
Vocabulary (Review)

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Carlos: You’re Nasty! What’s going on pod101 world? My name is Carlos and with me as always is Natalia. Natty, how are you doing?
Natalia: I am doing great Carlos. Well why is that you are nasty way.
Carlos: What you nasty!
Natalia: That doesn’t sound... The name of the lesson is you’re nasty. You are nasty.
Carlos: Yeah, fine. You are nasty. Natty, do you know what?
Natalia: Carlos, it is lucky number - 7.
Carlos: You know, I wasn’t even going to say that.
Natalia: Sure. Audience even predicted that one, haha! Carlos is going to say lucky number 7. You are that predictable.
Carlos: What I was going to say was…
Natalia: Muahh…
Carlos: It is our 7th lesson. Natty, are you starting to miss the Costa Rican series yet?
Natalia: Quite a bit, I am.
Carlos: Either way Natty, you should be proud of me.
Natalia: Why?
Carlos: Come on, the title of this lesson I have so much I want to say. You nasty.
Natalia: Ah my god! If you keep saying that like that, I am going to walk away from here. Your immaturity aside, I have a surprise today.
Carlos: You have a surprise? Hold on, hold on, I have to check my feet.
Natalia: Why?
Carlos: To see if they are frozen or not.
Natalia: That’s so dumb. Well any ways, I won’t tell you the surprise.
Carlos: Oh Natty! That won’t work here, you kind of have to. This is a lesson.
Natalia: I know it’s going to be a game show.
Carlos: A game show.
Natalia: Uhoo. You will have to wait and see.
Carlos: Okay who are we meeting today?
Natalia: Someone who is dirty.
Carlos: That means there is dirty and then there is like dirty.
Natalia: Okay someone who doesn’t change his socks or to be clearer, just turns them inside out.
Carlos: Okay wait, that’s not dirty, that’s nasty.
Natalia: That’s the name of the lesson. The man just got it. Felicitaciones Carlos.
Carlos: Thank you.
Natalia: Felicitaciones. Well let’s just not waste any more time with Carlos big accomplishment and let’s go to the lesson.
1. ISABEL: Oye, Jaime, ya no lo aguanto. ¡Dejas chanchadas por todos
2. JAIME: ¡Ay, Dios! Y ahora ¿qué he hecho?.
3. ISABEL: ¿¡Qué has hecho!? Dejaste tus medias sucias en el sofá. ¡Apestan!
4. JAIME: ¡Por favor! No están sucias. Todavía me falta ponermelas al revés..
5. ISABEL: ¡Eres un asco!
6. JAIME: El problema es que eres muy asquienta.
Carlos: And now slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
1. ISABEL: Oye, Jaime, ya no lo aguanto. ¡Dejas chanchadas por todos
2. JAIME: ¡Ay, Dios! Y ahora ¿qué he hecho?.
3. ISABEL: ¿¡Qué has hecho!? Dejaste tus medias sucias en el sofá. ¡Apestan!
4. JAIME: ¡Por favor! No están sucias. Todavía me falta ponermelas al revés..
5. ISABEL: ¡Eres un asco!
6. JAIME: El problema es que eres muy asquienta.
Carlos: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
1. ISABEL: Oye, Jaime, ya no lo aguanto. ¡Dejas chanchadas por todos
1. ISABEL: Come on, Jaime, I cannot take it anymore! You leave a mess
everywhere you go!
2. JAIME: ¡Ay, Dios! Y ahora ¿qué he hecho?.
2. JAIME: Oh, God! And now what have I done?
3. ISABEL: ¿¡Qué ha hecho!? Dejaste tus medias sucias en el sofá. ¡Apestan!
3. ISABEL: What have you done!? You left your dirty socks on the couch. They
4. JAIME: ¡Por favor! No están sucias. Todavía me falta ponermelas al revés..
4. JAIME: Please! They are not dirty. I have yet to put them on inside out.
5. ISABEL: ¡Eres un asco!
5. ISABEL: You are nasty!
6. JAIME: El problema es que eres muy asquienta.
6. JAIME: The problem is that you're squeamish.
Carlos: No sorry. It is about right. That’s nasty man. At least ah like socks. They are cheap. I don’t understand,... like socks something that everybody should have like clean pair of socks
Natalia: I would kick that guy out of my house immediately. You left them in the couch Carlos.
Carlos: Don’t worry baby. I just got to turn them inside out.
Natalia: That is disgusting.
Carlos: And then it is all good.
