
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Asking for the check. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask for the check and verify the change in Spanish.

Lesson focus

Becky: Here’s the formal way to ask “Can you bring me the check, please?” in Spanish.
Laura: [Normal] ¿Me trae la cuenta por favor?
Becky: First is a word meaning “to me”
Laura: [Normal] me [Slow] me
Becky: Next is the word meaning “bring”
Laura: [Normal] trae [Slow] trae
Becky: Next is the word meaning “the”
Laura: [Normal] la [Slow] la
Becky: Next is the word meaning “check”
Laura: [Normal] cuenta [Slow] cuenta
Becky: Last is the word meaning “please”
Laura: [Normal] por favor [Slow] por favor
Becky: Note the rising intonation. Listen again to the formal question meaning “Can you bring me the check, please?”
Laura: [Slow] ¿Me trae la cuenta por favor? [Normal] ¿Me trae la cuenta por favor?
Becky: Now, let’s hear another common question “Where can I pay the bill?”
Laura: [Normal] ¿En dónde puedo pagar?
Becky: First is a word meaning “in”
Laura: [Normal] en [Slow] en
Becky: Next is the word meaning “where”
Laura: [Normal] dónde [Slow] dónde
Becky: Next is the word meaning “can I”
Laura: [Normal] puedo [Slow] puedo
Becky: Last is the word meaning “pay”
Laura: [Normal] pagar [Slow] pagar
Becky: Note again the rising intonation. Listen again to the question meaning “Where can I pay the bill?”
Laura: [Slow] ¿En dónde puedo pagar? [Normal] ¿En dónde puedo pagar?
Becky: Here’s a sentence meaning “Excuse me, the change is wrong.”
Laura: [Normal] Disculpe, el cambio es incorrecto.
Becky: First is a word meaning “excuse me”
Laura: [Normal] disculpe [Slow] disculpe
Becky: Next is the word meaning “the”
Laura: [Normal] el [Slow] el
Becky: Next is the word meaning “change”
Laura: [Normal] cambio [Slow] cambio
Becky: Next is the word meaning “is “
Laura: [Normal] es [Slow] es
Becky: Last is the word meaning “wrong”
Laura: [Normal] incorrecto [Slow] incorrecto
Becky: Listen again to the response, “Excuse me, the change is wrong.”
Laura: [Slow] Disculpe, el cambio es incorrecto. [Normal] Disculpe, el cambio es incorrecto.
Becky: Here’s an expression meaning, “Keep the change.”
Laura: [Normal] Quédese con el cambio.
Becky: First is a word meaning “you keep” in the formal register.
Laura: [Normal] quédese [Slow] quédese
Becky: Next is the word meaning “with”
Laura: [Normal] con [Slow] con
Becky: Next is the word meaning “the”
Laura: [Normal] el [Slow] el
Becky: Last is the word meaning “change”
Laura: [Normal] cambio [Slow] cambio
Becky: Listen again to the response, “Keep the change.”
Laura: [Slow] Quédese con el cambio. [Normal] Quédese con el cambio.
Cultural Insight
Becky: Now it’s time for a quick cultural insight.
Laura: In Mexico, it is customary to give tips to the waiter or waitress, of around 10% of the total bill.


Becky: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Laura: Hasta pronto.

