
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Joseph: “Here comes the downpour”
Beatriz: ¿Cómo están todos?
Joseph: Muy bienvenidos. My name is Joseph and I’m joined here by our inside source for Peruvian language and customs, Beatrice.
Beatriz: Muy amable, Joseph. ¿Y tú qué tal?
Joseph: Mejor cada día.
Beatriz: Ah eso me alegra, eso está muy bien.
Joseph: Welcome to the Peruvian Regional Series at Spanishpod101.com!
Beatriz: El ciclo peruano.
Joseph: Beatrice, great to be back for another show.
Beatriz: De igual manera, Joseph.
Joseph: So, last time we talked about the wet, foggy, muggy, cloudy weather that defines Lima in the winter.
Beatriz: Right! Today we are going to cross Los Andes and enter the Peruvian rainforest.
Joseph: ¡Asu! Are there going to be spiders?
Beatriz: Sí, habrá arañas.
Joseph: And snakes?
Beatriz: Serpientes también.
Joseph: Bats?
Beatriz: Millones de murciélagos.
Joseph: And pumas?
Beatriz: Yes! There will be pumas, but you won’t see them!
Joseph: Thank God!
Beatriz: But, don’t worry! They don’t need to see you.
Joseph: ¡Guacala! Alright! So, this lesson references Newbie Lesson 18, so check that one out, compare, contrast and familiarize yourself a little more with the living and breathing language that Spanish is.
Beatriz: In today’s Peruvian conversation, Pedro and Maritza talk about the rain that’s about to fall.
Joseph: Beatrice, you’ve spent some time in the jungle, haven’t you?
Beatriz: I have.
Joseph: Well, do you want to share some of your experiences with us?
Beatriz: Quizas, puede ser… talvez… Claro, en un rato.
Joseph: Alright! So, I guess we’re going to have to wait a bit, but for now, press the center button on your IPods to see the lesson transcripts in your display.
Beatriz: And let’s go into today’s conversation.
Joseph: So, back in Newbie Lesson 18, Carmen and Paola are in Lima, talking about that strange form of precipitation that doesn’t really fall, but just seems to kind of float around the city, like a cloud and covers everything with moisture and dust.
Beatriz: Claro, hablan de la garúa.
Joseph: Right! And “garúa” is like “mist”. Here is what we heard:
CARMEN: ¿Está lloviendo?
PAOLA: No. No es lluvia; es llovizna.
CARMEN: Mire, las gotas son chiquititas. ¿Las ve?
PAOLA: Sí, las veo, pero tampoco es llovizna. Es garúa.
CARMEN: Ya veo, Paola. Es garúa y es muy misteriosa.
Joseph: This time with the translation! Y ahora incluiremos la traducción.
CARMEN: ¿Está lloviendo?
CARMEN: “Is it raining?”
PAOLA: No. No es lluvia; es llovizna.
PAOLA: “No, it’s not rain. It’s a drizzle.”
CARMEN: Mire, las gotas son chiquititas. ¿Las ve?
CARMEN: “Look, the raindrops are tiny, do you see them?”
PAOLA: Sí, las veo, pero tampoco es llovizna. Es garúa.
PAOLA: “Yes, I see them. But it’s not a drizzle, either. It’s mist.”
CARMEN: Ya veo, Paola. Es garúa y es muy misteriosa.
CARMEN: “Now I get it, Paola. It’s mist and it’s very mysterious.”
Joseph: So, there we hear a more or less standard conversation about the wet weather. Now, our Peruvian conversation takes place on the other side of the Andes and the Amazon River Basin.
Beatriz: Yes, así es. Es la región de Madre de Dios. Un sitio llamado Tambopata.
Joseph: Tambopata, right! So, close your eyes, we’re in the Amazon, the air is almost completely saturated, this is what we hear:
PEDRO: ¡Ya viene el aguacero!
MARITZA: Por supuesto, así es la selva amazónica.
PEDRO: Bueno, me tengo que acostumbrar.
MARITZA: ¡Jeje! Esto es como el pan de cada día.
PEDRO: ¿Y cómo pueden vivir con tanta lluvia?
MARITZA: Nos mojamos y luego nos secamos.