Natalia: That is disgusting.
Carlos: You like the sweat?
Natalia: What does this have to do with Spanish man?
Carlos: Oh whatever like obviously someone is squeamish.
Natalia: Well me yes.
Carlos: Okay now that we’ve gone through the conversation and seen the nastiness of some people, Natty, what do you say we go through some of the vocabulary?
Natalia: Sounds like a good idea.
Carlos: Okay so today we are going to start off with a verb.
Natalia: aguantar
Carlos: To tolerate, to take.
Natalia: a-guan-tar, aguantar
Carlos: Next up we have a feminine noun.
Natalia: chanchada
Carlos: Mess.
Natalia: chan-cha-da, chanchada
Carlos: And then we have an adjective.
Natalia: sucio, sucia
Carlos: Dirty.
Natalia: su-ci-o, su-ci-a, sucio, sucia
Carlos: Next up a verb.
Natalia: apestar
Carlos: To stink.
Natalia: a-pes-tar, apestar
Carlos: Next up we have a masculine noun.
Natalia: asco
Carlos: Nasty, repugnance
Natalia: as-co, asco
Carlos: And then up we have an adjective.
Natalia: asquiento, asquienta
Carlos: Squeamish.
Natalia: as-qui-en-to, as-qui-en-ta, asquiento, asquienta. I want to hear you say all of this.
Carlos: aguantar, chanchada,
Natalia: chanchada
Carlos: chanchada
Natalia: You have to say it like ah…
Carlos: chanchada
Natalia: Yeah, but don’t scream, you know. Some people actually put their headphones to hear this thing. All of a sudden, you come out screaming.
Carlos: Hey Natty, Natty. Natty okay.
Natalia: We don’t want a deaf audience.
Carlos: sucio, sucia, apestar, asco, asQUEnto
Natalia: I love it. Allow me. Together - asquiento
Carlos: asquiento
Natalia: Great. Now say it quickly - asquiento
Carlos: asquiento, asquienta
Natalia: Great. See…

Lesson focus

Carlos: For those of you in the audience of SpanishPod101.com, if you want to learn Natalia’s teaching proven methods, just Google it on to Natty’s meanness and nastiness.
Natalia: The whip method.
Carlos: You know what Natie, I am telling you I don’t like living with roommates.
Natalia: Me neither.
Carlos: You know but I do find that the best roommates are the ones that you aren’t friends with to begin with. You know what I mean.
Natalia: Definitely because your friends just take advantage of the whole fact of you having a little bit of love for them.
Carlos: Yeah Natty, did I ever tell you about my roommate in my freshman year of college.
Natalia: No.
Carlos: Natalia, he was honestly the dirtiest kid I’ve ever met and I don’t mean like messy. I mean like actually dirty like I lived with him for a year and I swear to Natalia, I never saw him brush his teeth.
Natalia: Carlos, ¿Y usted tampoco se lavaba los dientes?
Carlos: It’s nasty. Okay no but seriously this dude used to get up out of bed. I swear he had the top bunk, I had the bottom bunk. He used to get up like jump off the bunk and go to class.
Natalia: Carlos, why would you stand this?
Carlos: I had to. He is my roommate. I can’t do anything about it.
Natalia: Man, I would buy some odor freshener and just spray it on his head.
Carlos: Y’all listen, I did man! I used to go into his class and like spray for breeze y’all know. And it will be like tss tss and the stink. The nasty stink used to come out and we – aaha, I still remember it.That’s disgusting.
Natalia: That was when you were in college?
Carlos: In my Freshman year.
Natalia: I would go and make them change him. Let’s go into the vocabulary.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Well. Bueno Carlos, digamos que había mucho que tolerar, especialmente el olor.
Carlos: Well thank you for that example.
Natalia: Okay well Carlos, you know what, what’s our next word? We have it all mixed up today. We are talking about dirty things, dirty roommates.
Carlos: Oh my God! It is dirty... okay.
Natalia: Wait a minute! Any ways, our next word…
Carlos: Our next word is - chanchada
Natalia: chanchada
Carlos: Chanchada, Y eah, chanchada - mess. You know I like the way that sounds.
Natalia: Your Spanish used to be a mess but now it’s better - Fue una chanchada.
Carlos: uhuhu, Thanks Natty.
Natalia: But, chanchada - is used to refer to a physical mess like saying pigsty.
Carlos: I see. Now is - chanchada - a word that would be understood everywhere?
Natalia: Uh it’s colloquial.
