
Vocabulary (Review)

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Mexican Hotel, Part 1: Checking In
In this lesson, we’ll help you check in! In Mexico, there are many kinds of hotels. Let’s jump right into the lesson!
In Mexico, when you get to a hotel and you want to check in, you can use two possible phrases. If you have already booked the room and you want to say “I have a reservation”, that is
Tengo una reservación.
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Ten-go una re-ser-va-ción.
Once more:
Tengo una reservación.
The first word, tengo, means “I have”.
(slow) ten-go
Next we have una reservación. It is easy to guess that these words means “a reservation.”
(slow) una re-ser-va-ción
una reservación
Altogether, that’s
Tengo una reservación.
After that, the person will ask you whose name the reservation is under. If you try to say your name first, you might be seen as rude, so we recommend waiting for them to ask you. That question will probably sound like this: ¿A nombre de quién? which translates to "In whose name?" or "Under what name?"
(slow) ¿A nom-bre de qui-én?
¿A nombre de quién?
The first word is a, which means literally "to", but in this case means “in”
Next we have nombre, which means "name."
(slow) Nom-bre.
de means "of."
Last we have quién which means "who" or "whom."
(slow) Quién.
Altogether, it's:
¿A nombre de quién?
Then you tell them the name the reservation is under.
Let’s try it once. Let’s say your name is David Smith. You’d say Tengo una reservación.
And then the receptionist would ask you: ¿A nombre de quién?
Then you would respond with your name,
"David Smith".
Your name may be complicated to spell for a Mexican person, so they may ask you: ¿Podría deletrearlo, por favor? This is the Spanish version of “Could you spell it, please?”
Let’s break that down:
(slow) ¿Po-drí-a de-le-tre-ar-lo, por fa-vor?
Once more:
¿Podría deletrearlo, por favor?
The first word, podría means "could you."
Next we have deletrearlo, which means "to spell it"
(slow) deletrearlo.
At the end we have por favor, the words that mean “please.”
All together:
¿Podría deletrearlo, por favor?
If you don't have a reservation, you'll have to book a room. In order to book a room, say Quiero un cuarto, por favor meaning “I would like a room, please”.
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Qui-e-ro un cu-ar-to, por fa-vor.
Once more:
Quiero un cuarto, por favor.
The first word quiero, as you may remember means "I would like".
Then we have un cuarto which means “a room.”
(slow) Un cuarto.
Un cuarto.
And of course, don’t forget to add por favor, “please.”
All together:
Quiero un cuarto, por favor.
“I would like a room, please.”
To close out today's lessons, we’d like you to practice what you have just learned. I’ll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you’re responsible for shouting it out loud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so !buena suerte! which means “Good luck!” in Spanish.
“I have a reservation.” - Tengo una reservación.
“In whose name?” - ¿A nombre de quién?
“Could you spell it, please?” - ¿Podría deletrearlo, por favor?
“I would like a room, please.” - Quiero un cuarto, por favor.
Alright! That's going to do it for this lesson. Hasta luego.