Joseph: Once again slowly! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
PEDRO: ¡Ya viene el aguacero!
MARITZA: Por supuesto, así es la selva amazónica.
PEDRO: Bueno, me tengo que acostumbrar.
MARITZA: ¡Jeje! Esto es como el pan de cada día.
PEDRO: ¿Y cómo pueden vivir con tanta lluvia?
MARITZA: Nos mojamos y luego nos secamos.
Joseph: This time with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
PEDRO: ¡Ya viene el aguacero! Here comes the downpour!
MARITZA: Por supuesto, así es la selva amazónica. Yes, that’s the rainforest for you.
PEDRO: Bueno, me tengo que acostumbrar. Well, I’ve got to get used to this.
MARITZA: ¡Jeje! Esto es como el pan de cada día. This is like an everyday occurrence for us.
PEDRO: ¿Y cómo pueden vivir con tanta lluvia? And how do you, guys, live with so much rain?
MARITZA: Nos mojamos y luego nos secamos. We get wet and then we dry off.
Joseph: So, Bea, in the Peruvian conversation, Maritza kind of makes fun of Pedro for making such a big deal out of the rain.
Beatriz: Right!
Joseph: People who live in the Amazon are totally used to sat and downpours.
Beatriz: Yes, it’s a fact of life. Many people wear plastic ponchos also. In the city, of course.
Joseph: In the city, but not out in the deep jungle?
Beatriz: Oh, no, they don’t need that!
Joseph: What do they wear?
Beatriz: Nothing. Oh, no! They wear clothes, but they don’t have the custom to wear the plastic ponchos, they don’t like it.
Joseph: And do they mind getting wet?
Beatriz: No, they don’t.
Joseph: They don’t, okay! Now, there’s an interesting difference between these two conversations, right in the first line. In the standard version, Carmen asks:
CARMEN: ¿Está lloviendo?
CARMEN: “Is it raining?”
Joseph: And we need to remember that she and Paola are in Lima, where it never really rains out right. It’s just kind of always on the brink of raining.
Beatriz: Right! But, in today’s Peruvian conversation Pedro exclaims “¡Ya viene el aguacero!”.
Joseph: And that means “Here comes the downpour.” In the Peruvian version there’s no doubt as to what’s about to happen, right?
Beatriz: Ni hablar. No way!
Joseph: The rain is coming. And well, in the Newbie Lesson we heard “lluvia”.
Beatriz: La lluvia
Joseph: The rain. In the Peruvian version we heard “aguacero”.
Beatriz: El aguacero.
Joseph: And this is a heavy rain or a downpour.
Beatriz: Un aguacero es una lluvia repentina, abundante, impetuosa y de poca duración.
Joseph: So, an “aguacero” is a sudden, abundant and at times, violent rain that doesn’t last very long.
Beatriz: Oh, yes! The rain in jungle may last long time, too.
Joseph: Right! They don’t strictly have “aguaceros” or downpours, right?
Beatriz: No, no! I mean, most of the time is suddenly, but can take hours and hours or day.
Joseph: Right! PEro no siempre empieza de repente, a veces poco a poco ¿cierto?
Beatriz: Most of the times it’s suddenly.
Joseph: Oh, it is?
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Okay! Okay, interesting!
Beatriz: So, again, in Newbie Lesson 18 we heard:
CARMEN: ¿Está lloviendo?
CARMEN: “Is it raining?”
Beatriz: “¿Está lloviendo?” and in today’s Peruvian conversation we said:
Joseph: “¡Ya viene el aguacero!” “Here comes the downpour.”
Beatriz: Hay varias otras cosas que deberíamos mencionar.
Joseph: Okay! So, what else should we mention?
Beatriz: How about the expression “así es”?
Joseph: “Así es”. Great idea! This is an extremely useful phrase to know. The phrase “así es”, how did we hear it in the conversation?
Beatriz: Maritza said “así es la selva amazónica”.
Joseph: Right, right! So, here’s the thing. If we say “así es” on its own, it’s kind of an affirmation.
Beatriz: It’s a way of agreeing with someone.
Joseph: Bea, you know when I really learned how to use this expression?
Beatriz: When?