Carlos: Okay so how do we commonly hear it used?
Natalia: Hacer una chanchada. - To make a mess.
Carlos: Okay I get it.
Natalia: There is something to notice though.
Carlos: I am all ears.
Natalia: Notice the similarity, the similarity.
Carlos: Similarity.
Natalia: The similarity. Carlos, notice the similarity to - chancho
Carlos: Wait! Does it not mean pig?
Natalia: Chancho, yes pigs don’t exactly have the best reputation for cleaningness.
Carlos: Actually from what I understand, they are actually very clean animals.
Natalia: Okay I don’t know what pigs you are talking about but - son animales muy sucios.
Carlos: Okay maybe you are right. You know, I haven’t been on many farms. I am just saying, but I have heard. But nice use of the word - sucio.
Natalia: sucio-sucia, is an adjective that means dirty.
Carlos: Like - suciedad
Natalia: Uhm dirtiness.
Carlos: Dirtiness.
Natalia: Yeah and the verb - ensuciar - to dirty and reflexively with - ensuciarse - to get dirty.
Carlos: You know that’s a pretty easy word to learn. I mean I don’t foresee it causing any problems for anyone. Next up a verb - apestar.
Natalia: apestar
Carlos: To stink. Oh man, we are on a nasty tip today.
Natalia: It’s amazing. You can tell somebody - Tú apestas.
Carlos: You stink.
Natalia: You stink or like your roommate - En la universidad, el compañero siempre apestaba.
Carlos: Y’all ain’t that the truth. I am still haunted sometimes by it.
Natalia: Tranquilo Carlos. Well you know what, apestar - is an AR verb.
Carlos: So it’s a first conjugation verb.
Natalia: In an adjective form.
Carlos: Apestoso, apestosa - Stinky or smelly in the bad sense.
Natalia: Carlos…
Carlos: Yeah.
Natalia: How can someone become stinky in the good sense? Please explain.
Carlos: And that’s a good point Natty. I don’t know. Like y’all you are stinky man. Aaha and smile at him like you stinky, you smelly!
Natalia: Okay but you know that - apestar - is different from - oler mal.
Carlos: How so?
Natalia: Well, apestar, is nastier than - oler mal.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: So, apestar, is like a deep, deep terrible, stinky. You can take it no more. Oler mal, it could be just like a general bad smell - apestar - is when it’s just unbreathable.
Carlos: Okay so like oh my god! It like got in my mouth. This is disgusting. I can taste ah!
Natalia: Carlos stop, why... Why are we in this topic today?
Carlos: Okay, okay Natty, let’s keep the nastiness going.
Natalia: Uhoo…
Carlos: asco
Natalia: Masculine noun literally translated as repugnance. What I feel right now with this topic.
Carlos: That’s pretty strong.
Natalia: You love it. Anyways, you know.
Carlos: I do.
Natalia: I said literally. We often use it to mean gross or nasty. Carlos eres un asco. Carlos, you are nasty.
Carlos: Guilty.
Natalia: Disgusting. You see he loved the roommate all along. People, we have a point here.
Carlos: No, listen...
Natalia: He remembers the roommate. Do you miss him?
Carlos: Okay listen, okay, okay Natie. I was the roommate whoa…
Natalia: No….
Carlos: No, no, no listen. I just don’t know what gets into me sometimes. Now listen, every noun deserves a good adjective.
Natalia: That will be asqueroso, asquerosa - which does means gross or nasty as well but we are using it to modify something.
Carlos: Like?
Natalia: La comida fue asquerosa.- The food was gross. or La comida fue un asco. - The food was gross.
Carlos: But either way, never a good thing. I hate getting disappointed when I am hungry.
Natalia: Well and I hope it doesn’t make you sick.
Carlos: I have a stomach of iron as long as it is not shellfish, then I just die.
Natalia: Cuando ves un marisco te pones asquiento.
Carlos: You know Lobster is pretty much just the roach of the ocean Natty. It’s a bottomfeeder.
Natalia: Carlos
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: A beautiful, delicious bottomfeeder.
Carlos: You know, everyone always says that whenever I make that argument.
Natalia: As long as you aren’t asqueroso.
Carlos: What disgusted?
Natalia: Well let’s just say that refers to someone who is unjustifiably repugnant.
Carlos: Okay then because I have justification.
Natalia: Stop whining about your allergy.
Natalia: Carlos!
Carlos: uhm?
Natalia: uhm...It’s time we have some fun at SpanishPod101.com
Carlos: Natalia, we always have fun.
