
Vocabulary (Review)

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Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: Jessie here - Planning a Spanish holiday. In this lesson, you learn more about demonstrative adjectives focusing on ‘these’ as in - these pictures.
Javier: Estas fotos. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at an apartment.
Javier: And who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Maria and Pedro, two friends from university.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. PEDRO: ¿Dónde vamos de vacaciones?
2. MARIA: Miremos estos folletos de agencias de viajes.
3. PEDRO: ¡Mira éste! 7 días por el Mediterráneo.
4. MARIA: Pero a estos dos países ya fuimos, ¿Qué tal estos otros tours?
(shows Pedro the pamphlet)
Jessie: Now let’s hear the dialogue one time slowly.
1. PEDRO: ¿Dónde vamos de vacaciones?
2. MARIA: Miremos estos folletos de agencias de viajes.
3. PEDRO: ¡Mira éste! 7 días por el Mediterráneo.
4. MARIA: Pero a estos dos países ya fuimos, ¿Qué tal estos otros tours?
(shows Pedro the pamphlet)
Jessie: And now with the English translation.
1. PEDRO: ¿Dónde vamos de vacaciones?
1. PEDRO: Where shall we go on vacation?
2. MARIA: Miremos estos folletos de agencias de viajes.
2. MARIA: Let's take a look at these travel agency pamphlets.
3. PEDRO: ¡Mira éste! 7 días por el Mediterráneo.
3. PEDRO: Look at this! Seven days around the Mediterranean.
4. MARIA: Pero a estos dos países ya fuimos, ¿Qué tal estos otros tours?
(shows Pedro the pamphlet)
4. MARIA: But we already went to these two countries. What about these other
tours? (shows Pedro the pamphlet)
Jessie: You know Javier, Spanish is a very useful language.
Javier: Why do you think so?
Jessie: Well it’s spoken in a lot of countries for one thing.
Javier: Yes you can use it in almost all South America and even in many parts of North America too.
Jessie: Right. In English, there are some differences between English spoken in Australia, the UK, the US, etcetera. I assume it’s the same for Spanish?
Javier: Yes of course. The basis of Spanish is the same, but some words can be very different.
Jessie: For example.
Javier: In Spain, to address a group of people, we can use - vosotros
Jessie: And this means like, you all.
Javier: Right. But in some Latin American countries, it’s common to say - ustedes
Jessie: The plural form of - usted
Javier: Right. In the Spain, this ‘usted’ it’s only used in business or with older people. Also pronunciation can be different. For example, the word shoe in Spanish - zapato, but in Latin American Spanish it could be - zapato
Jessie: Ah so there is more of a th sound used in Spain Spanish. Interesting. Listeners, do you know of any other characteristic in Spain Spanish or Latin American Spanish, let us know. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: vacaciones
Jessie: Vacation, holiday.
Javier: va-ca-cio-nes, vacaciones
Jessie: Next is
Javier: ir
Jessie: To go
Javier: ir, ir
Jessie: Next is
Javier: mirar
Jessie: To look
Javier: mi-rar, mirar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: agencia de viajes
Jessie: Travel agency.
Javier: a-gen-ci-a de vi-a-jes, agencia de viajes
Jessie: Next is
Javier: folleto
Jessie: Pamphlet
Javier: fo-lle-to, folleto
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: estos
Jessie: These
Javier: es-tos, estos
Jessie: Next is
Javier: país
Jessie: Country
Javier: pa-ís, país
Jessie: Last we have
Javier: tour
Jessie: Tour
Javier: to-ur, tour
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one is
Javier: Ir
Jessie: This is an irregular verb that means to go. As an irregular verb, it does not follow the conjugation rules of any of the three verb groups. So let’s see the conjugations in the present simple.
Javier: Yo voy
Jessie: I go.
Javier: Tú vas
Jessie: You go.
Javier: Él va
Jessie: He goes.
Javier: Nosotros vamos
Jessie: We go.
Javier: Vosotros vaís
Jessie: You all go.
Javier: Ellos van
Jessie: They go. This verb is very common. It’s a must know in Spanish. All right and the next one is
Javier: vacaciones
Jessie: Meaning vacation or holidays. This is a feminine noun that is always written in plural form. And while it’s usually translated as holidays or vacation, it can also be used to refer to a day off.
Javier: Voy de vacaciones.
Jessie: I go on vacation.
Javier: Tengo un día de vacaciones.
Jessie: I have a day off. All right and the last one.
Javier: mirar
Jessie: An ar verb meaning to see or to look at. It’s a transitive verb so it needs an object. Look at plus something.
Javier: Mirar la fotografía.
Jessie: To look at a picture. Okay, now let’s go on to the Grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is the demonstrative adjective these
Javier: Such as - estos libros
Jessie: These books. In the last few lessons, we saw what demonstrative adjectives were. Like in English, in Spanish, demonstrative adjectives make reference to a specific item and also where it is in relation to the speaker. And like all other adjectives in Spanish, it has to agree with a noun in gender and number.
Javier: Till now, we have seen - este, esta
Jessie: This.
Javier: And ese, esa
Jessie: That. And in this lesson, we will focus on the use of these.
Javier: estos and estas
Jessie: These are simple. The plural forms of esto and esta
Javier: Just note that este becomes estos in the plural form.
Jessie: All right. So in the dialogue we had
Javier: estos panfletos *folletos.
Jessie: These pamphlets. So from this, we can tell that the pamphlets are near the speaker Maria and that there are more than one. Like the others we’ve studied, these demonstrative adjectives can also be used with time expressions. For example
Javier: Estos días. these days.
Jessie: Here it refers to recent days as in today, yesterday these days. Again the masculine form of the word these is
Javier: estos as in - Estos zapatos
Jessie: These shoes and the feminine is
Javier: estas as in - estas tijeras
Jessie: These scissors. Let’s see some more examples.
Javier: Estos edificios.
Jessie: These buildings
Javier: Estas casas.
Jessie: These houses. And now it’s time for you to listen and repeat. These hats.
Javier: Estos sombreros
Jessie: These neckties
Javier: Estas corbatas
Jessie: These socks
Javier: Estos calcetines
Jessie: These tights
Javier: Estas medias
Jessie: Okay let’s recap this lesson. We continued looking at demonstrative adjectives in Spanish and focus in particular on the use of these.
Javier: estos and estas as in - Estos libros
Jessie: These books.


Jessie: Okay, well that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening everyone
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: See you all next time!
1. PEDRO: ¿Dónde vamos de vacaciones?
2. MARIA: Miremos estos folletos de agencias de viajes.
3. PEDRO: ¡Mira éste! 7 días por el Mediterráneo.
4. MARIA: Pero a estos dos países ya fuimos, ¿Qué tal estos otros tours?
(shows Pedro the pamphlet)

