nos vemos en el pasillo 6.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jorge:Buenas tardes. ¿Me indica por favor, dónde están los panes?
Empleado:Claro que sí. Están en el pasillo 6.
Jorge:Gracias, joven.
Andrea:Yo voy a buscar la verdura y nos vemos en el pasillo 6.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Jorge:Buenas tardes. ¿Me indica por favor, dónde están los panes?
JP:Good afternoon. Could you please tell me where the bread section is?
Empleado:Claro que sí. Están en el pasillo 6.
JP:Yes, of course. It's on aisle six.
Jorge:Gracias, joven.
JP:Thank you, sir.
Andrea:Yo voy a buscar la verdura y nos vemos en el pasillo 6.
JP:I'll get the vegetables and we'll meet on aisle six.
JP:So Jorge and Andrea are at the grocery to buy some food for Luis and Jimena's party... looks like they're splitting up the tasks... divide and conquer.
FO:That's right. Let's take a look at what happened. First Jorge comes in and sees the clerk and says "Buenas tardes"
JP:Buenas tardes... good afternoon, buenas tardes.
FO:And then asks where the bread section is. He said "me indica por favor dónde están los panes"
JP:Ok, let's break this all down real fast. the first two words are me indica, you indicate to me. Now it's a question, so, "will you indicate to me"
FO:Me indica. Me indica... por favor.... por favor of course means please. so will you please indicate to me... where are the breads... dónde están los panes.
JP:Ok, so ¿dónde? this is the word for where, ¿dónde?. ¿dónde? often goes with estar when you're asking about location. So ¿dónde están...?
FO:¿Dónde están... los panes?
JP:Ok, so los panes... this is the breads. los panes. singular would be el pan, plural... los panes. Let's put it all together. Good afternoon, could you tel me where the breads are?
FO:Buenas tardes, ¿me indica por favor dónde están los panes?
JP:Cool. The clerk says "claro que sí" of course I can.
FO:Claro que sí. Están en el pasillo seis.
JP:They're on aisle six. You can see that verb estar again with location. Están en el pasillo seis. el pasillo seis is obviously aisle six.
FO:Así es. Claro que sí, están en el pasillo seis.
JP:Ok, the answer to that is, thanks young man.
FO:Gracias, joven. In Mexico, we call male waiters or clerks joven.
JP:I've been called joven too, though... i was just a customer.
FO:Yes, you can call any young man joven, to get their attention.
JP:Ok, so "gracias, joven." At that point, Andrea says that she'll go get the vegetables....
FO:Right. voy a buscar la verdura. So we have voy a buscar... I'm going to search for...
JP:And then the word for vegetables...
FO:La verdura. Voy a buscar la verdura. And then she continues y nos vemos en el pasillo seis
JP:And we'll see each other en el pasillo seis, on aisle six. Ok so while Jorge is of getting the bread...
FO:...Andrea is going to get the vegetables. la verdura.
JP:Cool, can we hear her line again?
FO:Yo voy a buscar la verdura y nos vemos en el pasillo seis.
JP:Ok, let's look really quickly at some of the vocab words.
JP:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
:The first word we shall see is:
Fernando:por favor [natural native speed]
Fernando:por favor [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:por favor [natural native speed]
Fernando:pan [natural native speed]
Fernando:pan [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:pan [natural native speed]
Fernando:Claro que sí. [natural native speed]
JP:Yes, of course.
Fernando:Claro que sí. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:Claro que sí. [natural native speed]
Fernando:el pasillo [natural native speed]
JP:hall, aisle
Fernando:el pasillo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:el pasillo [natural native speed]
Fernando:gracias [natural native speed]
JP:thanks, thank you
Fernando:gracias [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:gracias [natural native speed]
JP:Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fernando:The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
JP:OK, Fernando, what do you want to point out about these words?
FO:We we have por favor and gracias, which are please and thank you. Those are two extremely important expressions in any language.
JP:So please... por favor.... and then thank you... gracias.
FO:Por favor, gracias.
JP:What about this expression, "claro que sí"... why do you want to pick out this expression.
FO:Well, you have yes and no in Spanish, sí and no... that's the standard way to affirm or deny. But there are more colorful ways to affirm or deny, and claro que sí is one of them. It's not just yes, it's "yes, of course!" ¡Claro que sí!
JP:Ok, and I can assume that if you want to deny something colorfully you can also say...
FO:¡Claro que no! ¡Claro que no, JP!
JP:Ok, I can see how that's more fun. Ok, we only have two nouns left. El pasillo and el pan. What do you want to say about el pasillo?
FO:In the dialog, we said that bread was on aisle six... está en el pasillo seis. So el pasillo is an aisle in a super market. It's also a hallway, like in your house leading to the bedrooms... el pasillo.
JP:Ok, aisle, or hallway, el pasillo. How about el pan?
FO:el pan means bread. I just like it. el pan.
JP:Alright, now for any of you out there thinking about a trip to Spain, remember that el pan is a super important word in Spain... they can't eat without el pan.
FO:You know, we have it in Mexico, too!
JP:That's right, when I first went to Mexico, i thought there was going to be tortilla chips on the table, and there never was! It was always soft, fresh bread. mmmm, el pan.
FO:Ok, JP what's the grammar for today?
JP:Well, I don't want to spend a lot of time on grammar today, I just want to point out how to ask where things are located. In today's dialog, we heard "could you tell me where the breads are?"
FO:Me indica por favor dónde están los panes?
JP:Right, now we broke that down earlier in the podcast; me indica is could you tell me, por favor obviously is please... and then you get to the real heart of the question....
FO:¿Dónde están los panes?
JP:Right. Now I want to point out that you can use this formula ¿dónde? plus estar plus object to ask for objects or places that your looking for. So if you're looking for the bathroom...
FO:El baño... ¿dónde está el baño?
JP:Or if you're looking for my keys.
FO:Mis llaves... ¿dónde están mis llaves?
JP:Or if you're talking on your cell phone to some friends who are lost in a big crowd...
FO:I'd ask them ¿dónde están ustedes?
JP:Right, that's ¿dónde? + estar + object, and that's how you'll ask where things are located.


Fernando: I think that’s wrapped, JP.
JP: As for now, it’s time to go, so hasta luego!
Fernando: Adios!


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