Natalia: But today I have a game.
Carlos: Oh man! This ain’t going to be good for me.
Natalia: Carlos don’t be so dramatic, just play along.
Carlos: Okay, okay what’s the game?
Natalia: Carlos Acevedo, come on down. You are the new contestant on time to name the implicit subject.
Carlos: Are you serious?
Natalia: Yes. Shut up and play man. Okay so number one - ¿listo?
Carlos: Listo
Natalia: Ya no lo aguanto. What is the subject of this sentence?
Carlos: That would be - Yo.
Natalia: And how do you know that?
Carlos: Because - aguantar, is conjugated in the first person singular with - aguanto - and before you ask how I know that, it is because of the O ending.
Natalia: Good, first one down.
Carlos: Wait! What am I playing for?
Natalia: Carlos, just play. Pride. Number two, Carlos?
Carlos: Yeah.
Natalia: Like it. Carlos?
Carlos: Like it.
Natalia: Okay you have to enjoy the game. Carlos, oh my god! Done? Are you done? Okay. Number two, Dejas chanchadas por todos lados. Name that implicit subject?
Carlos: Tú. And I know that because - dejas - is in the second person singular, the - tú - form which I know because of the AS ending. Natty, you gotta love the patterns.
Natalia: qué he hecho.
Carlos: That one is difficult.
Natalia: turururu, turururu
Carlos: Okay well that would be - Yo
Natalia: And how do you know that?
Carlos: Actually it was a guess. Am I right?
Natalia: Carlos, well since it was a guess, 50%. What’s the other half?
Carlos: Ah because - he - is the first person singular of the helping verb - haber - conjugated to the present indicative.
Natalia: Nice say
Carlos: My try.
Natalia: Okay.
Carlos: Hold on. Okay ready.
Natalia: Qué has hecho.
Carlos: Now that would be - Tú - because us is the second person singular of the helping verb - haber - conjugated to the present indicative.
Natalia: uhm, entonces, número cuatro.
Carlos: Oh, oh, she is switching to Spanish.
Natalia: Whoa! Got to make it harder. Tududu…. Dejastes tus medias sucias en el sofá.
Carlos: That would be - Tú. Dejastes tu medias sucias en el sofá.
Natalia: tus medias sucias
Carlos: tus medias sucias
Natalia: por qué
Carlos: por qué - dejar - to let, to leave, to allow is conjugated in the second person in the preterite tense on the indicative mood. Why? Because of the ASTE, ASTE ending. That’s how I know Ms. Araya.
Natalia: Do you have a chart in your house?
Carlos: Yep on my bedroom ceilings. The first thing I see when I wake up is verbs.
Natalia: The man needs a life.
Carlos: But hey, I am getting it right, aren’t I? You will come with #5.
Natalia: Vamos… Eres un asco.
Carlos: I am not sure if she is asking me #5 or making indicative statement.
Natalia: Eres un asco.
Carlos: I assume it’s the former and that will be - tú - as in - Tú eres un asco - because - ser - is conjugated to the second person of the present tense of indicative mood with - eres.
Natalia: Okay I take it back, I take it back. Keep a chart above your bed and I recommend you all to have a chart on top of your bed.
Carlos: I do, and I will.
Natalia: Okay you know what Mr. Know it all, it’s time for your homework and I hope you all liked my super show. I am bringing new ideas.
Carlos: You hear, it is like - like my show!
Natalia: Like it.
Carlos: La tarea.
Natalia: La tarea. So here is today’s assignment. Okay now you get to play. You name the implicit subject on your own and we are going to give you five sentences and you are not going to be able to see the subject pronoun in each but you can figure it out by the ending of the verb. Ready?
Carlos: Let’s have it.
Natalia: Number one-El fin de semana pasado fuimos a la playa, number two-Te quejas mucho, number three-Saliste tarde, number four-Sólo digo la verdad, number five-Quieres salir temprano, no.
Carlos: And remember people, you can always get the answers and comments on the answers by checking out the premium audio called - tarea.
Natalia: Yes apply what you have learned.


Carlos: Alright Natty. That about wraps things up for today.
Natalia: Yeah Carlos. Now say it in Spanish.
Carlos: What? That’s just about wrap things up for today?
Natalia: No say - Me gustó mucho el show de hoy.
Carlos: Me gusta mucho el show de hoy.
Natalia: Okay.
Carlos: Goodbye. Que tengan una linda semana.
Natalia: He’s like a parrot.


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