Joseph: Well, I was living in Lima and I was staying with “la familia Roncagliolo”, the Roncagliolo family, and I would sit at the table with Pepe, the father, Pepe is an Italian Peruvian who speaks so fast that no one understands him, even his wife can’t understand him. And, we would be talking, and he would be speaking so fast at me, I had no idea what he was saying and then he would finish and he’d say “Así es amigo Joseph, así es.
Beatriz: That’s a good one!
Joseph: And so, I learned that I could agree with him and just say “Así es señor Pepe, así es”. And you know, it’s like saying “So it is!” or “That’s right!” or, you know, it’s a way of agreeing with someone.
Beatriz: ASí es Joseph. Así son los italianos. Let’s go!
Joseph: Now, Pedro recognizes that he’s going to have to get used to this climate from the Amazon and he says:
Beatriz: Bueno, me tengo que acostumbrar.
Joseph: And we translated this as “Well, I have to get used to this.” Now, Bea, there are two verbs used in this construction, right?
Beatriz: Yes, there are “tener” and “acostumbrarse”.
Joseph: And “tener” should be familiar with us by now and it means “to have”.
Beatriz: And what about “acostumbrarse”?
Joseph: If “una costumbre” is a “custom”, then “acostumbrarse” would be “to be accustomed” or “to get used to something”.
Beatriz: Come on, it’s very similar to the Spanish.
Joseph: And with this verb, “acostumbrarse”, we notice that there’s this little word or this little sound attached to the end, right?
Beatriz: Right!
Joseph: It’s that “se” “acostumbrarse”.
Beatriz: That’s because this is a reflexive verb.
Joseph: I see! So, this means that we’re going to have to use reflexive pronouns to form it.
Beatriz: Yes! That’s why Pedro says “ me tengo que acostumbrar.”.
Joseph: Okay! So, we say “tener que” and then add the Infinitive in order to say “to have to do something”. And here, we’re saying “I have to get used to that.” “ Me tengo que acostumbrar.”
Beatriz: Me tengo que acostumbrar.
Joseph: Now, Megan and David in our Iberian Series will be the ones to tell us for sure, but I’m lend to believe that this placement of the pronoun before the first verb is more common in Latin America than it is in Europe. Beatrice, would you say that’s right or?
Beatriz: I’m not sure about it. The thing is that their word order can also be like this: Tengo que acostumbrarme.
Joseph: And in that case, the pronoun “me” is actually jointed at the end of the verb “acostumbrar” “acostumbrarme”.
Beatriz: Así es mi amigo Joseph.
Joseph: And if you really want to impress someone, you can tell them that that’s an enclitic.
Beatriz: Or, another example, “te tienes que alistar” or “tienes que alistarte”.
Joseph: Right! And both of those mean “You’ve got to get ready!” or another really common example would be “me tengo que ir” or “tengo que irme”, both of those mean “I’ve got to go.”
Beatriz: That’s a good one, Jo!
Joseph: Well, hey, thank you! Thank you!
Beatriz: In Spanish we have this flexibility!
Joseph: Es verdad, tienes razón. And I think that this kind of flexibility I something that distinguishes it from a lot of other languages.
Beatriz: Right! And in this sense we’re not just talking about Peruvian Spanish, but Spanish in general.
Joseph: Right! The flexibility also aids so much to the rhythm of the language, don’t you think?
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Tengo que irme. Me tengo que ir.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: And the meaning really doesn’t change that much, does it?
Beatriz: No, no! I mean, not too much, but…
Joseph: ¿Un poquito?
Beatriz: A little bit, yes!
Joseph: Un poquitito.
Beatriz: To, tito.
Joseph: Poquititito. Muy bien. So now let’s move on and get into some of the local flavor of the conversation here.
Beatriz: La sazón.
Joseph: Beatrice, the phrase “pande cada día” totally stuck out to me. I mean, if we translate this literally we get “Bread of everyday” or something like “daily bread”.
Beatriz: Claro, es que para nosotros el pan es un alimento de cada día, cotidiano, fresco y diario.
Joseph: I see! So, in Peru, bread is, that’s just a little important. So, it’s very important. Bread in Peru is importantisimo, it’s very important.
Beatriz: Yes! Isimo. Tienes que comer el pan francés fresco en el desayuno, o en la tardesita para sentirte que has comida una buena comida cada día.
Joseph: Oh, I see! So, an authentic Peruvian breakfast is with French bread.
Beatriz: Yes, that’s right! It is! But we have it there.
Joseph: It’s true, it’s true! And it’s delicious, it’s fantastic and there are just tons of “panaderias”, tons of bakeries.
Beatriz: Yes, every corner at 5 o’clock in the morning, 6 o’clock in the morning, delicious bread starts to smell and 5 o’clock in the afternoon also.
Joseph: Okay! But the thing is we’re talking about “pan de cada día” as an expression and not as part of our breakfast.
Beatriz: Come on, we are hungry! Let’s go off here!
Joseph: And when we’re using it this way, we translate it as “an everyday occurrence” or “an everyday thing”, “es como el pan de cada día”, it’s something that happens all the time.
Beatriz: Right! We’re saying that the rain is very, very common.
Joseph: Right, right! So, es como el pan de cada día. And again, we can look at that as “It’s an everyday occurrence.” or “It’s something that happens every day.”
Beatriz: But, as you can see, this is not very good translation since it loses the image of the bread.
Joseph: Point taken! I’ll have to think about that because translating it as “daily bread” almost seems to give it a religious connotation. But, this lesson is about “la amazonia”.
Beatriz: La amazonia.
Joseph: The Amazon.
Beatriz: The rainforest.
Joseph: So, Bea, tú has vivido en Madre de Dios. “You have lived in Madre de Dios. Mother of God”, as far as you can go in the Amazon legally.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Legally!
Beatriz: That’s right!
Joseph: So, how did you get there? How did you arrive? What’s the near city?
Beatriz: Puerto Maldonado.
Joseph: Okay! So, the nearest city is Puerto Maldonado and you can fly into Puerto Maldonado, right?
Beatriz: Yes, you can fly from Lima to Maldonado and it’s actually a very small city.
Joseph: Okay! So, from Puerto Maldonado how did you arrive at Tambopato?
Beatriz: First, we had a truck and then we took the little motor boat.
Joseph: Okay!
Beatriz: And y después caminamos, then we walked. First it was 45 minutes with the truck, then one hour with the boat and 15 minutes walking.
Joseph: Wow! It’s a good thing you’re strong.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: And when you were in MAdre de Dios, when you were in Tambopata, gosh, even the name just gives me the shivers, Tambopata, if you’re like, there’s something that’s going to drop down and suck my blood.
Beatriz: Crazy!
Joseph: Now, you met some pretty interesting people there, right?
Beatriz: Oh, yes!
Joseph: Before the show, you were telling me about a really interesting woman that you met.
Beatriz: She was an old interesting woman who was 75 years old.
Joseph: 75 years old?
Beatriz: She had a hipper placement and she had stitchery in both knees.
Joseph: And what brought her to Tambopata?
Beatriz: She was with a group of researchers.
Joseph: And what were they researching in the rainforest?
Beatriz: They were researching bats.
Joseph: Bats? Murcielagos.
Beatriz: Yes, your preference.
Joseph: Vampiros.
Beatriz: Your preference.
Joseph: My preference.
Beatriz: Yes, your lovely pets.
Joseph: You’re baddy!
Beatriz: No, they are your pets.
Joseph: Oh, my pets. So, the 75 year old woman goes all the way to the deep, deep Amazon rainforest to study bats.
Beatriz: I had to take a short walk with her toward parrots.
Joseph: Okay! And when she was examining the parrots, did she think that they were very unhealthy bats?
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Imaginate, sesentaycinco años. Wow! I hope when I’m 75 years old, I’m doing something as exciting as studying bats and parrots in the Amazon rainforest.
Beatriz: She was pretty amazing.


Joseph: Well, Bea, this has been a really enjoyable lesson.
Beatriz: Oh, thank you! For me, too. Para mi también.
Joseph: Don’t forget to pick up the PDF for this lesson at SpanishPod101.com and reference this one with Newbie lesson 18 for an even deeper comparison. I’ll see you, un gusto como siempre.
Beatriz: Y como siempre ya nos estamos bien.

Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

